1st National Arnis Congress a Success! by Tambuli Media Original article at: http://www.tambulimedia.com/2017/01/14/1st-national-arnis-congress-success/ by Bambit Dulay Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri called for unity among arnis organizations and practitioners during the opening of the 1st Arnis Congress at the Philippine Red Cross Multi-Purpose Hall in Mandaluyong City on Thursday. Zubiri, an arnis practitioner himself, is the author of Republic Act 9850 or Arnis Law declaring arnis as the national martial art and sport of the Philippines. Over 250 practitioners from more than 100 organizations attended the event, which is said to be the largest historical gathering of arnisador (arnis practitioner) to date. “This gathering is the biggest gathering in our history and in my experience as an arnisador since 1986. Grandmasters of major styles of arnis all over the country from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao are here and screaming in one voice that we would be united,” said Zubiri in an interview. Zubiri lamented the fact that arnis is more respected and appreciated in the United States and Europe. “Many of our international organizations present here have their respective international headquarters in America and Germany. Why is it that arnis is more popular there unlike in our own country?” “Now we are taking a hands-on approach with the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) and I am so happy with the support of PSC Chairman William Ramirez,” he said. According to Zubiri, PSC is the lead agency mandated by law to assist in the creation of a national unified organization for arnis. “Under the law, it is he (Ramirez) who will lead us to this direction,” he said. Zubiri said that the new unified organization will be called Alliance of Filipino Martial Arts or AFMA but the name is yet to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Ramirez has pledged to fund the organization to boost arnis’ popularity in its homeland. “We are committed to support them financially so that Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) will really grow,” said Ramirez. “We don’t ask any budget from PSC. As a matter of fact, we have sponsors for this but we welcome the move of the Chairman to help financially but I promised and told him earlier that we will make sure that every centavo will be liquidated if ever we will be needing their help,” Zubiri added. Zubiri stressed that AFMA will be inclusive, democratic and consultative. “We will not scrap or discriminate any organizations. As a matter of fact, we are extending our hands of support and welcome the group of Raymond Velayo so that they may join us in this organization.” Velayo is the president of Arnis Philippines, the national sports association of arnis, under the Philippine Olympic Committee. “Let us work together because this is an alliance of FMA. This is not just one organization but an alliance of all FMA,” said Zubiri. … [Read more...]
Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite asks the question – “Are you a dedicated student or are you a butterfly?”
Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite asks the question – “Are you a dedicated student or are you a butterfly?” Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite solía hablar de la “mariposa”, aquella que flota de flor en flor, que toma un poco de néctar de aquí y de alla, no dedicándose a cualquier ubicación por un periodo de tiempo adecuado para llegar a ser plenamente alimentada y crecer fuerte. PG Sulite decía que esto es similar al comportamiento del estudiante que constantemente va de una fuente a otra (de Instructor a Instructor) recogiendo generalidades pero nunca dominando el fundamento básico, debido a su falta de compromiso e impaciencia para permanecer en un lugar el tiempo suficiente para desarrollarse combativamente. Un entrenamiento de esa naturaleza tendrá más debilidades que fortalezas, recordemos que en el entrenamiento no buscamos la mera acumulación de técnicas pues algunas partes parecerán tener lógica, otras más no sabremos donde ponerlas, lo que buscamos es el desarrollo de las habilidades combativas, aquellas que nos permitirán protegernos o proteger a nuestros seres queridos en caso de necesidad. Así pues, la pregunta que debemos hacernos es: ¿soy un estudiante dedicado o soy una mariposa? ****** Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite used to talk about the ‘ butterfly “, Someone who floats from flower to flower, which takes a little bit of nectar from here and there, not dedicating themselves to any location for a period of time suitable for to become fully fuelled and grow strong. Punong Guro Sulite said that this is similar to the behaviour of the student who constantly goes from a source to another (from instructor to instructor) picking up generalizations, but never dominating the basic thrust, due to their lack of commitment and impatience to stay in one place long enough To develop combativamente. A training of this nature will have more weaknesses that strengths, let us remember that in the training we are not looking for the mere accumulation of techniques because some parts seem to have logic, other more we will not know where to put them, what we are looking for is the development of the skills combativas, those that Will allow us to protect us or protect our loved ones in time of need. So, the question that we must ask is: am I a dedicated student or I am a butterfly? … [Read more...]
