Seminar with Guro Dino Flores and Guro Ariel Flores Mosses. Madrid, Spain. February 15 and 16th 2025.


Seminar with Guro Dino Flores and Guro Ariel Flores Mosses. Madrid, Spain. February 15 and 16th 2025. There will be instructor and member workshops as well. Assisted by Guros/Senior Students: Tim Fredianelli - Host and Head Spain Instructor/Representative. John Mc Cabe - Washington State Head Instructor/Representative. George Freeman - Georgia State Head Instructor/ Representative. Brett Granstaff - Tennessee Head Instructor/Representative. For more information contact Tim Fredianelli. … [Read more...]

SEMINAR: LAMECO ESKRIMA & KALI ILUSTRISIMO with Guro Ariel and Guro Dino. LOCATION: Ten Tigers Martial Arts, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. DATE: January 4, 2025.


SEMINAR: LAMECO ESKRIMA & KALI ILUSTRISIMO with Guro Ariel and Guro Dino. LOCATION: Ten Tigers Martial Arts, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. DATE: January 4, 2025.   … [Read more...]



Warrior Arts of the Philippines Arnis Seminar SWORDS OF FURY 2 KALI ILUSTRISIMO & LAMECO ESKRIMA SOG with INSTRUCTORS ARIEL FLORES MOSSES, ARNOLD NARZO & DINO FLORES     Presented by: ESKRIMADOR DNA, COMBAT FMA KAPISANANG MANDIRIGMA & TEN TIGERS MARTIAL ARTS Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Location: Ten Tigers Martial Arts 6985 W. Sahara Ave. Las Vegas , NV 89117 Date: Thursday, June 27th, 2024• Time: 5PM - 8:30PM Contact: Guro Ariel - (702) 533-9688 Donation: $115.00 Email: ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORS: Guro Arnold Narzo: Guro Arnold Narzo was born on June 22, 1970 in Manila, Philippines. He started his arnis training with the legendary Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo in 1993. Kalis Ilustrisimo has long been regarded as one of the most efficient and effective system of Filipino Martial Arts. After the death of Tatang, he continued his extensive training with the late Master Tony Diego along with other senior Kalis Ilustrisimo students. Master Tony Diego designated Guro Arnold Narzo as the Chief Instructor of Kalis Ilustrisimo Repeticion Orihinal (KIRO) base in the fame Luneta Park in Manila. Arnold Narzo has experience in both tournament fighting and coaching. He was named one of the top 10 Filipino Martial Artists during the 1st Philippine Martial Arts Hall of Fame held in Manila, Philippines. - Guro Ariel Flores Mosses: Guro Ariel trained directly with Punong Guro Edgar Sulite. He originally was accepted into the “Lameco Backyard Group”, however when he left L.A. for Washington State he became the State Representative for Washington establishing a school which is still run by his students Guros John and Dale. Guro Ariel first taught Kali Ilustrisimo by Punong Guro Edgar Sulite. Guro Ariel was authorized to teach Kali Ilustrisimo by Master Christopher Ricketts and is the original Nevada and Washington State Representative. Guro Ariel is a founding member of Lameco Eskrima SOG / Kapisanang Mandirigma. He is the head instructor of Combat FMA. - Guro Dino Flores: Guro Dino is an original member of Punong Guro Edgar Sulites “Lameco Backyard Group”. He was one of Punong Guro favorite fighters from the group. Guro Dino was first taught Kali Ilustrisimo by Punong Guro Edgar Sulite. Guro Dino was authorized to instruct in Kali Ilustrisimo by both Master Christopher Ricketts and Master Tony Diego. Guro Dino is a founding member of Lameco Eskrima SOG / Kapisanang Mandirigma. - • • … [Read more...]




Lameco Eskrima / Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar in Las. Vegas with Guro Ariel F. Mosses and Guro Dino Flores – Las Vegas, Nevada. 10/14/23

LAS VEGAS SEMINAR Oct 2023 Combo copy

Lameco Eskrima / Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar in Las. Vegas with Guro Ariel F. Mosses and Guro Dino Flores - Las Vegas, Nevada. 10/14/23   Guro Ariel Flores Mosses: Guro Ariel trained directly with Punong Guro Edgar Sulite. He originally was accepted into the "Lameco Backyard Group", however when he left L.A. for Washington State he became the State Representative for Washington establishing a school which is still run by his students Guros John and Dale. Guro Ariel was authorized to teach Kali Ilustrisimo by Master Christopher Ricketts and is his original State Representantive. Guro Ariel is a founding member of Lameco Eskrima SOG / Kapisanang Mandirigma. Guro Dino Flores: Guro Dino is an original member of Punong Guro Edgar Sulites "Lameco Backyard Group". He was one of Punong Guro favorite fighters from the group. Guro Dino was authorized to teach Kali Ilustrisimo by Master Christopher Ricketts and Master Tony Diego. Guro Dino is a founding member of Lameco Eskrima SOG / Kapisanang Mandirigma. More Instructor Information: Guro Ariel: Guro Dino: More Information at: … [Read more...]



LAMECO ESKRIMA SOG MEMBER ONLY WORKSHOP - Las Vegas, Nevada. 10/14/23 Guro Ariel Flores Mosses (Lameco Eskrima SOG / Kali Ilustrisimo - Las Vegas) Guro Dino Flores (Lameco Eskrima SOG - HQ / Kali Ilustrisimo - Los Angeles) They will be assisted by Apprentice Guros Johnathan Balani, John Baloloy & Rick Alexander. All Apprentice Guros have Graduated the Lameco Eskrima SOG/EGS Minimum Sparring Requirements and have over 15 years experience in Lameco SOG / Kali Ilustrisimo. This Closed Door Workshop is specifically for Registered Members who are reviewing requirements for the Ranks of: Bagong Pasok, Baguhan, Masugid & Masipag from the Unang Baitang Level of the Lameco Eskrima SOG/EGS Official Curriculum. No Video. Photos Ok. No Spectators. Must be a Registered Member of an Authorized Chapter to attend. Location: Ten Tigers Martial Arts Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (Sahara & Rainbow) Date: Saturday, October 14th, 2023 Time: 17:00 to 19:00 Contact: Guro Ariel - (702) 533-9688 Email: • •     More Instructor Information: Guro Ariel: Guro Dino: More Information at: … [Read more...]

Remembering Guro Bud Balani – Rest In Peace – Fundraiser


DONATE:   Remembering Guro Bud Balani My name is Johnathan Balani, and it's with great sadness that I'm announcing the passing of my father, Hospecio "Bud" Balani Jr. who unexpectedly and tragically passed away on May 11, 2023 at the age of 60 years old. To those who knew him he was a great man, teacher, loyal friend, and coworker. To our family he was a great son, brother, uncle, godfather and most of all a great father. He left behind his three brothers (Phil, John, and Dale), his mother Helly, and above all his Son, Johnathan. He was dealing with a great amount of medical issues these past few years following a near fatal motorcycle accident in 2019. One year ago Bud moved to Las Vegas with Johnathan to go be with Buds mother. Beforehand, he worked as a Local 80 Motion Pictures Studio Grip for 20+ years and was a martial arts instructor of Lameco Escrima & Kali lustrisimo. Bud leaves behind a community that has been forever touched by his kindness, passion, and unmatchable hardheadedness and love for his family, friends, and colleagues. His impact on the lives will continue to be with us for years to come. Bud will be deeply missed, his spirit will live on through the memories and countless lives he has touched throughout his journey. This fundraiser is to help our family with covering the funeral costs, memorial services, and transportation to get him back to Los Angeles from Las Vegas to be laid to rest with his late wife and Johnathans mother, Cindy Balani. Our family and friends really want to make it possible to give Bud the service that he deserves. For anyone in the position and/or willing to donate to our cause, any amount of money helps and it will be appreciated tremendously by me and my family. Thank you greatly. More About Guro Bud Balani: … [Read more...]

Lameco Eskrima / Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar in Las. Vegas with Guro Ariel F. Mosses and Guro Dino Flores Sunday, April 30th, 2023

72 LAS VEGAS SEMINAR April 2023 6x6

Lameco Eskrima / Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar in Las. Vegas with Guro Ariel F. Mosses and Guro Dino Flores Sunday, April 30th, 2023. 11AM to 3PM Ten Tigers Martial Arts, Las Vegas, Nevada. Payments: Combat FMA Paypal – More Instructor Information: Guro Ariel: Guro Dino: More Information at: … [Read more...]

Lameco Eskrima S.O.G. and Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar with Guro Dino Flores – Hosted by EFA , Chiapas Mexico. Feb 11 & 12 , 2023

mexico semiar 2023 feb

Lameco Eskrima S.O.G. and Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar with Guro Dino Flores – Hosted by EFA , Chiapas Mexico. Feb 11 & 12 , 2023         … [Read more...]


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    LAMECO ESKRIMA SOG & KALI ILUSTRISIMO SEMINAR With Guro Ariel Flores Mosses, Guro Brandon Ricketts & Guro Dino Flores   Presented by Eskrimador DNA, Combat FMA, Kapisanang Mandirigma & Ten Tigers Martial Arts.   Date: August 14th, 2022. Time: 11 AM to 4 PM. Donation: $99. $125 after July 24th, 2022. Location: Ten Tigers Martial Arts. 6985 W. Sahara Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89117. Contact: Guro Ariel - Cell: (702) 533-9688 • Email:       MORE SEMINAR INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION:   Guro Ariel: YouTube Channel-Combat FMA     Guro Brandon Ricketts:   Guro Dino: … [Read more...]

LAMECO ESKRIMA SOG – ZOOM SEMINAR With Guro Ariel Flores Mosses, Guro Bong Hebia & Guro Dino Flores – Sunday, May 22nd, 2022


Lameco Eskrima SOG Spain & Germany Presents   LAMECO ESKRIMA SOG - ZOOM SEMINAR With Guro Ariel Flores Mosses, Guro Bong Hebia & Guro Dino Flores   DATE AND TIME: USA (West Coast Time) - Sunday, May 22nd, 2022 - 8 AM to 12 PM . (Streamed Live from Los Angeles, Californa).   Madrid Time (Central European Time) - Sunday, May 22nd, 2022 - 5 PM till 9 PM . (+9 Hours Ahead of  US West Coast Time).     REGISTRATION ONLY: Apprentice Guro Tim Fredianelli - Event Host Email -   $60.00 USD Per Person Prepaid. $75 Per Person after April 30th, 2022.       MORE SEMINAR INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION:   Guro Ariel: YouTube Channel-Combat FMA     Guro Bong Hebia:   Guro Dino:     EUROPEAN SEMINAR SPONSORS: Apprentice Guro Tim Fredianelli  - Spain Representative Apprentice Guro Christof Froehlich - Germany Representative     More Information at:   ------ … [Read more...]

Lameco Eskrima & Kali Ilustrisimo Europe Presents Online Zoom Seminar with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores – USA West Coast Time: Saturday, January 29th, 2022 – 8 AM to 12 PM – (Streamed Live from Los Angeles, California).

ZOOM 2 2021 RD

Lameco Eskrima& Kali Ilustrisimo Europe Presents Online Zoom Seminar with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores   ZOOM SEMINAR NEW DATE & TIMES! USA West Coast Time: Saturday, January 29th, 2022 - 8 AM to 12 PM - (Streamed Live from Los Angeles, California). Madrid Time (Central European Time):  Saturday, January 29th, 2022 - 5 PM till 9 PM  (+9 Hours Ahead of  US West Coast Time). OTHER TIME ZONES Mexico City Time:  Saturday, January 29th, 2022 - 10 AM till 2 PM - (+2 Hours Ahead of  US West Coast Time). Singapore Time:  Sunday, January 30th, 2022 -  12 AM to 4 AM - (+16 Hours of Ahead of  US West Coast Time). Melbourne Time: Sunday, January 30th, 2022 -  3 AM to 7 AM - (+19 Hours of Ahead of  US West Coast Time). (Please inform us ASAP if you see any errors in the time/date calculations) — $30 Per Person This one time special low price for the seminar is usually reserved for Kapisanang Mandirigma Spain and Germany members only. However to launch our first European Public Zoom Seminar the discount will be extended to all. $50 - if paid after January 10th, 2022. — REGISTRATION: Apprentice Guro Tim Fredianelli - Spain Representative - Event Host and Sponsor  - — MORE INSTRUCTOR INFO: Guro Ariel: YouTube Channel-Combat FMA Guro Dino: More Information at: — MORE SEMINAR INFO: … [Read more...]

Lameco Eskrima / Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar. with Guro Ariel F. Mosses and Guro Dino Flores Saturday, December 11th, 2021. Ten Tigers Martial Arts, Las Vegas, Nevada.


Lameco Eskrima / Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar. with Guro Ariel F. Mosses and Guro Dino Flores Sunday, September 12th, 2021. Ten Tigers Martial Arts, Las Vegas, Nevada. Payments: Combat FMA Paypal – More Instructor Information: Guro Ariel: Guro Dino: More Information at: … [Read more...]

Lameco Eskrima / Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar. Sunday, September 12th, 2021. Ten Tigers Martial Arts, Las Vegas, Nevada.


Lameco Eskrima / Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar. with Guro Ariel F. Mosses and Guro Dino Flores Sunday, September 12th, 2021. Ten Tigers Martial Arts, Las Vegas, Nevada. Payments: Combat FMA Paypal – More Instructor Information: Guro Ariel: Guro Dino: More Information at: … [Read more...]

Lameco Eskrima / Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar. Saturday, June 19th, 2021. Ten Tigers Martial Arts, Las Vegas, Nevada.


  Lameco Eskrima / Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar. Lameco Eskrima / Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar. Saturday, June 19th, 2021. Ten Tigers Martial Arts, Las Vegas, Nevada. Payments: Combat FMA Paypal – More Instructor Information: Guro Ariel: Guro Dino: More Information at:   … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. March 27th, 2021.


Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. March 27th, 2021. Ten Tigers Martial Arts, Las Vegas, Nevada.   … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. November 22nd, 2020.

Las Vegas Seminar 11-20

Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. November 22nd, 2020.         Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. April 4th, 2020. Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Dino Flores will be doing a seminar in Las Vegas November 22nd, 2020. It will be held at the Lohan School of Shaolin. 3850 Schiff Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89103. Strictly No Video Recording. Photos OK. Payments: Combat FMA Paypal –   More Instructor Information: Guro Ariel: Guro Dino:   More Information at:     … [Read more...]

Online Lameco Eskrima S.O.G. and Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar – Hosted by EFA , Chiapas Mexico. November 21, 2020

Zoom 2 Seminar

Online Lameco Eskrima S.O.G. and Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar – Hosted by EFA , Chiapas Mexico. November 21, 2020   … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. October 11th, 2020.

LAS VEGAS SEMINAR October 11 2020

Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores Las Vegas, Nevada. October 11th, 2020.   … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. July 26th, 2020.


      Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. July 26th, 2020.   Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Dino Flores will be doing a seminar in Las Vegas April 4th, 2020. It will be held at - Ten Tigers Martial Arts, 6985 Sahara Ave., Las Vegas, Nevada. Strictly No Video Recording. Photos OK. Payments: Combat FMA Paypal –   More Instructor Information: Guro Ariel: Guro Dino:   More Information at:   Guro Dino and Guro Ariel have been training partners since the 1980′s. They first began teaching seminars together in the 1990′s in Washington State, Oregon, Nevada and California.  About Guro Ariel: Traditional Arts for a Modern World!Master Ariel F. Mosses has over 30 years of Filipino Martial Arts experience. He has trained under the watchful eyes and close supervision of three legendary Grandmasters: Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois, the late Grandmaster Christopher “Topher” Ricketts of Kali Ilustrisimo, and the late Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite, founder of Lameco Eskrima International.Master Ariel F. Mosses is the Vice President and Chief Instructor for Manaois Systems International. Master Mosses holds an 8th degree black belt in Kali Jukune Do, as well as an 8th level Master Instructor in Manaois Eskrima.He is an authorized Senior Instructor in Lameco S.O.G., and an authorized Senior Instructor in Kali Ilustrisimo C.N.R. Master Mosses is enshrined in the Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and is a proud member of Kapisanang Mandirigma, a Federation of warriors from different disciplines of the Warrior Arts of the Philippines.Master Mosses is a certified Nevada CCW instructor.Trained by LEGENDS of Filipino CombatThe Filipino Warrior Tradition is founded upon honoring and preserving the knowledge passed on though our teachers. Each generation of students should seek to maintain the virtues and the original intent of his teachers’ systems of combat. These are the teachers and friends who have directly trained Master Mosses.Grand Master Conrad A. ManaoisGrand Master Christopher “Topher” RickettsPunong Guro Edgar G. Sulite   Close Ties: Family, Honor, TraditionMaster Mosses has close ties with the influential trainers and practitioners in FMA today. This close knit group forms a small community, frequently training together to keep the tradition ALIVE, VIBRANT, and TRUE to its roots. Master Mosses’s cousin, Guro Dino Flores, shares in this long history of training and sparring together.They began their formal training in the 1980′s with Grandmaster Henry Bio, of Sikaran Arnis. Both Master Mosses and Guro Flores also trained in the NINOY CINCO TEROS Arnis style with Grand Master Conrad A. Manaois.Each also trained directly with Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite. Guro Dino was accepted as an initial member of Sulite’s newly formed BACKYARD GROUP, AKA The Sulite Oriehenal Group (S.O.G.) into which Master Mosses became an honorary member.Master Mosses soon relocated to Washington State, where Punong Guro Sulite made Master Mosses his head representative for the state. Over the years, Punong Guro spent many weeks at Master Mosses’s home where he PERSONALLY trained Master Mosses. He became Master Mosses’s close friend and mentor. Today, Master Mosses continues to teach his beloved instructor’s Lameco Eskrima in its pure form. Guro Flores and Master Mosses also trained for many years under Grand Master Christopher N. “Topher” Ricketts until his passing in 2010.   About Guro Dino: Guro Dino trained for many years with Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois in Ninoy Cinco Teros Arnis and Master Henry Bio in Sikaran Arnis in the 1980′s along with his cousins Ariel Flores Mosses and Choy Flores. In the early 1990′s he was accepted as an initial member of Punong Guro Edgar Sulites’ newly forming Backyard Group AKA the Sulite Oriehenal Group At the recommendation of Punong Guro Sulite, Guro Dino first visited Master Christopher Ricketts in the Philippines in 1995 and was introduced to his perspective on the Warrior Arts.  Since the passing of Punong Guro Sulite,  he has continuously train in Kali Ilustrisimo Under Master Christopher Ricketts, who gave Guro Dino permission to teach his method before his passing. Guro Dino was the Lameco representative for Master Ricketts and a member of Bakbakan Philippines sponsored by Master Ricketts. Guro Dino continues his training in Master Ricketts method of training with his two sons, the young Masters Bruce and Guro Brandon Ricketts. Masters Bruce Ricketts and Guro Brandon Ricketts are now officially the head of … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. April 4th, 2020.


    Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. April 4th, 2020. Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Dino Flores will be doing a seminar in Las Vegas April 4th, 2020. It will be held at the Lohan School of Shaolin. 3850 Schiff Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89103. Strictly No Video Recording. Photos OK. Payments: Combat FMA Paypal –   More Instructor Information: Guro Ariel: Guro Dino:   More Information at: … [Read more...]

Las Vegas Eskrima Seminar, December 7th, 2019. Oido de Caburata, Tapado Arnis ,Lapu Lapu Vinas Arnis Afficionado, Backyard Lameco Eskrima, Kali Ilustrisimo


Las Vegas Eskrima Seminar, December 7th, 2019. Oido de Caburata, Tapado Arnis ,Lapu Lapu Vinas Arnis Afficionado, Backyard Lameco Eskrima, Kali Ilustrisimo   Master Joe Tan, Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Dino Flores will be doing a seminar in Las Vegas December 7th. It will be held at the Lohan School of Shaolin.3850 Schiff Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89103. Time: 10:00 am to 3:30 pm. Donation: $99 at the door.$79 if paid before November 30th, 2019. T his will be an action packed seminar. Master Joe will share his Oido de Caburata, Tapado Arnis and Lapu Lapu Vinas Arnis Afficionado. Guro Ariel and Dino will share hardcore Backyard Lameco Eskrima and Combative Kali Ilustrisimo. Don't Miss Out! Strictly No Video Recording. Photos OK. Payments: Combat FMA Paypal – Bring own helmet, hand and forearm armor, padded knife and sticks, eye protection if you want to train at a higher level or if you are in the Lameco Fundamentals Program and you want to get some sparring rounds logged in.   More Instructor Information: Master Joe Tan Guro Ariel: Guro Dino:   More Information at: … [Read more...]

morg2 – Online Since 1998 – Online Since 1998 Mandirigma Research Organization also known as is a project of Kapisanang Mandirigma. Their focus includes preserving and promoting the Warrior Arts commonly known as Kali, Eskrima and Arnis. The Warrior Arts is one of the most important aspects of any society because its very nature is to defend and preserve the culture. Thus, is also involved in researching issues from ancient to current. The primary objective of is to do its part in keeping alive ancient knowledge and give honor to the sacrifices made by previous generations.Using both traditional and modern methods in its work, has organized, collaborated with and participated in classes, conferences, demonstrations, festivals, lectures, seminars and workshops with prominent college and community organizations. More recently has even collaborated with the heritage division of Malacañan Palace on a project. Aside from their hands-on approach, utilizes multimedia technologies such as audio, desktop, video and web to reach people across the globe. Researching since the 1970′s and online since 1998, believes in being actively involved in giving back to the community. They have collaborated with and volunteered in various non-profit agencies. They have also arranged fundraisers in order to assist causes for indigenous tribal groups and organizations dedicated to cultural preservation in the Philippines. believes that this expansive pursuit is at its best a collaborative effort. This has allowed to meet and work with many fine individuals and organizations throughout the Philippines, the United States and the world. welcomes all with an open and positive mind to participate and join them on this never-ending cultural adventure. This humble site is dedicated to honoring the sacrifices of Warriors throughout the many generations that have come before us. Maraming Salamat!       Copyright 2019 The Logo is the property of Dino Flores.  Logo designed by Dino Flores in 1994. … [Read more...]

Rest In Peace Grandmaster Conrad Aquino Manaois

Grandmaster Conrad Aquina Manaois

          GM Manaois Fund for burial expenses:   Rest In Peace Grandmaster Conrad Aquino Manaois It is with my deepest sympathy to Tess, Kim and the Manaois family that we have lost such a great man, Grand Master Conrad Aquino Manaois. Manaois Eskrima International (MSI) which was established in 1979 will never be the same without him. GM Manaois has been in and out of the hospital this year due to diabetes and has been receiving dialysis treatment for his kidney complications. He passed early this morning (June 9th)  at 0255 at Glendale Memorial. I will have more information regarding services which will be held Wednesday June 19th, 2019. Our prayers and thoughts go out to all who new and loved him. I will miss you dearly my Grand Master with all of my heart. You are in Gods Hands, Ariel Flores Mosses.     -----   Rest In Peace Grandmaster Conrad Manaois. A teacher to several members of  in Cinco Teros Arnis and Manois Eskrima from the late 1980s to early 1990s. Many of the Lameco Backyard Group first met at his school in Hollywood where the doors were always open to us. You will be missed Grandmaster. GM Manaois has been in and out of the hospital this year due to diabetes and has been receiving dialysis treatment for his kidney complications. He passed the morning of June 9th - 0255 A.M. at Glendale Memorial Hospital. Services will be held Wednesday June 19th, 2019. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... About Grandmaster Conrad Manaois: Grandmaster Conrad Manaois began his training at the young age of seven under his father Marcelino “Ninoy” Manaois. Ninoy, as he was known was a Combat Judo and Jujitsu Expert and a Master of Cinco Teros Arnis who was undefeated in several of the so called “Death Matches” of the Philippines. After a formidable education under his fathers guidance, GM Manaois desired to further explore the Martial Arts world. Over a 46 year period he has studied many Martial Arts under some of the finest teachers of our time, such as Master Richard Nunez of Lima Lama and Master Leon Wang – Chinese Kung Fu and Martial Arts Fight Choregrapher. Grand Master Conrad began teaching Martial Arts to a dedicated few individuals in 1977 at the Filipino Cultural Center in Los Angeles, California. In 1979, along with 3 other Masters, he created a unique form of empty hand fighting called Kali JuKune Do. Around this same time he began to look at his family system of Kali known as Ninoy Arnis System “Cinco Teros Arnis” and to improve on it. He called his new system Manaois Eskrima. In 1984 GM Conrad opened his first private school on Temple Street in Los Angeles. While continuing to teach in Los Angeles, his certified instructors have traveled and opened schools throughout the world.       … [Read more...]

Sifu Alex Co Remembers Punong Guro Edgar Sulite

Masters Alex Co and group

Courtesy of:   Sifu Alex Co Remembers Punong Guro Edgar Sulite *The following is an essay by Sifu Alexander Lim Co, excerpted from the book, Lameco Eskrima: The Legacy of Edgar Sulite. I first met Edgar Sulite in the early 1980s under very unique circumstances. I was invited by Yuli Romo, an Arnis grandmaster, to attend a tournament sponsored by Master Picate. Yuli told me that the grandmaster considered the “King of Kings” in the field of Arnis, named Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo, shall be present in the tournament. Usually, I don’t attend tournaments because I find them boring, as I am already used to their routines. But this time, curiosity got the better of me; I desired to meet the grand master touted to be the king of Arnis. Ironically, as even in kung-fu events, which is my field, I am hardly present; but in this event, with its system then alien to me, I was very visible. I asked my best buddy, Topher Ricketts, to come along with me. It was when we reached the tournament site that we found out that Yuli will challenge and fight a young master from Cagayan de Oro, one of the provinces of the Mindanao region. Their fight will be the main highlight of the event, using live sticks and without the use of body armor. Unfortunately, their anticipated fight did not push through, as Master Picate failed to come up with the prize money. Considering that the renowned masters were already in the venue, it was decided that there would be a demonstration where each master would be presented. In the event, I was introduced by Yuli to the great “Tatang” Ilustrisimo. I cannot remember the other demonstrators, but what I vividly remembered were the ones presented by Grandmaster “Tatang” Ilustrisimo and Ka Piryong Lanada of the Lanada Style. “Tatang” did the single baston, and Ka Piryong did the double baston. The reason why I singled out these two was simply because they were the ones I knew; “Tatang” having been introduced to me there by Yuli, and Lanada, who had been featured in Inside Kung-Fu magazine through the workings of his students in the U.S. So basically, knowledge wise at that time, I could not distinguish the versatility and salient points of their different styles. After the tournament, Yuli introduced me to Edgar Sulite, whom I noticed to be very well mannered, respectful and who projected an aura of self-confidence, though still younger than most masters. I had just finished publication of my first book on Ngo Cho Kun, and I was aware that there as a demand for reference materials for the ever-growing market of Arnis practitioners. During those times, the only available book on Arnis was the one published by Remy Presas. In the course of our conversation, publishing a book on Arnis came up. I thought a book on the art would be a great idea as the art of Arnis, though well-known in the Visayas and Mindanao regions, was then not so well-known in the metropolis of Manila and its neighboring cities. In fact, it was widely believed that Arnis was personified and represented only by the style of Remy Presas, who had established quite a name in this field, by virtue of his book. I found the young Edgar Sulite very skilled, educated and very passionate about Arnis. I gave my business card to him to pay me a visit, and sure enough, the following week, he appeared at my doorstep, presented me with a manuscript of his work, and was indeed looking for a publisher. This started our business and personal relationship, and together with Topher Ricketts, we three established a lifelong friendship. Edgar would come to my office almost every day to discuss his book and demonstrate his Arnis knowledge to us. I would in turn expose him to the field of kung-fu, sharing my knowledge of Ngo Cho, Hung-gar, Praying Mantis, internal strength training, while Topher would delve into full-contact, pugilistic fighting with boxing basics and scientific training methods. So, in essence, we three became brothers in the martial arts, and at nighttime, would regularly practice at the penthouse of my residence in Makati. Since the three of us were in constant company, I got to introduce Edgar and Topher to the different kung-fu masters, and Edgar also utilized some internal kung-fu techniques in his Lameco Eskrima, which explains his seemingly internal strength. I also learned Edgar’s Arnis style: Lameco. So the three of us each had knowledge in Arnis, Kung-fu, pugilistic fighting with specific strength on our own individual systems. The publication of Edgar Sulite’s book was a great challenge to me. First, we had to change his original manuscript to be able to appeal to the readers. As I was more experienced in the field of book publishing I suggested we incorporate many items to make the book attractive enough to the readers, like putting its history, calisthenics, basics and fundamentals, strides, attack and defense techniques, closed … [Read more...]