Sen. Miguel Zubiri, Author and Sponsor of the National Arnis Law (Rep. Act 9850) gave this message during the First National Arnis Congress held at the Red Cross Headquarters Multipurpose Hall, Mandaluyong City, Philippines, on January 12, 2017.
Sen. Miguel Zubiri, Author and Sponsor of the National Arnis Law (Rep. Act 9850) gave this message during the First National Arnis Congress held at the Red Cross Headquarters Multipurpose Hall, Mandaluyong City, Philippines, on January 12, 2017. By: Joy @ https://thedeadlydance.wordpress.com/tag/national-arnis-congress-2017/ Sen. Miguel Zubiri, Author and Sponsor of the National Arnis Law (Rep. Act 9850) gave this message during the First National Arnis Congress held at the Red Cross Headquarters Multipurpose Hall, Mandaluyong City, Philippines, on January 12, 2017. He asked his staff to email this to me and I’m printing it as is. “My love affair with Arnis started many years ago, when I was a young teenager training in martial arts, fascinated by traditional Chinese and Japanese weaponry. As young boys, we all wanted to be just like Ezekiel Thompson of the movie, “Force Five” played by weapons expert Richard Norton for his expertise in different weapons systems. Inspired by these icons, I started training with these weapons systems under 9th Dan, Sensie Robert Campbell of the Uechi-Ryu Okinawan Karate while doing my open hands training and kick boxing skills with Master Topher Ricketts of Bakbakan and Sagasa Karate System. When Master Topher saw that I was interested in weapons, he asked me to try Arnis. My first reaction was “Why?”. All 16 year olds at that time wanted to be like Sho Kusugi from all the Ninja films. But then he told me to trust him about the effectiveness of the Filipino Martial Art. I guess at that time, hindi uso maging Arnisador as it wasn’t as famous as those weapons systems seen in the movies. Unlike today, where we see Tom Cruise or Matt Damon doing FMA on screen, to the delight of all FMA practitioners. So one afternoon, in 1986, Master Topher introduced me to a short and stocky man in his mid-twenties who had the biggest forearms I had ever seen. I clearly recall telling him that he had “Popeye arms”, which broke the ice and started a wonderful friendship between student and master. His name was Master Edgar Sulite. My first lesson from him was a realization of how deadly and effective our Arnis system was in the real world. He would ask me to throw sticks, and even tennis balls at him, while doing the sinawali and to my amazement; it was impossible for me to penetrate his defense. He would then show Knife fighting techniques and empty hand techniques including takedowns, which were truly effective for real life situations and not just for fancy movie props and entertainment. I was in love… in love with this martial art and there was no turning back. I discovered for myself that we had a hidden gem, a secret treasure. A martial art that was so unassuming yet so effective, so complex and yet so simple, so graceful and yet so deadly. But most of all, it was our very own Filipino Martial Art. From then on, I met and trained with other legends like Grand Master Antonio Illustrissimo and GM Tony Diego, under the watchful eye of my adopted father figure Master Rickettes. It was at this time that I saw how the art and sport grew. I had the opportunity to compete in several national competitions and the honor to represent the Philippins at the First World Arnis Tournament held at the Ninoy Aquino Stadium in 1989, under the invitation of the Cañete Family of Doce Pares and WEKAF. I will forever be greatful to them for allowing me to compete in their tournament. Unfortunately, as the sport grew, so did the intrigues. I have seen for myself how little by little, we have been tearing each other apart rather than staying united. On how groups were starting to feel unwelcome because of certain personalities. Or being deemed “disloyal” for joining certain activities not “sanctioned” by governing bodies. This should never be the case. I, myself was a victim as well, of this brand of destructive politics in sports. In 1991, I was not allowed to participate in the SEA Games Arnis competition even if I was the reigning National Champion because of the simple reason that I had joined tournaments sponsored by other organizations. Again, this should never happen. I believe that every one of you, your students and your followers, should have the support and encouragement from the government and our national organization to enhance your skills and strengthen your art and style. No jealousy, no discrimination; only support and guidance. Moving forward, through the efforts of Grand Master Roland Dantes and several Arnisador, I filed SB #3288 and in 2009, we finally passed it as RA 9850. Unfortunately, GM Roland was never able to see it made into law as he passed away before it was approved. Let us recognize his efforts. Let us give GM Roland Dantes a rousing round of applause for all his efforts to unify our Martial Art and Spots through legislation, and this is what we are recognizing today. Not just the efforts of GM Roland, but of all … [Read more...]