LAMECO ESKRIMA and KALI ILUSTRISIMO CAMP – Saturday, August 24 & Sunday August 25 , 2019. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Vegas Camp 11x17 V2 flat

  Warrior Arts of the Philippines Arnis Camp - Las Vegas, USA LAMECO ESKRIMA and KALI ILUSTRISIMO   Saturday, August 24 & Sunday August 25 , 2019     Featuring Guro’s Bong Hebia, Ariel Flores Mosses & Dino Flores. Don’t miss this opportunity to train with World Class Eskrimadors!   Date: Saturday, August 24, 2019. Location: Lohan School of Shaolin Las Vegas Chinatown, Nevada. Registration: 9am Event Time: 10am - 5pm   Date: Sunday, August 25, 2019. Location: Lohan School of Shaolin Las Vegas Chinatown, Nevada. Event Time: 10am - 5pm   Contact: Guro Ariel - (702) 533-9688 Email:   Seminar Fees:   2 Days Seminar Prepaid - $125 • At the door - $175   1 Day Seminar Prepaid - $95 • At the door - $130   Prepaid special ends July 1st, 2019   -------   Additional Workshops:   Date: Monday, August 26th Subject: Sparring Workshop & Coaching. Sparring qualifies towards ranking requirements. Location: TBD Event Time: 10am - 2:30pm Fee: $50 *Please bring own Padded Weapons, Helmet, Gloves and Armor.   Date: Tuesday, August 27th Subject: Combat FMA - Firearm Basics. Fundamentals of Shooting. Includes Live Fire. Location: Green Valley Range Event Time: 10am - 2:30pm Fee: $75 - Includes Workshop, firearm, ammo & range time.   Date: Wednesday, August 28th Subject: Lameco Eskrima Fundamentals and Foundations. For students interested in Essential Lameco or ranking. Location: Ten Tigers Martial Arts Event Time: 10am - 2:30pm Fee: $50 --- Strictly No Video Recording. Photos OK. Payments: Combat FMA Paypal - Bring your own Sparring Gear if you want to participate in Sparring. Bring own helmet, hand and forearm armor, padded knife and sticks, eye protection. Gear available at Some gear will be available at event. Sparring Sunday & Monday.   ------ • •   Presented by: TEN TIGERS MARTIAL ARTS, LOHAN SCHOOL OF SHAOLIN, GREEN VALLEY RANGE, ESKRIMADOR DNA, COMBAT FMA & KAPISANANG MANDIRIGMA   ---   … [Read more...]

The first written account of “KALI” as the pre-Hispanic name of the Filipino Martial Arts


The first written account of “KALI” as the pre-Hispanic name of the Filipino Martial Arts Source: “Mga Karunungan sa Larong Arnis” by Placido Yambao and Buenaventura Mirafuente, University of the Philippines Press, 1957… the first book on the Filipino Martial Arts that we know now… its section on the history of the Filipino Martial Arts stated that when the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines, Filipino Martial Arts was not yet called “ARNIS” but “KALI” (“Ang KALI na dinatnan ng mga Kastila ay hindi pa ARNIS ang tawag noong 1610″)… The book also mentioned that a KALI demonstration was once performed in honor of the newly-arrived Conquistador Miguel Lopez de Legazpi on the order of a tribal leader in the Island of Leyte…     Philippine Hero Rev. Fr. Gregorio Aglipay, the source of Yambao & Mirafuente’s “KALI”…   REV. FR. GREGORIO AGLIPAY, 1860-1940 (center), the first Supreme Bishop of the Philippine Independent Church (Wikipedia photo)…Rev. Fr. Aglipay was the source of the information that the original name of the Filipino Martial Arts is KALI in the book “Mga Karunungan sa Larong Arnis” authored by Placido Yambao and Buenaventura Mirafuente (University of the Philippines Press, 1957):’Ang KALI na Dinatnan ng mga Kastila ay Hindi pa Arnis ang Tawag nuong 1610…. Noong unang panahon ang larong ito’y kilala sa tawag na “KALI” ng ating mga ninuno, nguni’t sa hindi maiwasang pagbabago ng panahon at pangyayari (underscoring mine) ay pinamagatan nila ng “Panandata” sa Tagalog, “Pagkalikali” sa kapatagan ng Kagayan ng mga Ibanag, “Kalirongan” sa Pangasinan, “Kaliradman” sa Bisaya at “Pagaradman” sa Ilongo nuong 1860, at “Didya” sa Ilokos at muling naging “Kabaroan,” ayon kay Rev. Fr. Gregorio Aglipay na bantog din sa arnis nuong 1872.’TRANSLATION: ‘The indigenous martial art that the Spanish encountered in 1610 was not yet called Arnis at that time. During those times, this martial art was known as “KALI” to our ancestors.  Due to theunavoidable changing of the times and circumstances (underscoring mine), this martial art became known as “Panandata” to the Tagalogs, “Pagkalikali” to the Ibanags of the plains of Cagayan, “Kalirongan” to the people of Pangasinan, “Kaliradman” to the Visayans, “Pagaradman” to the Ilonggos in 1860, and “Didya” to the Ilocanos (but later on changed to “Kabaroan”).  This is according to Rev. Fr. Gregorio Aglipay, who himself was a famous Arnis practitioner in 1872.’ … [Read more...]

Lameco Eskrima & Kali Ilustrisimo Spain Opens New Location in Madrid. November 2018


Lameco Eskrima & Kali Ilustrisimo Spain Opens New Location in Madrid. November 2018   Curso de inauguracion de nuestra nueva sala en Avenida de Carabanchel Alto con el Presidente de la Federación de Esgrima Histórica FEEH Manuel Campo (de Galicia) nuestro Instructor Quino (de Cantabria), Manu García Nieto (de Asturias) Pionero de MMA en España y luchador de Bellator, y ex campeon de Kick y guarda espaldas de los famosos Xacobo Gancedo. DM nos ofrece tambien curso teórico de municiones. Y Kali Ilustrisimo, Lameco y JKD. Todo un encuentro. Mas completo imposible.                               +++++++++++++++++++  About Tim B. Fredianelli: Tim B. Fredianelli is Assistant Instructor in Jeet Kune Do under Sifu Tim Tackett and Sifu Bob Bremmer, Certified Knife Expert under Hock Hocheim, 2nd dan Black Belt in Kick Boxing, was a senior member of the Instituto de Kali Jun Fan in Madrid for 11 years training in Inosanto Kali and Muay Thai, and Wing Chung, Jun Fan and Jeet Kune Do. Has more than 25 years of experience in martial arts. Was the first to train and promote Lameco Eskrima and Kalis Ilustrisimo in Spain, and has been promoting and training Lameco and Kalis Ilustrisimo since 2003. He now trains a small group of dedicated students in all these arts.       … [Read more...]


vegas sept 2018

LAMECO ESKRIMA & KALI ILUSTRISIMO SEMINAR, SEPTEMBER 15, 2018 10AM-4PM. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA.       For more Information, Contact Guro Ariel Flores Mosses: (702) 533-9688 … [Read more...]

Lameco Eskrima S.O.G. and Kali Ilustrisimo Camp – Chiapas Mexico. November 2, 3, 4 – 2018.


Lameco Eskrima S.O.G. and Kali Ilustrisimo Camp - Chiapas Mexico. November 2, 3, 4 – 2018.       Prepárate!! CAMPAMENTO INTERNACIONAL LAMECO ESKRIMA. Noviembre 2018. Efectividad en este enorme legado! Además KALI ILUSTRISIMO! Chiapas, México. Tres Guros herederos de LAMECO ESKRIMA, el legado de Punong Guro Edgar Sulite de nuevo en México! Para mayor información ve el Cartel con quienes comunicarte y en EFA. Comunícate … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour August 2018 with Guro Dino Flores

Guro Dino Flores kali arnis eskrima

Seminar: Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour August 2018 with Guro Dino Flores       More information about Guro Dino:  About Guro Dino: Guro Dino trained for many years with Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois in Ninoy Cinco Teros Arnis and Master Henry Bio in Sikaran Arnis in the 1980′s along with his cousins Ariel Flores Mosses and Choy Flores. In the early 1990′s he was accepted as an initial member of Punong Guro Edgar Sulites’ newly forming Backyard Group AKA the Sulite Oriehenal Group At the recommendation of Punong Guro Sulite, Guro Dino first visited Master Christopher Ricketts in the Philippines in 1995 and was introduced to his perspective on the Warrior Arts.  Since the passing of Punong Guro Sulite,  he has continuously train in Kali Ilustrisimo Under Master Christopher Ricketts, who gave Guro Dino permission to teach his method before his passing. Guro Dino was the Lameco representative for Master Ricketts and a member of Bakbakan Philippines sponsored by Master Ricketts. Guro Dino continues his training in Master Ricketts method of training with his two sons, the young Masters Bruce and Guro Brandon Ricketts. Masters Bruce Ricketts and Guro Brandon Ricketts are now officially the head of the late Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts “Ilustrisimo” organization which strives to preserve the purity of the art. Guro Dino additionally had good fortune to experience training in Kali Ilustrisimo with Dodong Sta. Iglesia, Grandmaster Rey Galang, Grandmaster Yuli Romo and Grandmaster Tony Diego. He also trained in Kali Ilustrisimo with one of his training partners and fellow Lameco Backyard member Guro Hans Tan, who was certified to teach Kali Ilustrsimo under Master Tony Diego.Additionally Guro Dino trained privately for several years in California and the Philippines with Professor Ireneo L. Olavides in Eskrima De Campo JDC-IO. Guro Dino also cites the importance of his training partners in Lameco SOG and Kapisanang Mandirigma in his growth. After the passing of Punong Guro Edgar Sulite, certain members of the Lameco Backyard group reformed also became know as Kapisanang Mandirigma. The group regularly continued  training, sparring, experimenting and seeking the deeper roots of their chosen arts. This group includes Guros Joel Adriatico, Hospecio “Bud” Balani Jr., Mar Elepaño, Choy Flores, Arnold Noche, Gary Quan, Hans Anton Tan and Pantaleon “Mang Leo” Revilles, Jr. (RIP). With frequent visits by Guro Lowell Pueblos, Guro Bong Hebia and honorary member Guro Ariel Flores Mosses.   For more information – Contact Guro Dino’s LAMECO S.O.G and Kali Ilustrisimo Representative in Spain, Tim Fredianelli:       … [Read more...]

Seminar: Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois. Manaois Eskrima – Saturday, August 11th, 2018. Los Angeles, California

Manois 2018 Seminar

Seminar: Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois. Manaois Eskrima - Saturday, August 11th, 2018. Los Angeles, California About Grandmaster Conrad Manaois: Grandmaster Conrad Manaois began his training at the young age of seven under his father Marcelino “Ninoy” Manaois. Ninoy, as he was known was a Combat Judo and Jujitsu Expert and a Master of Cinco Teros Arnis who was undefeated in several of the so called “Death Matches” of the Philippines. After a formidable education under his fathers guidance, GM Manaois desired to further explore the Martial Arts world. Over a 46 year period he has studied many Martial Arts under some of the finest teachers of our time, such as Leo Gaje Jr. founder of the Pekiti-Tirsia Kali System, Master Richard Nunez of Lima Lama and Master Leon Wang – Chinese Kung Fu and Martial Arts Fight Choregrapher. Grand Master Conrad began teaching Martial Arts to a dedicated few individuals in 1977 at the Filipino Cultural Center in Los Angeles, California. In 1979, along with 3 other Masters, he created a unique form of empty hand fighting called Kali JuKune Do. Around this same time he began to look at his family system of Kali known as Ninoy Arnis System “Cinco Teros Arnis” and to improve on it. He called his new system Manaois Eskrima. In 1984 GM Conrad opened his first private school on Temple Street in Los Angeles. While continuing to teach in Los Angeles, his certified instructors have traveled and opened schools throughout the world.       Manaois Systems International / World Kali Jukune Do Federation Authorized Instructors by GM Conrad A. Manaois on Saturday, 14 January 2012 at 03:01 The Following are current/active instructors authorized by me: Bobis, Adrian C. – Manaois Systems International / Kali Jukune Do (LA, CA) Buenafe, Ronnie M. – Manaois Systems International / Kali Jukune Do (LA, CA) Kemper, Dale – Manaois Systems International (Moses Lake, WA) Mc Cabe, John – Manaois Systems International / Kali Jukune Do (Moses Lake, WA) Mosses, Ariel F. – Manaois Systems International / Kali Jukune Do (Las Vegas, NV) Navarette, Adrian – Kali Jukune Do (LA, CA) Rhodes, Rick – Manaois Systems International / Kali Jukune Do (Moses Lake, WA) Stacy, Chris – Manaois Systems International (LA, CA) Therrien, Rickey – Kali Jukune Do (LA, CA) All certificates that have been issued for Manaois Systems International / World Kali Jukune Do Federation in the past & present will be considered null and void, and regarded as expired unless it is authenticated by me. Maraming salamat, GM Conrad A. Manaois … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. May 26th, 2018.


Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. May 26th, 2018.       Guro Dino and Guro Ariel have been training partners since the 1980′s. They first began teaching seminars together in the 1990′s in Washington State, Oregon, Nevada and California. About Guro Ariel: Traditional Arts for a Modern World!Master Ariel F. Mosses has over 30 years of Filipino Martial Arts experience. He has trained under the watchful eyes and close supervision of three legendary Grandmasters: Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois, the late Grandmaster Christopher “Topher” Ricketts of Kali Ilustrisimo, and the late Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite, founder of Lameco Eskrima International.Master Ariel F. Mosses is the Vice President and Chief Instructor for Manaois Systems International. Master Mosses holds an 8th degree black belt in Kali Jukune Do, as well as an 8th level Master Instructor in Manaois Eskrima.He is an authorized Senior Instructor in Lameco S.O.G., and an authorized Senior Instructor in Kali Ilustrisimo C.N.R. Master Mosses is enshrined in the Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and is a proud member of Kapisanang Mandirigma, a Federation of warriors from different disciplines of the Warrior Arts of the Philippines.Master Mosses is a certified Nevada CCW instructor.Trained by LEGENDS of Filipino CombatThe Filipino Warrior Tradition is founded upon honoring and preserving the knowledge passed on though our teachers. Each generation of students should seek to maintain the virtues and the original intent of his teachers’ systems of combat. These are the teachers and friends who have directly trained Master Mosses.Grand Master Conrad A. ManaoisGrand Master Christopher “Topher” RickettsPunong Guro Edgar G. Sulite   Close Ties: Family, Honor, TraditionMaster Mosses has close ties with the influential trainers and practitioners in FMA today. This close knit group forms a small community, frequently training together to keep the tradition ALIVE, VIBRANT, and TRUE to its roots. Master Mosses’s cousin, Guro Dino Flores, shares in this long history of training and sparring together.They began their formal training in the 1980′s with Grandmaster Henry Bio, of Sikaran Arnis. Both Master Mosses and Guro Flores also trained in the NINOY CINCO TEROS Arnis style with Grand Master Conrad A. Manaois.Each also trained directly with Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite. Guro Dino was accepted as an initial member of Sulite’s newly formed BACKYARD GROUP, AKA The Sulite Oriehenal Group (S.O.G.) into which Master Mosses became an honorary member.Master Mosses soon relocated to Washington State, where Punong Guro Sulite made Master Mosses his head representative for the state. Over the years, Punong Guro spent many weeks at Master Mosses’s home where he PERSONALLY trained Master Mosses. He became Master Mosses’s close friend and mentor. Today, Master Mosses continues to teach his beloved instructor’s Lameco Eskrima in its pure form.Guro Flores and Master Mosses also trained for many years under Grand Master Christopher N. “Topher” Ricketts until his passing in 2010.   About Guro Dino: Guro Dino trained for many years with Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois in Ninoy Cinco Teros Arnis and Master Henry Bio in Sikaran Arnis in the 1980′s along with his cousins Ariel Flores Mosses and Choy Flores. In the early 1990′s he was accepted as an initial member of Punong Guro Edgar Sulites’ newly forming Backyard Group AKA the Sulite Oriehenal Group At the recommendation of Punong Guro Sulite, Guro Dino first visited Master Christopher Ricketts in the Philippines in 1995 and was introduced to his perspective on the Warrior Arts.  Since the passing of Punong Guro Sulite,  he has continuously train in Kali Ilustrisimo Under Master Christopher Ricketts, who gave Guro Dino permission to teach his method before his passing. Guro Dino was the Lameco representative for Master Ricketts and a member of Bakbakan Philippines sponsored by Master Ricketts. Guro Dino continues his training in Master Ricketts method of training with his two sons, the young Masters Bruce and Guro Brandon Ricketts. Masters Bruce Ricketts and Guro Brandon Ricketts are now officially the head of the late Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts “Ilustrisimo” organization which strives to preserve the purity of the art. Guro Dino additionally had good fortune to experience training in Kali Ilustrisimo with Dodong Sta. Iglesia, Grandmaster Rey Galang, Grandmaster Yuli Romo and Grandmaster Tony Diego. He also trained in Kali Ilustrisimo with one of his training partners and fellow Lameco Backyard member Guro Hans Tan, who was certified to teach Kali Ilustrsimo under Master Tony Diego.Additionally Guro Dino trained privately for several years in California and the Philippines with Professor Ireneo L. … [Read more...]



  COMBATIVES AND SELF-DEFENSE SEMINAR MAY 19, 2018 12:00PM-7PM Guro Roger Agbulos Guro Dino Flores Guro Ariel Flores GM Conrad Manaois For the first time ever, four seasoned Martial Arts Instructors joined forces to present the best in COMBATIVES and SELF-DEFENSE! This event will feature LAMECO, KALI ILUSTRISIMO, COMBAT FMA and MANAOIS SYSTEMS. Certificates will be provided to all attendees at the conclusion of the event. Free Parking! Please bring goggles/eye protector, gym gloves or hockey gloves. Optional: sticks, knife and long blade trainers. These will be provided on a first come first serve bases at the event. SEMINAR FEE: $45/person - advance payment on or before May 5th, 2018. $55/person - advance payment by May 18th, 2018. $65/person - at the door. PayPal Account: or check. Call Bob for more Tel: (818) 357-0440. **** GROUP RATES AVAILABLE **** Venue: ENERGIX MARTIAL ARTS & FITNESS 20812 Lassen Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Tel: 818-773-1747 Lameco Astig - Kali - Ilustrisimo - MSI Guro Roger Agbulos, Master Ariel F Mosses, Guro Dino Flores, Grandmaster Conrad Manaois … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour August 2018 with Guro Dino Flores

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Seminar: Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour August 2018 with Guro Dino Flores   More information about Guro Dino:  About Guro Dino: Guro Dino trained for many years with Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois in Ninoy Cinco Teros Arnis and Master Henry Bio in Sikaran Arnis in the 1980′s along with his cousins Ariel Flores Mosses and Choy Flores. In the early 1990′s he was accepted as an initial member of Punong Guro Edgar Sulites’ newly forming Backyard Group AKA the Sulite Oriehenal Group At the recommendation of Punong Guro Sulite, Guro Dino first visited Master Christopher Ricketts in the Philippines in 1995 and was introduced to his perspective on the Warrior Arts.  Since the passing of Punong Guro Sulite,  he has continuously train in Kali Ilustrisimo Under Master Christopher Ricketts, who gave Guro Dino permission to teach his method before his passing. Guro Dino was the Lameco representative for Master Ricketts and a member of Bakbakan Philippines sponsored by Master Ricketts. Guro Dino continues his training in Master Ricketts method of training with his two sons, the young Masters Bruce and Guro Brandon Ricketts. Masters Bruce Ricketts and Guro Brandon Ricketts are now officially the head of the late Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts “Ilustrisimo” organization which strives to preserve the purity of the art. Guro Dino additionally had good fortune to experience training in Kali Ilustrisimo with Dodong Sta. Iglesia, Grandmaster Rey Galang, Grandmaster Yuli Romo and Grandmaster Tony Diego. He also trained in Kali Ilustrisimo with one of his training partners and fellow Lameco Backyard member Guro Hans Tan, who was certified to teach Kali Ilustrsimo under Master Tony Diego.Additionally Guro Dino trained privately for several years in California and the Philippines with Professor Ireneo L. Olavides in Eskrima De Campo JDC-IO. Guro Dino also cites the importance of his training partners in Lameco SOG and Kapisanang Mandirigma in his growth. After the passing of Punong Guro Edgar Sulite, certain members of the Lameco Backyard group reformed also became know as Kapisanang Mandirigma. The group regularly continued  training, sparring, experimenting and seeking the deeper roots of their chosen arts. This group includes Guros Joel Adriatico, Hospecio “Bud” Balani Jr., Mar Elepaño, Choy Flores, Arnold Noche, Gary Quan, Hans Anton Tan and Pantaleon “Mang Leo” Revilles, Jr. (RIP). With frequent visits by Guro Lowell Pueblos, Guro Bong Hebia and honorary member Guro Ariel Flores Mosses.   For more information – Contact Guro Dino’s LAMECO S.O.G and Kali Ilustrisimo Representative in Spain, Tim Fredianelli:       … [Read more...]

Seminar: With Grandmaster Nene Gaabucayan of NNG Balintawak Arnis Seminar, Sydney 2018


  Grandmaster Nene Gaabucayan of NNG Balintawak Arnis Seminar, Sydney 2018 Grandmaster Nene Gaabucayan of NNG Balintawak International is flying in from Los Angeles, California to conduct a one day seminar. Learn an aspect of Balintawak that shows accuracy, speed, and power. Training is intense, in a sense that the new learner has to control the stick. --- About Grandmaster Nonato “Nene” Gaabucayan “Standing at 5 feet, 2 inches tall and weighting no more that 120 pounds, Venancio “Anciong” Bacon was a very unassuming man. He was a veteran of a great many “death” matches in Cebu. Described by many of his students as lightning fast, Venancio Bacon maneuvered through a fight smoothly while exploiting his opponents’ balance and coordination. He was known to be very surgical with a stick, able to employ varying force to his exact targets throughout his adversary’s body. But, his greatest virtue and asset was his constant desire to innovate and improve his art, diligently discovering techniques through the years, never ceasing in this path. He taught his art to those who desired to learn it.” At age 16, Nonato “Nene” Gaabucayan was introduced to Venancio “Anciong” Bacon’s BALINTAWAK. In early 1976, “Nene” Gaabucayan moved to Cebu City from Cagayan de Oro to attend college. He lived in a boarding house owned by “Ben” Marapao in Urgello area. Upon learning that Nene was interested in continuing his Karate training, Dr. Marapao suggested he take up Eskrima. Nene attended one training session, in which he was given a demonstration by Teofilo Velez. He’d never seen anything like it, since then he had always been a loyal student and teacher of BALINTAWAK. Along with Teofilo Velez, Nene trained with Bobby Taboada, Chito Velez, Monnie Velez, Eddie Velez, Romeo de la Rosa, and Hector Rizzari. Training was hard, and he made a point to be there every day. Like a sponge, everybody poured whatever Balintawak knowledge they had to this very eager 16 year old. In return, he learned from them. At 18, Nene began teaching his own crop of students in Lapu-Lapu City. He divided his time between his studies at the Philippine Air Force College of Aeronautics and the YMCA in Lapu-Lapu. After completing his studies in Cebu, Nene returned to Cagayan de Oro. As one of Teofilo Velez’ master instructors, he carried the Gold Chapter of Teovel Balintawak. He continued to teach Balintawak. In 1987, Nene traveled to Germany and later to Switzerland to teach BALINTAWAK. He stayed in Europe for 3 years, then returned to Cagayan de Oro. Nene has been teaching BALINTAWAK for 35 years.   For more information: … [Read more...]

Rest In Peace Guro Victor Gendrano Jr.


  Help Guro Victor’s family with the funeral and medical costs. The Story On March 14th 2018, we unexpectedly lost a son, brother, uncle, teacher, and friend in Victor Gendrano Jr. Victor, who many of us called “Guro,” the Filipino term for teacher, was a positive influence in so many lives and a man who had great passion for teaching and sharing his culture from the Philippines through martial arts. Guro Victor was always one of the first to help new students at the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts. Guro Vic was recently diagnosed with colon cancer and passed shortly after. We would like to reach out to our extended martial arts family and friends to help Guro Victor’s family with the funeral and medical costs.   Guro Victor will be greatly missed and will remain in our hearts and memories for the rest of our lives.   Padayon sa emung paglakaw.   Sumalangit nawa ang Iyong kaluluwa.   May your soul Rest In Peace Guro Vic!   Rest In Peace  Guro Victor Gendrano Jr Guro Victor Gendrano Jr started training in 1980 at Guro Dan Inosanto's first school, Kali Academy. Guro Richard Bustillo was the instructor of the class & the curriculum covered FMA, JKD, boxing & kickboxing. At some point, Victor decided to concentrate on FMA & started training in Guro Dan's class. In 1994, he became an instructor under Guro Dan & started teaching at the Inosanto Academy. He still teaches & trains at the school to this day. Victor is the founder & chief instructor of his organization, Filipino Martial Heritage. The purpose of this organization is to promote Filipino culture through the propagation of the Filipino Martial Arts. He holds an annual FMA training camp in Cebu which is taught by him & local grandmasters. For the past few years, he has been co-organizing a stick & blade tournament in Los Angeles. He handles the blade section which uses padded swords & shields. Steve del Castillo handles the stick section which has featured live stick & padded sticks.   Guro Victor Gendrano Jr. with members. … [Read more...]

Photo of soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army’s 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment. 1942 – 1946


Photo of soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army's 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment. 1942 - 1946 Photo courtesy of: Pelagio Valdez‎ 1st Filipino Regiment, U.S. Army, 1942-1946 Photo of soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army's 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment. Training with "Bolo" knives in this drill, they went "head to head" against each squad. These machetes dated as far back as the Philippine Revolution and the Philippine-American War. Through history, even Philippine Scouts used these weapons. They were later used by these inductees who entered the Filipino Regiments. When the 1st Filipino Battalion was first formed in April 1942 at Camp San Luis Obispo, California many of the inductees who were farmhands in civilian life brought their own field machetes to the training camps. Lt. Col. Robert H. Offley, the battalion commander was soon promoted and assumed command of the newly formed 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment. Activated in July 1942 at the Salinas Rodeo Grounds, the unit moved to Fort Ord where the 2nd Regiment was born in October. By the winter of 1943, Camp Beale became the next temporary home. And during the summer, infantry training was conducted at Camp Roberts and the adjacent Hunter Liggett Military Reservation. Somewhere in the process, ColNoel Offley decided to authorize and incorporate "Bolo" knives into the combat inventory of his soldiers. Proficiency became mandatory as practice made perfect. This weapon was also excellent for clearing jungle debris as an entrenching tool as well as for offensive and defensive purposes. Intensive infantry training also continued at Camp Cooke, California with the 2nd Filipino Infantry Regiment. Sometime in 1943, prominent Los Angeles businessmen arrived at this post of the "Sulung" soldiers. On this eventful day, "Bolo" knives were presented to the officers and NCO's of the unit. This was done as a publicity stunt to show the American people of the existence of the Filipino Regiments. The 2nd Regiment now became the only official unit in U.S. Army history to be presented "Bolo" knives for use in combat. The enlisted men had previously trained with these field machetes. Both regiments were now armed with these deadly Filipino weapons. And testing would be conducted in the upcoming battles of the Southwest Pacific Area of Operations. "LAGING UNA" - "ALWAYS FIRST" "SULUNG" - "FORWARD" "BAHALA NA!" - "COME WHAT MAY!" "IN HONOR OF OUR FATHERS!" "76TH ANNIVERSARY (1942-2018)” — at Camp Roberts/Hunter Liggett Military Reservation, CA   … [Read more...]

Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo: Legendary Swordsman from Cebu. By Melanie -March 22, 2017


    Original Article at Queen City Cebu   Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo: Legendary Swordsman from Cebu By Melanie  - March 22, 2017 We have been super fans of martial artists like Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, of wrestlers Hulk Hogan and The Rock, of MMA fighters Anderson Silva and Ronda Rousey, and of boxing champ Manny Pacquiao. But how much do we know of one Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo – a legendary swordsman, a master of Filipino Martial Arts, born in Cebu? Eskrima Ancestry Antonio Ilustrisimo’s combat skills and unusual courage was perhaps partly innate. He was born to a family with a long history of martial and mystical arts. In fact, the Ilustrisimos were recognized as one of the three eskrima clans in Cebu during the time, along with the Saavedras and the Romos. Pablo Ilustrisimo was known to be the first in the family to practice eskrima. Pablo then passed the skill to Juan de Dios Ilustrisimo, who passed it to Isidro, Melecio and Regino Ilustrisimo. Antonio’s paternal uncles, Regino and Melecio Ilustrisimo, were martial arts masters. Regino became an arnis master in Stockton, USA while Melecio became a famous Kali master in the Philippines and especially popular in Central Visayas (Cebu and Bohol) at the turn of the 20th century. Much of Antonio’s early eskrima training he got from his father, Isidro Illustrisimo, and from his uncles. Whatever the young Antonio learned from his father and uncles, he passed on to younger family members including his cousin, Floro Villabrialle, who became a renowned Filipino arnis master in Hawaii, and his grandnephew, Samuel Ilustrisimo. Sultanate Adoption A master in the making, Antonio was truly fit in the courts of kings (or in this case, of sultans). Although only nine, he was already very ambitious and adventurous. He dreamed of setting foot on American soil and making a name for himself there. Deprived of his family’s permission and blessing, the young Antonio took a boat out to sea with nothing but some of his family’s money and a machete. Little did he know that the land of milk and honey was thousands of miles away and cannot be reached by a lowly paddle boat rowed by a boy of nine. While paddling in the open sea, Antonio chanced upon a ship and agreed to sail with its crew, visiting various local ports. In one of the ports, the young Antonio met a family friend, a Muslim, who brought him to Jolo, Sulu in Mindanao where Antonio’s transitioned from boyhood to manhood. As his physical body developed, his combat and eskrima skills did too. According to accounts, he was later adopted by Hadji Butu, a Sultan of Sulu and the first Muslim senator of the Philippines. There, Antonio took the Muslim name, Montesali. While at the Sultan’s courts, Antonio further honed his combat skills alongside Moro warriors and Pedro Cortes, a famous martial arts master of Mindanao and a former sparring partner of Antonio’s father. First Kill Antonio’s first actual fight and kill took place in Jolo, Sulu. At 17, he had already mastered kali using the “barong”, the Tausug national sword – a leaf-shaped blade esteemed for its ability to sever an arm, leg or neck with a single blow. Unmindful of the Islamic restriction against drinking, Antonio had some beer but was reprimanded by another Muslim. The two had a couple of heated exchanges and ended up drawing each of their Tausug swords. The opponent was skillful, but teenaged Antonio was nimble and clever. Using the “tumbada” technique of parrying and cutting simultaneously, Antonio instantly beheaded his opponent. Although it was a gentleman’s fight, Antonio was intoxicated – a big no-no in Muslim law. To prevent inter-clan war, his adoptive Sultan father paid blood money and sent Antonio on exile to Cebu. Antonio was back to his home province and was reunited with his family. But this reunion was rather brief. Antonio seemed to grow restless when on safe harbor, in the confines of his hometown. He returned to sailing and traveled extensively. Tournament vs Real Combat Grandmaster Antonio Ilustrisimo never stopped training and perfecting his combat skills. He would join arnis matches in barrio fiestas, and even fought grand masters in other countries such as Singapore, India, America, Europe and Australia. Albeit his undefeated position in the martial arts arena, Antonio would rather fight naturally, without restrictions, without combat pads or armor, and fight according to specific terms of defeat, which may mean a fight to the death. According to Tatang, during an interview with Australasian Fighting Arts Magazine (AFAM), “the fancy stuff in arnis, all the flowery movements, is only for stage shows and demonstrations, not for real fighting.” He would go on to explain … [Read more...]

Budo International Publishing Co. is one of the world’s leading publishers in the field of martial arts, with more than 35 years in the industry.

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                Budo International Publishing Co. is one of the world's leading publishers in the field of martial arts, with more than 35 years in the industry. Budo International Has been a big supporter of and associated projects. It has additionally been an early promoter of Lameco Eskrima, Kali Ilustrisimo and the Warrior Arts of the Philippines in general. It is among the favorite Martial Arts publishing companies of Budo International Publishing Co. is one of the world's leading publishers in the field of martial arts, with more than 35 years in the industry. Our product catalog: Instructional Martial Arts, Combat Sports & Self Defense DVDs (PAL and NTSC, more than 600 titles in 5 languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian), Videos on Download Books, and Free online monthly Magazine Budo International in 8 language editions (English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese).     The late Punong Guro Edgar Sulite on the cover. The first magazine ever to publish an article about him. First to put him on the cover. Many publications would follow years later, but Budo Publishing  was the first. … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. March 23rd, 2018


Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. March 23rd, 2018.       Guro Dino and Guro Ariel have been training partners since the 1980′s. They first began teaching seminars together in the 1990′s in Wahington State, Oregon, Nevada and California. About Guro Ariel: Traditional Arts for a Modern World!Master Ariel F. Mosses has over 30 years of Filipino Martial Arts experience. He has trained under the watchful eyes and close supervision of three legendary Grandmasters: Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois, the late Grandmaster Christopher “Topher” Ricketts of Kali Ilustrisimo, and the late Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite, founder of Lameco Eskrima International.Master Ariel F. Mosses is the Vice President and Chief Instructor for Manaois Systems International. Master Mosses holds an 8th degree black belt in Kali Jukune Do, as well as an 8th level Master Instructor in Manaois Eskrima.He is an authorized Senior Instructor in Lameco S.O.G., and an authorized Senior Instructor in Kali Ilustrisimo C.N.R. Master Mosses is enshrined in the Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and is a proud member of Kapisanang Mandirigma, a Federation of warriors from different disciplines of the Warrior Arts of the Philippines.Master Mosses is a certified Nevada CCW instructor.Trained by LEGENDS of Filipino CombatThe Filipino Warrior Tradition is founded upon honoring and preserving the knowledge passed on though our teachers. Each generation of students should seek to maintain the virtues and the original intent of his teachers’ systems of combat. These are the teachers and friends who have directly trained Master Mosses.Grand Master Conrad A. ManaoisGrand Master Christopher “Topher” RickettsPunong Guro Edgar G. Sulite   Close Ties: Family, Honor, TraditionMaster Mosses has close ties with the influential trainers and practitioners in FMA today. This close knit group forms a small community, frequently training together to keep the tradition ALIVE, VIBRANT, and TRUE to its roots. Master Mosses’s cousin, Guro Dino Flores, shares in this long history of training and sparring together.They began their formal training in the 1980′s with Grandmaster Henry Bio, of Sikaran Arnis. Both Master Mosses and Guro Flores also trained in the NINOY CINCO TEROS Arnis style with Grand Master Conrad A. Manaois.Each also trained directly with Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite. Guro Dino was accepted as an initial member of Sulite’s newly formed BACKYARD GROUP, AKA The Sulite Oriehenal Group (S.O.G.) into which Master Mosses became an honorary member.Master Mosses soon relocated to Washington State, where Punong Guro Sulite made Master Mosses his head representative for the state. Over the years, Punong Guro spent many weeks at Master Mosses’s home where he PERSONALLY trained Master Mosses. He became Master Mosses’s close friend and mentor. Today, Master Mosses continues to teach his beloved instructor’s Lameco Eskrima in its pure form.Guro Flores and Master Mosses also trained for many years under Grand Master Christopher N. “Topher” Ricketts until his passing in 2010.   About Guro Dino: Guro Dino trained for many years with Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois in Ninoy Cinco Teros Arnis and Master Henry Bio in Sikaran Arnis in the 1980′s along with his cousins Ariel Flores Mosses and Choy Flores. In the early 1990′s he was accepted as an initial member of Punong Guro Edgar Sulites’ newly forming Backyard Group AKA the Sulite Oriehenal Group At the recommendation of Punong Guro Sulite, Guro Dino first visited Master Christopher Ricketts in the Philippines in 1995 and was introduced to his perspective on the Warrior Arts.  Since the passing of Punong Guro Sulite,  he has continuously train in Kali Ilustrisimo Under Master Christopher Ricketts, who gave Guro Dino permission to teach his method before his passing. Guro Dino was the Lameco representative for Master Ricketts and a member of Bakbakan Philippines sponsored by Master Ricketts. Guro Dino continues his training in Master Ricketts method of training with his two sons, the young Masters Bruce and Guro Brandon Ricketts. Masters Bruce Ricketts and Guro Brandon Ricketts are now officially the head of the late Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts “Ilustrisimo” organization which strives to preserve the purity of the art. Guro Dino additionally had good fortune to experience training in Kali Ilustrisimo with Dodong Sta. Iglesia, Grandmaster Rey Galang, Grandmaster Yuli Romo and Grandmaster Tony Diego. He also trained in Kali Ilustrisimo with one of his training partners and fellow Lameco Backyard member Guro Hans Tan, who was certified to teach Kali Ilustrsimo under Master Tony Diego.Additionally Guro Dino trained privately for several years in California and the Philippines with Professor Ireneo L. … [Read more...]

FMA Informative 6th Year Anniversary Issue kali arnis eskrima fma 2017-12-27

FMA Informative 6th Year Anniversary Issue   Download the 6th Anniversary Issue here:     The FMAdigest was established in 2004. The mission of the FMAdigest was for the promotion of the Filipino martial arts and the Philippine Culture. The FMAdigest had various issues throughout 2004 through 2010. It published 43 Special Issues (which were for information that would continuously happen), 75 Special Editions (which were a one-time issue on a particular subject), 22 Mini Issues (which were events that had enough material to become an issue or too large for the FMAdigest quarterly issue), 7 Recognition Issues (which came out at the end of the year recognizing individuals, organizations for their dedication and promulgation of the Filipino martial arts), and finally 5 Christmas Issues (which came out just before Christmas – This was done the last 5 years of the FMAdigest). The FMA Informative started on December 1, 2010 with its first issue “Will Total Unity in the Filipino Martial Arts Ever Be A Reality?” and on January 1, 2011 the first FMA Informative newspaper came out. Well this is the 6th Anniversary of the FMA Informative yes six years in trying to promulgate and promote the Filipino Martial Arts and the Philippines Culture. Six years of FMA Informative issues which came out when material was available, so in six years there where 312 weeks, and the FMA Informative was able to publish 261 issues. The FMA Informative issue which is an online magazine, the issues are designed to speak about one subject, whether a basic concept of a style, philosophy, techniques, a cultural aspect of the Philippines etc. The submitted material must be at least 10 page minimum, but can be as long as desired. It is hoped all have enjoyed the FMA Informative Issues. Please pass the word so more practitioners, and non-practitioners can join in on sharing their knowledge, aspects, and experience. The FMA Informative is a non-profit online magazine; we do not solicit, expect or want donations, just material to share with others. The FMA Informative Staff is dedicated to the Propagating of the Filipino martial arts and the Culture of the Philippines. It must be remembered that the FMA Informative is what you make it, if nothing received, and then nothing can be given. Be one that shares. … [Read more...]

Guro Bud Balani of Kapisanang Mandirigma Remembers Master Wilson Vinas of Lapu Lapu Viñas Arnis


Guro Bud Balani Remembers Master Wilson Vinas of Lapu Lapu Viñas Arnis   Master Wilson Vinas May 29, 1945 to Nov 10, 2017       In Remembrance of Grandmaster Wilson 'Nonong' Viñas of Viñas Lapu Lapu Arnis Affecionados, whom I first met in Bacolod city, Philippines @ Y2K REST IN PEACE   Signage above the entrance of the Original Viñas Lapu Lapu Arnis Gym on Lacson street @ Bacolod City. GM Jose Viñas founded his organization in 1932, which made it the oldest arnis organization in Negros Occidental, Philippines   My visit with Master Nonong @ his Residence / Gym Bacolod city 2000 Meeting for first time in 15 years LAX 2015   Welcoming Master Nonong on his arrival to the US with Master Joe Tan, who is an original student of Master Nonong's father, Grandmaster Jose Viñas, who founded the Viñas Lapu Lapu Arnis Affecionados in Bacolod city in 1932, which was the oldest Arnis organization in Negros Occidental, Philippines LAX 2015   Master Viñas was kind enough to share some of his vast knowledge to a group at the Aranda-Ricketts Memorial FMA Gym in Glendale during his visit to California in 2015. Master Vinas first ever Public Seminar. Mandirigma was honored to sponsor this historic event. ( ) GM Nonato 'Nene' Gaabucayan of NNG Balintawak came to welcome Nonong on his visit, as well as Guro Dino Florence, of Lameco SOG / Kali Ilustrisimo, who was also one of the sponsors of this rare event. Master Joe Tan, had driver duty, as he was an original student of Master Nonong's father, the late great, GM Jose Viñas, founder of Viñas Lapu Lapu Arnis Affecionados of Bacolod city, Philippines … [Read more...]

Guro Dino Flores in Budo Magazine, Japanese, Chinese and French Language Edition. November 2017.


Guro Dino Flores in Budo Magazine, Japanese and Chinese Language Edition. November 2017.           ---------         Budo International Has been a big supporter of and associated projects. It has additionally been an early promoter of Lameco Eskrima, Kali Ilustrisimo and the Warrior Arts of the Philippines in general. It is among the favorite Martial Arts publishing companies of Budo International Publishing Co. is one of the world's leading publishers in the field of martial arts, with more than 35 years in the industry. Our product catalog: Instructional Martial Arts, Combat Sports & Self Defense DVDs (PAL and NTSC, more than 600 titles in 5 languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian), Videos on Download Books, and Free online monthly Magazine Budo International in 8 language editions (English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese).       The late Punong Guro Edgar Sulite on the cover. The first magazine ever to publish an article about him. First to put him on the cover. Many publications would follow years later, but Budo Publishing  was the first. … [Read more...]

Manois Eskrima 40th Anniversary Workshop. Las Vegas, Nevada. November 2017.


    Manois Eskrima 40th Anniversary Workshop. Las Vegas, Nevada. November 2017.   … [Read more...]

Article: Zona de Campeones – Guro DIno Flores impartió seminario de Lameco Eskrima y Kali Ilustrisima. September 2017

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Article: Zona de Campeones - Guro DIno Flores impartió seminario de Lameco Eskrima y Kali Ilustrisima. September 2017     … [Read more...]

Guro Ariel Flores Mosses Lameco and Ilustrisimo Eskrima Seminar. August 13th, 2017. Moses Lake, Washington.

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guro dino flores lameco iluystrisimo


Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. June 24th, 2017.


Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. June 24th, 2017.     … [Read more...]

Manaois Eskrima – Grand Master Conrad Manaois


About Grand Master Conrad Manaois     began his training at the young age of seven under his father Marcelino “Ninoy” Manaois. Ninoy, as he was known was a Combat Judo and Jujitsu Expert and a Master of Cinco Teros Arnis who was undefeated in several of the so called “Death Matches” of the Philippines. After a formidable education under his fathers guidance, GM Manaois desired to further explore the Martial Arts world. Over a 46 year period he has studied many Martial Arts under some of the finest teachers of our time, such as Leo Gaje Jr. founder of the Pekiti-Tirsia Kali System, Master Richard Nunez of Lima Lama and Master Leon Wang – Chinese Kung Fu and Martial Arts Fight Choregrapher. Grand Master Conrad began teaching Martial Arts to a dedicated few individuals in 1977 at the Filipino Cultural Center in Los Angeles, California. In 1979, along with 3 other Masters, he created a unique form of empty hand fighting called Kali JuKune Do. Around this same time he began to look at his family system of Kali known as Ninoy Arnis System “Cinco Teros Arnis” and to improve on it. He called his new system Manaois Eskrima. In 1984 GM Conrad opened his first private school on Temple Street in Los Angeles. While continuing to teach in Los Angeles, his certified instructors have traveled and opened schools throughout the world.       Manaois Systems International / World Kali Jukune Do Federation Authorized Instructors by GM Conrad A. Manaois on Saturday, 14 January 2012 at 03:01 The Following are current/active instructors authorized by me: Bobis, Adrian C. – Manaois Systems International / Kali Jukune Do (LA, CA) Buenafe, Ronnie M. – Manaois Systems International / Kali Jukune Do (LA, CA) Kemper, Dale – Manaois Systems International (Moses Lake, WA) Mc Cabe, John – Manaois Systems International / Kali Jukune Do (Moses Lake, WA) Mosses, Ariel F. – Manaois Systems International / Kali Jukune Do (Las Vegas, NV) Navarette, Adrian – Kali Jukune Do (LA, CA) Rhodes, Rick – Manaois Systems International / Kali Jukune Do (Moses Lake, WA) Stacy, Chris – Manaois Systems International (LA, CA) Therrien, Rickey – Kali Jukune Do (LA, CA) All certificates that have been issued for Manaois Systems International / World Kali Jukune Do Federation in the past & present will be considered null and void, and regarded as expired unless it is authenticated by me. Maraming salamat, GM Conrad A. Manaois … [Read more...]

Guro Ariel F. Mosses Seminar hosted by South Jersey Tactical Fighting Arts. June 10th – 11th, 2017.


Guro Ariel F. Mosses Seminar hosted by South Jersey Tactical Fighting Arts South Jersey Tactical Fighting Arts Presents:  COMING JUNE 10TH AND 11TH To Folsom N.J. Https:// Traditional Arts for a Modern World!Master Ariel F. Mosses has over 30 years of Filipino Martial Arts experience. He has trained under the watchful eyes and close supervision of three legendary Grandmasters: Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois, the late Grandmaster Christopher "Topher" Ricketts of Kali Ilustrisimo, and the late Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite, founder of Lameco Eskrima International.Master Ariel F. Mosses is the Vice President and Chief Instructor for Manaois Systems International. Master Mosses holds an 8th degree black belt in Kali Jukune Do, as well as an 8th level Master Instructor in Manaois Eskrima.He is an authorized Senior Instructor in Lameco S.O.G., and an authorized Senior Instructor in Kali Ilustrisimo C.N.R. Master Mosses is enshrined in the Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and is a proud member of Kapisanang Mandirigma, a Federation of warriors from different disciplines of the Warrior Arts of the Philippines.Master Mosses is a certified Nevada CCW instructor.Trained by LEGENDS of Filipino CombatThe Filipino Warrior Tradition is founded upon honoring and preserving the knowledge passed on though our teachers. Each generation of students should seek to maintain the virtues and the original intent of his teachers' systems of combat. These are the teachers and friends who have directly trained Master Mosses.Grand Master Conrad A. ManaoisGrand Master Christopher "Topher" RickettsPunong Guro Edgar G. Sulite Close Ties: Family, Honor, TraditionMaster Mosses has close ties with the influential trainers and practitioners in FMA today. This close knit group forms a small community, frequently training together to keep the tradition ALIVE, VIBRANT, and TRUE to its roots. Master Mosses's cousin and friend, Guro Dino Flores, shares in this long history of training and sparring together.They began their formal training in the 1980's with Grandmaster Henry Bio, of Sikaran Arnis. Both Master Mosses and Guro Flores also trained in the NINOY CINCO TEROS Arnis style with Grand Master Conrad A. Manaois.Each also trained directly with Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite. Guro Dino was accepted as an initial member of Sulite's newly formed BACKYARD GROUP, AKA The Sulite Oriehenal Group (S.O.G.) into which Master Mosses became an honorary member.Master Mosses soon relocated to Washington State, where Punong Guro Sulite made Master Mosses his head representative for the state. Over the years, Punong Guro spent many weeks at Master Mosses's home where he PERSONALLY trained Master Mosses. He became Master Mosses's close friend and mentor. Today, Master Mosses continues to teach his beloved instructor's Lameco Eskrima in its pure form.Guro Flores and Master Mosses also trained for many years under Grand Master Christopher N. "Topher" Ricketts until his passing in 2010. … [Read more...]

Ten Tigers Martial Arts Las Vegas presents Guro Dino Flores and Guro Ariel Flores Mosses Seminar in Ilustrisimo & Lameco Eskrima. Las Vegas, Nevada, Saturday, April 29th, 2017


Ten Tigers Martial Arts Las Vegas presents Guro Dino Flores and Guro Ariel Flores Mosses Seminar in Ilustrisimo & Lameco Eskrima. Las Vegas, Nevada, Saturday, April 29th, 2017   … [Read more...]

Lameco Eskrima Practitioners Honor Punong Guro Edgar Sulite on his 20th Death Anniversary with training sessions and gatherings around the globe.


Lameco Eskrima Practitioners Honor Punong Guro Edgar Sulite  on his 20th Death Anniversary with training sessions and gatherings around the globe.       Punong Guro Edgar Sulite September 25, 1957 – April 10, 1997   ------------   MADRID, SPAIN     Madrid, Spain Group headed by Guro Tim Fredianelli: Honoring the memory of Punong Guro Edgar Sulite by training in Lameco Arnis in Madrid Spain. Our mode to all Lameco practitioners everywhere! Punong Guro Sulites 20th death anniversary. In Honor of Punong Guro Edgar Sulite we made a special training today. Our respects to our brothers from Lameco everywhere.     --------   MEXICO CITY, MEXICO     -------------   ZACATEPEC DE HIDALGO, MEXICO       ------   PINTO, SPAIN   Pinto Spain Group headed by Alfonso Lopez: On April 2 we did a training, in memory, and tribute to Punong Guro Edgar Sulite, in which we read the biography of Punong Guro, and performed a training with a great feeling, of course we had a memory of our brother recently deceased Alex Garduño, Our respects to all Lameco practitioners everywhere, Punong Guro Edgar Sulite 20th Death anniversary, and a special thanks to our Guros to keep alive the memory of Punong Guro. ----- LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA         ----- FOLSOM, NEW JERSEY, USA   South Jersey Group headed by Jamie Morris … [Read more...]

Rest In Peace Guro Alejandro Garduno Hernandez of Lameco Eskrima Mexico/Combat Academy. 1970 to 2017.


  An announcement from Guro Dave Gould: I wanted to announce to everyone on the Group some sad news; One of my most trusted and loyal Lameco Eskrima students from Mexico has just passed. Most of you know him and have befriended him on Face Book, Alejandro "Alex" Garduno from Morelos. On September 12, 2016 after test results came back, Alex was diagnosed with a blood disease called: "Hemoconcentration" which is associated with a life time of untreated High Blood Pressure, which resulted in an enlarged heart, the same thing that happened to PG Sulite which lead to his suffering a stroke 20 years ago from two day ago. Alex died from the stroke that he was felled by. Alex first began training with me back in 2000 when I was flown into teach a Lameco Eskrima seminar in Mexico City. He went on to become my student and trained with me as he would bring me to Mexico for Seminars over the years. He ranked under me as an Apprentice Instructor in the Lameco Eskrima system. He also later brought in brother Roger Agbulos and Dino Flores to do Seminars there in Mexico, as well he hosted the Sulite Orehenal Group in Mexico City in 2014 where Bong Hebia, Bud Balani Jr., Dino Flores, and I conducted a Lameco Eskrima Camp there for three days. He will be missed... Rest in peace brother :( ------ From Guro Dino Flores: Rest well Alex... Rest In Peace my good friend. One of the kindest gentlemen I have ever met. Not only was Alex one of the primary heads of Lameco Eskrima in Mexico, he was also our representative for Kali Ilustrisimo in Mexico. Love and prayers to Leti and all the immediate and huge extended family. You will be dearly missed. ----   … [Read more...]

Punong Guro Edgar Sulite interview by Guro Steve Tarani. February 1997.


Following is a very interesting Interview from 20 years ago of Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite, conducted by our Lameco Eskrima "backyard" brother, Steve Tarani in February of 1997. This was probably the last interview that PG Sulite would give before he passed away soon after on April 10, 1997. This interview was published in Guro Dan Inosanto`s; Inosanto Academy of Martial Art`s (IAMA) "Free Voice" Magazine which was made available quarterly to those of us who trained at the Inosanto Academy. This Interview was in the Spring Issue of 1997 just after PG Sulite pased away. In the Interview PG Sulite speaks about his years of practicing the Chinese Internal Arts of Tai-Chi and Hsing-I, both of which he had trained for quite a while back in the Philippines while he was younger. There he would get up early every morning and train his Kali, Arnis and Eskrima for hours, which was always a very intensive hard energy driven labor. He would then follow that up and finish with a Tai-Chi or Hsing-I session and then meditate to balance the "warrior inside" as he would call it, that being his spiritual being which had to be in harmonious balance with his physical being to complete both opposing sides of "yin and yang" representing both hard and soft when combining Lameco Eskrima with Tai-Chi and Hsing-I. PG Sulite used to demonstrate to us often his push hands of Hsing-I. I remember him literally lifting our Lameco Eskrima "backyard" brother, Hans Anton Tan off of his feet and throwing him into the side of a wall to demonstrate the power of his Chi. He practiced a lot of this with our "backyard" brother Bong Hebia as well. PG Sulite would often tell us that we had to master both external and internal in order to have the best and most effective versions of our combative selves to come forward. In addition to training Tai-Chi and Hsing-I, PG also trained Ng Cho Kung Fu from his friend and publisher, Master Alexander L. Co in addition to that PG Sulite would further condition his palms, hands and forearms with a type of Iron Palm training. All of this in addition to his Indigenous Pilipino Warrior Arts of Kali, Arnis and Eskrima. Click on each of the two images below to read the full context of the interview below.       … [Read more...]

Written by Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite; From the “Vortex” Lameco Eskrima International Newsletter, Volume 4, Number 1 circa 1995.


Written by Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite; From the "Vortex" Lameco Eskrima International Newsletter, Volume 4, Number 1 circa 1995. … [Read more...]

Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite on the need of having “LAMECO” Goals in training, in life and beyond… circa May 1993.

lameco goals

Below is what Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite had to say about the need of having "LAMECO" Goals in training, in life and beyond... circa May 1993. This was published in our quarterly Lameco Eskrima "Vortex" Newsletter, Volume 2, Number 3 circa 1993.   … [Read more...]

The Year of Remembrance, Legacy and Honor, regarding the milestone Anniversaries of the following: Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite whose 20th Anniversary of Death will be on April 10, 2017. GM Jose D. Caballero whose 30th Anniversary of Death will be on August 24, 2017. GM Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo whose 20th Anniversary of Death will be on August 30, 2017.


    Guro Dave Gould made this poster to declare 2017: The Year of Remembrance, Legacy and Honor, regarding the milestone Anniversaries of the following: Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite whose 20th Anniversary of Death will be on April 10, 2017. GM Jose D. Caballero whose 30th Anniversary of Death will be on August 24, 2017. GM Antonio "Tatang" Ilustrisimo whose 20th Anniversary of Death will be on August 30, 2017. For all Lameco Eskrima practitioners the lives and contributions of all three of these men should be celebrated as they were all so responsible for the Lameco Eskrima system as we know and practice it today. We know that there will be events planned to pay respect for PG Sulite on his upcoming 20th Anniversary of death and throughout the year and I really hope that we will all do the same in honor of both GM Jose D. Caballero and GM Antonio "Tatang" Ilustrisimo in like manner, as the knowledge of both run deep in the Lameco Eskrima system in making it as effective as it is. Naturally we will always honor the memory of Master "Topher" Ricketts for his influence on the Lameco Eskrima system as well as all of our fraternal Lameco Eskrima family who have passed both some time ago and recently. Lets make this a memorable year for all of these great men and remind people who we are and from whence we come. … [Read more...]

Guro Dan Inosanto interview about his Lameco Eskrima Instructor, PG Edgar G. Sulite. April 1997.


Guro Dan Inosanto interview about his Lameco Eskrima Instructor, PG Edgar G. Sulite. April 1997. Below is an interview circa April 1997 that Guro Dan Inosanto gave about his Lameco Eskrima Instructor, PG Edgar G. Sulite. Guro Dan Inosanto trained privately in Lameco Eskrima under PG Sulite from 1989 - 1997 for a total of 8 years and was very impressed with his combative prowess as well as his teaching ability. In that time Guro Dan Inosanto rose to the rank of Senior Instructor in the Lameco Eskrima system under PG Sulite and has been the Vice President (Vice Chairman) of the Lameco Eskrima International Association since about 1990 and still remains in that position today. The interview below was published in Guro Dan Inosanto`s; Inosanto Academy of Martial Art`s (IAMA) "Free Voice" Magazine which was made available quarterly to those of us who trained at the Inosanto Academy. This Interview was in the Spring Issue of 1997 just after PG Sulite passed away. … [Read more...]

1st National Arnis Congress a Success!


1st National Arnis Congress a Success! by Tambuli Media Original article at: by Bambit Dulay Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri called for unity among arnis organizations and practitioners during the opening of the 1st Arnis Congress at the Philippine Red Cross Multi-Purpose Hall in Mandaluyong City on Thursday. Zubiri, an arnis practitioner himself, is the author of Republic Act 9850 or Arnis Law declaring arnis as the national martial art and sport of the Philippines. Over 250 practitioners from more than 100 organizations attended the event, which is said to be the largest historical gathering of arnisador (arnis practitioner) to date. “This gathering is the biggest gathering in our history and in my experience as an arnisador since 1986. Grandmasters of major styles of arnis all over the country from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao are here and screaming in one voice that we would be united,” said Zubiri in an interview. Zubiri lamented the fact that arnis is more respected and appreciated in the United States and Europe. “Many of our international organizations present here have their respective international headquarters in America and Germany. Why is it that arnis is more popular there unlike in our own country?” “Now we are taking a hands-on approach with the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) and I am so happy with the support of PSC Chairman William Ramirez,” he said. According to Zubiri, PSC is the lead agency mandated by law to assist in the creation of a national unified organization for arnis. “Under the law, it is he (Ramirez) who will lead us to this direction,” he said. Zubiri said that the new unified organization will be called Alliance of Filipino Martial Arts or AFMA but the name is yet to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Ramirez has pledged to fund the organization to boost arnis’ popularity in its homeland. “We are committed to support them financially so that Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) will really grow,” said Ramirez. “We don’t ask any budget from PSC. As a matter of fact, we have sponsors for this but we welcome the move of the Chairman to help financially but I promised and told him earlier that we will make sure that every centavo will be liquidated if ever we will be needing their help,” Zubiri added. Zubiri stressed that AFMA will be inclusive, democratic and consultative. “We will not scrap or discriminate any organizations. As a matter of fact, we are extending our hands of support and welcome the group of Raymond Velayo so that they may join us in this organization.” Velayo is the president of Arnis Philippines, the national sports association of arnis, under the Philippine Olympic Committee. “Let us work together because this is an alliance of FMA. This is not just one organization but an alliance of all FMA,” said Zubiri. … [Read more...]

Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite asks the question – “Are you a dedicated student or are you a butterfly?”

Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite asks the question – “Are you a dedicated student or are you a butterfly?”   Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite solía hablar de la “mariposa”, aquella que flota de flor en flor, que toma un poco de néctar de aquí y de alla, no dedicándose a cualquier ubicación por un periodo de tiempo adecuado para llegar a ser plenamente alimentada y crecer fuerte. PG Sulite decía que esto es similar al comportamiento del estudiante que constantemente va de una fuente a otra (de Instructor a Instructor) recogiendo generalidades pero nunca dominando el fundamento básico, debido a su falta de compromiso e impaciencia para permanecer en un lugar el tiempo suficiente para desarrollarse combativamente. Un entrenamiento de esa naturaleza tendrá más debilidades que fortalezas, recordemos que en el entrenamiento no buscamos la mera acumulación de técnicas pues algunas partes parecerán tener lógica, otras más no sabremos donde ponerlas, lo que buscamos es el desarrollo de las habilidades combativas, aquellas que nos permitirán protegernos o proteger a nuestros seres queridos en caso de necesidad. Así pues, la pregunta que debemos hacernos es: ¿soy un estudiante dedicado o soy una mariposa? ****** Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite used to talk about the ‘ butterfly “, Someone who floats from flower to flower, which takes a little bit of nectar from here and there, not dedicating themselves to any location for a period of time suitable for to become fully fuelled and grow strong. Punong Guro Sulite said that this is similar to the behaviour of the student who constantly goes from a source to another (from instructor to instructor) picking up generalizations, but never dominating the basic thrust, due to their lack of commitment and impatience to stay in one place long enough To develop combativamente. A training of this nature will have more weaknesses that strengths, let us remember that in the training we are not looking for the mere accumulation of techniques because some parts seem to have logic, other more we will not know where to put them, what we are looking for is the development of the skills combativas, those that Will allow us to protect us or protect our loved ones in time of need. So, the question that we must ask is: am I a dedicated  student or I am a butterfly? … [Read more...]

Sen. Miguel Zubiri, Author and Sponsor of the National Arnis Law (Rep. Act 9850) gave this message during the First National Arnis Congress held at the Red Cross Headquarters Multipurpose Hall, Mandaluyong City, Philippines, on January 12, 2017.

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Sen. Miguel Zubiri, Author and Sponsor of the National Arnis Law (Rep. Act 9850) gave this message during the First National Arnis Congress held at the Red Cross Headquarters Multipurpose Hall, Mandaluyong City, Philippines, on January 12, 2017.   By: Joy @ Sen. Miguel Zubiri, Author and Sponsor of the National Arnis Law (Rep. Act 9850) gave this message during the First National Arnis Congress held at the Red Cross Headquarters Multipurpose Hall, Mandaluyong City, Philippines, on January 12, 2017. He asked his staff to email this to me and I’m printing it as is. “My love affair with Arnis started many years ago, when I was a young teenager training in martial arts, fascinated by traditional Chinese and Japanese weaponry. As young boys, we all wanted to be just like Ezekiel Thompson of the movie, “Force Five” played by weapons expert Richard Norton for his expertise in different weapons systems. Inspired by these icons, I started training with these weapons systems under 9th Dan, Sensie Robert Campbell of the Uechi-Ryu Okinawan Karate while doing my open hands training and kick boxing skills with Master Topher Ricketts of Bakbakan and Sagasa Karate System. When Master Topher saw that I was interested in weapons, he asked me to try Arnis. My first reaction was “Why?”. All 16 year olds at that time wanted to be like Sho Kusugi from all the Ninja films. But then he told me to trust him about the effectiveness of the Filipino Martial Art. I guess at that time, hindi uso maging Arnisador as it wasn’t as famous as those weapons systems seen in the movies. Unlike today, where we see Tom Cruise or Matt Damon doing FMA on screen, to the delight of all FMA practitioners. So one afternoon, in 1986, Master Topher introduced me to a short and stocky man in his mid-twenties who had the biggest forearms I had ever seen. I clearly recall telling him that he had “Popeye arms”, which broke the ice and started a wonderful friendship between student and master. His name was Master Edgar Sulite. My first lesson from him was a realization of how deadly and effective our Arnis system was in the real world. He would ask me to throw sticks, and even tennis balls at him, while doing the sinawali and to my amazement; it was impossible for me to penetrate his defense. He would then show Knife fighting techniques and empty hand techniques including takedowns, which were truly effective for real life situations and not just for fancy movie props and entertainment. I was in love… in love with this martial art and there was no turning back. I discovered for myself that we had a hidden gem, a secret treasure. A martial art that was so unassuming yet so effective, so complex and yet so simple, so graceful and yet so deadly. But most of all, it was our very own Filipino Martial Art. From then on, I met and trained with other legends like Grand Master Antonio Illustrissimo and GM Tony Diego, under the watchful eye of my adopted father figure Master Rickettes. It was at this time that I saw how the art and sport grew. I had the opportunity to compete in several national competitions and the honor to represent the Philippins at the First World Arnis Tournament held at the Ninoy Aquino Stadium in 1989, under the invitation of the Cañete Family of Doce Pares and WEKAF. I will forever be greatful to them for allowing me to compete in their tournament. Unfortunately, as the sport grew, so did the intrigues. I have seen for myself how little by little, we have been tearing each other apart rather than staying united. On how groups were starting to feel unwelcome because of certain personalities. Or being deemed “disloyal” for joining certain activities not “sanctioned” by governing bodies. This should never be the case. I, myself was a victim as well, of this brand of destructive politics in sports. In 1991, I was not allowed to participate in the SEA Games Arnis competition even if I was the reigning National Champion because of the simple reason that I had joined tournaments sponsored by other organizations. Again, this should never happen. I believe that every one of you, your students and your followers, should have the support and encouragement from the government and our national organization to enhance your skills and strengthen your art and style. No jealousy, no discrimination; only support and guidance. Moving forward, through the efforts of Grand Master Roland Dantes and several Arnisador, I filed SB #3288 and in 2009, we finally passed it as RA 9850. Unfortunately, GM Roland was never able to see it made into law as he passed away before it was approved. Let us recognize his efforts. Let us give GM Roland Dantes a rousing round of applause for all his efforts to unify our Martial Art and Spots through legislation, and this is what we are recognizing today. Not just the efforts of GM Roland, but of all … [Read more...]

World War 2 Filipino-American “Bolo” knife fighting during a unit practice. U.S. Army’s 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment.


World War 2 Filipino-American  "Bolo" knife fighting during a unit practice. U.S. Army's 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment. Photo property of: Community Relations Liaison for 1st & 2nd Filipino Infantry Regiments and 1st Reconnaissance Battalion (Special), U.S. Army, 1942-1946   #LagingUnaBoloMatchUp This platoon was assigned to the U.S. Army's 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment. It conducted "Bolo" knife fighting during a unit practice. The regimental commander, Colonel Robert H. Offley authorized that the members of his unit add "Bolos" to their combat inventory. When the 1st Filipino Battalion was formed on April 1, 1942, many inductees who were farmhands in civilian life brought their own field machetes with them to training. In this photo, "Pinoy" soldiers awaited their turn in a large circle. This was like modern day "pugil stick" fighting. In the rear, you can see more soldiers also waiting their turn. This took place at Camp Roberts, California which was a major field training area of the 1st Regiment in 1943. "LAGING UNA" - "ALWAYS FIRST" "SULUNG" - "FORWARD" "BAHALA NA!" - "COME WHAT MAY!" "IN HONOR OF OUR FATHERS!" "74TH ANNIVERSARY (1942-2016)"     1st Filipino Infantry Regimental Headquarters Camp San Luis Obispo … [Read more...]


SOLDIER JUMPING TOWARDS CAMERA WITH BOLO KNIFE/MACHETE DURING TRAINING MANEUVERS AT SAN LOUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA ON 27 MARCH 1944. Photo property of:       1014. Photograph. Soldier jumping towards camera with Bolo knife/machete during training maneuvers. “3-27-44. Allen. Sgt John Petarsky, Bat B 506 AAA Bn wastes no time in rushing the enemy. Sgt Petarsky is squad leader of an Ambush Squad. Photo taken during a Division problem near Morro Bay Calif. 168-L-44-1086.” Army Signal Corps photograph. Photographer: Allen. Camp San Louis Obispo, California. 27 March 1944   DATE: 27 Mar 1944- LOCATION: Morro Bay HOMETOWN: BRANCH: Army … [Read more...]

Guro Ariel Flores Mosses Lameco and Ilustrisimo Eskrima Seminar. August 13th, 2016. Moses Lake, Washington.

Ariel seminar

Guro Ariel Flores Mosses Lameco and Ilustrisino Eskrima Seminar. Moses Lake, Washington. … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour 2016 with Guro Dino Flores


Seminar: Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour 2016 with Guro Dino Flores Seminar Spain Video 2 Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour Come train with one of Lameco S.O.G´s and Kali Ilustrisimo´s most combat oriented Instructors. Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour – July 2016 Come train with one of Lameco S.O.G´s and Kali Ilustrisimo´s most combat oriented Instructors – Guro Dino Flores! Guro Dino has almost 25 years of experience with Lameco Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo. Guro Dino was one of Punong Guro Edgar Sulite favorite fighters from the Infamous Lameco Backyard Group. In the Lameco Backyard, fancy drills were always secondary – various degrees of sparring intensity always came first. He was personally trained by Punong Guro to be a fighter above all else. Even accepting challenges on Punong Guro Sulite’s behalf. He is also is an Authorized Instructor under Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts and Grandmaster Antonio Diego. During Master Ricketts time in the USA, Guro Dino was one of his assistants. Constantly sparring people at Master Ricketts request. He has also had the good fortune to train with all Five Pillars of Ilustrisimo and was one of the few members of the notorious LAMECO S.O.G. He is currently the director and an Instructor of the Kapisanang Mandirigma Institute founded by members of Lameco S.O.G. Join us in Madrid and Ibiza. Guro Dino will be taking it a high level of intensity. As an option only – for those who want to take full advantage of this combat oriented training, bring you sparring gear. To add to the excitement, Guro Dino will also be accompanied by two of his most skilled fighters – Brett Granstaff and Mark Ramos. Find out for yourself why Lameco S.O.G. and Kali Ilustrisimo is respected in the Martial Art World. More information about Guro Dino Flores at this link: Guro Dino Flores will be conducting Action Packed seminars in IBIZA AND MADRID. Guro Dino is only in Europe periodically. Don’t miss this very rare opportunity!!!   IBIZA Seminar 12 hours 15th and 16th , OF JULY 2016 120 Euros if paid before May 30th 150 Euros after May 30th     MADRID Workshop 8 hours 23 RD OF JULY Saturday From 9:00 am to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00 pm. 70 Euros if paid before May 30th, 2016 85 Euros after May 30th   Special prices for groups.   For more information – Contact Guro Dino’s LAMECO S.O.G and Kali Ilustrisimo Representative in Spain, Tim Fredianelli:   More Seminar Information at: and               … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour 2016 with Guro Dino Flores

Seminar Spain 2016

Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour Come train with one of Lameco S.O.G´s and Kali Ilustrisimo´s most combat oriented Instructors. Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour - July 2016 Come train with one of Lameco S.O.G´s and Kali Ilustrisimo´s most combat oriented Instructors - Guro Dino Flores! Guro Dino has almost 25 years of experience with Lameco Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo. Guro Dino was one of Punong Guro Edgar Sulite favorite fighters from the Infamous Lameco Backyard Group. In the Lameco Backyard, fancy drills were always secondary - various degrees of sparring intensity always came first. He was personally trained by Punong Guro to be a fighter above all else. Even accepting challenges on Punong Guro Sulite’s behalf. He is also is an Authorized Instructor under Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts and Grandmaster Antonio Diego. During Master Ricketts time in the USA, Guro Dino was one of his assistants. Constantly sparring people at Master Ricketts request. He has also had the good fortune to train with all Five Pillars of Ilustrisimo and was one of the few members of the notorious LAMECO S.O.G. He is currently the director and an Instructor of the Kapisanang Mandirigma Institute founded by members of Lameco S.O.G. Join us in Madrid and Ibiza. Guro Dino will be taking it a high level of intensity. As an option only - for those who want to take full advantage of this combat oriented training, bring you sparring gear. To add to the excitement, Guro Dino will also be accompanied by two of his most skilled fighters - Brett Granstaff and Mark Ramos. Find out for yourself why Lameco S.O.G. and Kali Ilustrisimo is respected in the Martial Art World. More information about Guro Dino Flores at this link: Guro Dino Flores will be conducting Action Packed seminars in IBIZA AND MADRID. Guro Dino is only in Europe periodically. Don’t miss this very rare opportunity!!!   IBIZA Seminar 12 hours 15th and 16th , OF JULY 2016 120 Euros if paid before May 30th 150 Euros after May 30th     MADRID Workshop 8 hours 23 RD OF JULY Saturday From 9:00 am to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00 pm. 70 Euros if paid before May 30th, 2016 85 Euros after May 30th   Special prices for groups.   For more information - Contact Guro Dino’s LAMECO S.O.G and Kali Ilustrisimo Representative in Spain, Tim Fredianelli:   More Seminar Information at: and     … [Read more...]

Grandmaster Nonato “Nene” Gaabucayan Balintawak Seminar. June 18th, 2016. Glendale FMA, California.

Nene Seminar 2016 (1)

Grandmaster Nonato “Nene” Gaabucayan Balintawak Seminar About Grandmaster Nonato “Nene” Gaabucayan “Standing at 5 feet, 2 inches tall and weighting no more that 120 pounds, Venancio “Anciong” Baconwas a very unassuming man. He was a veteran of a great many “death” matches in Cebu. Described by many of his students as lightning fast, Venancio Bacon maneuvered through a fight smoothly while exploiting his opponents’ balance and coordination. He was known to be very surgical with a stick, able to employ varying force to his exact targets throughout his adversary’s body. But, his greatest virtue and asset was his constant desire to innovate and improve his art, diligently discovering techniques through the years, never ceasing in this path. He taught his art to those who desired to learn it.” At age 16, Nonato “Nene” Gaabucayan was introduced to Venancio “Anciong” Bacon’s BALINTAWAK. In early 1976, “Nene” Gaabucayan moved to Cebu City from Cagayan de Oro to attend college. He lived in a boarding house owned by “Ben” Marapao in Urgello area. Upon learning that Nene was interested in continuing his Karate training, Dr. Marapao suggested he take up Eskrima. Nene attended one training session, in which he was given a demonstration by Teofilo Velez. He’d never seen anything like it, since then he had always been a loyal student and teacher of BALINTAWAK. Along with Teofilo Velez, Nene trained with Bobby Taboada, Chito Velez, Monnie Velez, Eddie Velez, Romeo de la Rosa, and Hector Rizzari. Training was hard, and he made a point to be there every day. Like a sponge, everybody poured whatever Balintawak knowledge they had to this very eager 16 year old. In return, he learned from them. At 18, Nene began teaching his own crop of students in Lapu-Lapu City. He divided his time between his studies at the Philippine Air Force College of Aeronautics and the YMCA in Lapu-Lapu. After completing his studies in Cebu, Nene returned to Cagayan de Oro. As one of Teofilo Velez’ master instructors, he carried the Gold Chapter of Teovel Balintawak. He continued to teach Balintawak. In 1987, Nene traveled to Germany and later to Switzerland to teach BALINTAWAK. He stayed in Europe for 3 years, then returned to Cagayan de Oro. Nene has been teaching BALINTAWAK for 35 years.   For more information: … [Read more...]

Punong Guro Edgar Sulites Influences in creating Lameco Eskrima. Courtesy of Guro Dave Gould.


Punong Guro Edgar Sulites Influences in creating Lameco Eskrima. Courtesy of Guro Dave Gould. Below is a poster which I placed together showing the Major and Minor Influences which Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite credited for his knowledge and for the creation of the Lameco Eskrima System. In essence these Grandmasters, their systems and knowledge were responsible for the Lameco Eskrima System that we know and train today. In addition to the numerous actual experiences which PG Sulite drew from and the thousands of hours of sparring and fighting with his two primary sparring partners, Master Christopher N. Ricketts and Master Jun Pueblos.The Major Influences were from Masters and Systems which PG Edgar G. Sulite thoroughly trained under for years and was certified to teach their respective styles. The Minor Systems were from Masters with whom PG Edgar G. Sulite trained to some degree and with whom he collaborated but never received ranking in their respective Systems.  5 Major Influences on the Lameco Eskrima System: * De Campo Uno-Dos-Tres Orihinal (GM Jose D. Caballero) * Kali Illustrisimo (GM Antonio “Tatang” Illustrisimo) * Kali Pekiti-Tirsia (Tuhon Leo Tortal Gaje Jr.) * Modernos Largos (GM Jesus Abella & GM Pablicito “Pabling” Cabahug) * Sulite Rapelon (GM Helacrio Sulite Sr.) 6 Minor Influences on the Lameco Eskrima System: * Doce Pares (GM Diony Canete) * Balintawak (GM Johnny Chiuten) * Lapunti Arnis De Abanico (GM Felimon E. Caburnay) * Siete Teros Serado – Serado no Puwede Entra (GM Marcelino Ancheta Sr.) * Abanico De Sungkiti (GM Billy Baaclo) * Tres Personas Eskrima De Combate (GM Maj. Timoteo E. Maranga)   … [Read more...]

Rest In Peace Master Alexander Lim Co – April 12th, 2016


Alexander Lim Co Alexander Lim Co is a living treasure in the arts of Chinese kung-fu. In fact, no name is more synonymous with Kung-Fu in the Philippines than Alexander Co. He spearheaded the Chin Wu Club in Manila, wrote the first kung-fu book ever published in the Philippines, and published the country’s first martial arts magazine, simply titled “Martial Arts Magazine.” Co has studied a dozen different kung-fu styles, was an “in-door” disciple of Ngo Cho Kun’s late grandmaster Tan Ka Hong, and has studied Seven Star Praying Mantis and Hung-gar under Grandmaster Shakespeare Chan, Wu style Tai Chi Chuan under the late Master John Hu Chuan Hai, and Hsin-I Liu Ha Pa Fa under Master David Chan. Alexander Co is the Advising Grandmaster of The International Beng Hong Athletic Association. He has served as Chairman of the Philippine-Chinese Beng Kiam Athletic Association and the Tsing Hua Ngo Cho Kung-fu Center and as Vice-chairman of the Hsin-I Society of Internal Arts. In addition to dozens of articles featured in such magazines as Martial Arts Magazine, Rapid Journal, Inside Kung-Fu, Martial Arts Illustrated, and Martial Arts Legends. Grandmaster Co has written three books: Secrets of Seven Star Praying Mantis, The Way of Ngo Cho Kun and Five Ancestor Fist Kung-Fu, and is translator of The Bible of Ngo Cho Kun. He also filmed a series of instructional videos “The Essence of Ngo Cho Kun” and “The Essence of Seven Star Praying Mantis” for Unique Publications Video. ---   Ronnie Ricketts I was saddened to hear of the passing of a good friend and a great master, Alex Co . He was an amazing influence in the lives of our Bakbakan brothers. Our sincerest condolences to the family and may you rest in peace, Master Alex! ‎Lance Velez‎ The loss of Master Alex is a loss to the world of martial arts. He knew so much and shared his knowledge with those who showed Interest, with no reservation , he was a true master of his art and I am sad that I wasn't able to spend more time with him... It hurts that I no longer have his counsel and insight when I have questions the thought that we will no longer have our conversations is heartbreaking. I will do my best to maintain and master what you taught me so in my own small way I can preserve the art of Ngo Cho ... Rest in peace Master Alex ... I will miss you ... Mark Wiley‎  It is with a heavy heart that I mourn the passing of one of my best friends, big brother and kung-fu master, Sifu Alex Co. He passed at 10:34 PM Manila time, April 12, 2016. His kind and loving heart and openness in sharing his passion for all martial arts with all people was unmatched. He is one of the legends of the Philippine martial arts masters, who brought all together from every discipline. He suffered much these past years with heart troubles, kidney failure, diabetes, digital amputation... But his drive to keep documenting and spreading the arts he loved was unstoppable. My son, Alex, is named in his honor and forever I will treasure his memory in my heart. ---  It is with a heavy heart that I mourn your passing, Sifu Alex, you are one of my best friends, big brother, father and kung-fu master. Our long relationship is deeply embedded in my heart and I am struggling with not being able to call you and talk or come for a visit. You are among the most important people in my life and I can't imagine my future without you here. Rest in peace.       Doran Sordo Master Alex Co was an exceptional human being. He was one of the best friends of my master, Christopher Ricketts. He was very strict when he would be teaching us. Always keen on the details. It was because of Master Topher that I met, got to know, and learned extensively from Master Alex. He was so selfless in his teaching. Breaking from the norm, because of his friendship and trust for Master Topher and the students he would bring by. He was such a kind man. Soft spoken and yet, powerful. I will miss him greatly. He was a cornerstone to our Bakbakan Brotherhood. On one of the last conversations I had with Master Topher, he told me to never stop learning. He mentioned only two people. Master Alex was one of them. Rest in peace, Master. Thank you so much for teaching me. I will never forget it, or you. Paalam Po. Jun Nunez This picture was taken by Grandmaster Topher Rickets of Bakbakan. With me is Grandmaster Edgar Sulite of Lameco Escrima, Master HuTuan Hai of Wu Tai Chi Chuan, and Master Alex Co of Ngo Cho Kun. It's sad to know that I am the only one left with the passing of my friend Alex. Goodbye my friend Felipe P. Jocano Jr. With deep sorrow, I mourn the passing of my kung-fu teacher and friend, Sifu Alexander He was one of the kindest, most generous and caring men I have had the privilege of meeting and learning from. He not only taught martial arts, he was also an example of the true martial arts … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. May 29th, 2016.

Las Vegas, Nevada. May 29th, 2016.

Seminar: Lameco SOG Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Guro Dino Flores. Las Vegas, Nevada. May 29th, 2016.   … [Read more...]

Seminar: Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Brandon Ricketts. Glendale FMA, California. April 9th, 2016.

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 Seminar: Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Brandon Ricketts. Glendale FMA, California. April 9th, 2016.   … [Read more...]

Seminar: Lameco SOG and Kali Ilustrisimo with Guro Dino Flores Guro and Ariel Flores Mosses. March 17th, 2016. Las Vegas.

Guro Dino Flores Guro Ariel Flores Mosses Lameco Ilustrisimo

  Seminar: Lameco SOG and Kali  Ilustrisimo with Guro Dino Flores Guro and Ariel Flores Mosses. March 17th, 2016. Las Vegas.   … [Read more...]

Ilustrisimo Book

Kali Ilustrisimo: The Sword Fighting Art of Antonio Ilustrisimo By Master Christopher Ricketts, Guro Bruce Ricketts, Guro Brandon Ricketts   ABOUT THE BOOK With over 3 decades of intensive training in both Filipino & Chinese disciplines, Christopher Ricketts presents Kali Ilustrisimo as it was taught to him by the now legendary swordsman, Antonio Ilustrisimo. Grandmaster Ricketts brings his insight to this highly regarded fighting art with clarity and precise methodology that is sure to enrich any student regardless of style or system. Lavishly illustrated with diagrams and pictures from Grandmaster Rickett's personal and comprehensive archives, experts and beginners alike stand to benefit greatly from this presentation. Catch a rare glimpse into the inner workings of this uniquely Filipino fighting system. The art and legacy of Antonio Ilustrisimo lives on. Author website … [Read more...]

Media: El Guro Dino Flores impartirá seminario de Lameco Eskrima   El Guro Dino Flores impartirá seminario de Lameco Eskrima jul 31, 2015 - 3:04 am  Deportes Comentarios desactivados La Academia EFA que dirige el profesor Adán Castillejos se prepara para recibir una visita de lujo, pues el Guro Dino Flores estará impartiendo sus conocimientos en un seminario de Lameco Eskrima –Kali Ilusitrisimo-, el cual se desarrollará este próximo 14 y 15 de agosto. Lo anterior fue confirmado por el profesor Adán Castillejos Gallegos quién destacó que este seminario busca la preparación de sus alumnos, por lo que es de suma importancia continuar trabajando en las artes marciales. Indicó que el Guro Dino Flores nació en Hawai. Ha vivido en varios lugares, incluyendo Fiji, Papua Nueva Guinea, Australia, así como Manila y Laguna – Filipinas. Guro Dino se introdujo primero en el concepto de historia “Arnis” y Filipinas Guerrero por su padre el Dr. AS Flores a mediados de 1970. Esto se hizo a través de la tradición oral, Pilipino Komiks y difícil de encontrar publicaciones durante la Ley Marcial. Su primer contacto con el entrenamiento físico fue en la década de 1980 en la provincia de Laguna, Filipinas. Familiares mayores y vecinos de la familia tierras ancestrales de muchas generaciones, lo presentaron en las sesiones de traspatio a aplicaciones básicas de la calle y la estrategia de la hoja balisong durante las estancias en las Filipinas. Muchos de estos primeros instructores habían experimentado situaciones de hoja real con las cicatrices para probarlo. Las primeras lecciones fueron evitación, la conciencia ambiental y el comportamiento adecuado para evitar el conflicto. Dino entrenó durante varios años con el Gran Maestro Conrado A. Manaois en Ninoy Cinco Teros Arnis y Master Henry Bio en Sikaran Arnis en la década de 1980, junto con sus primos Ariel Flores Musgos y Choy Flores. A principios de 1990 fue aceptado como miembro inicial de Punong Guro Edgar Sulites ‘nueva formación Backyard Grupo AKA el Oriehenal Grupo Sulite. Durante el entrenamiento constante en el patio trasero que pasó de ser un boxeador agresivo a uno que ahora más tranquilo y preciso. Su estilo de lucha en los primeros días del Grupo de los Backyard le valió el apodo de “Aso’ng Gulo” de sus compañeros de los compañeros y era considerado combatiente patio trasero favorito Punong Guro Sulites ‘debido a la clara el uso del plan de estudios durante los combates. Además, tuvo la buena fortuna de experimentar el entrenamiento en Kali Ilustrísimo con Dodong Sta. Iglesia, Guro Arnold Narzo, Guro Peachie Baron, Maestro Rey Galang, Maestro Yuli Romo y Master de Tony Diego. También entrenó en Kali Ilustrísimo con uno de sus compañeros de entrenamiento y miembro Lameco Backyard Guro Hans Tan, que fue certificado para enseñar Kali Ilustrsimo con el Maestro, Tony Diego en 1999. Además Guro Dino entrenado en privado durante varios años en California y las Filipinas con el profesor Ireneo L. Olavides en Eskrima De Campo JDC-IO. Guro Dino también cita la importancia de sus compañeros de entrenamiento en Lameco SOG y Kapisanang Mandirigma en su crecimiento. Dino ha impartido numerosos seminarios y clases en los últimos años. Ha aparecido en la televisión, videos instructivos, Cine Independiente y programas de radio promoción de las artes. Ha contribuido al artículo de la revista para publicaciones como “Budo International”, “Maestros”, “Blitz” “FMA informativo” y “FMA Digest. Guro Dino es un miembro fundador de Kapisanang Mandirigma de: Organización de Investigación Mandirigma /, Kali Klub sa Filipinotown histórico de Los Ángeles y la Organización Backyard Eskrima ™. El Kali Klub es una colaboración voluntaria con varias agencias sin fines de lucro en Los Ángeles. El proyecto incluye la creación de un programa premiado desviar positivamente la juventud en riesgo de las drogas y las pandillas que usan los filipinos Guerrero Artes como una metáfora para la adaptación y el aprendizaje. Cientos de estudiantes experimentaron el programa a lo largo de diez años. Para algunos estudiantes de la educación salvó literalmente su vida en varias situaciones callejeras armadas. Algunos de los premios y reconocimientos de para el programa provienen de organizaciones como en Buscar para Involucrar Pilipino estadounidenses, la Asamblea Estatal de California y el Ayuntamiento de Los Ángeles. … [Read more...]

TV: Guro Ariel Flores Mosses of Mandirigma with Sensei Hamm of Ten Tigers on Las Vegas TV


Guro Ariel Flores Mosses of Mandirigma with Sensei Hamm of Ten Tigers on Las Vegas TV promoting Self-Defense Seminar including Filipino Martial Arts. A self-defense seminar for women is being offered this weekend for a donation to AFAN of $20. Read more:   … [Read more...]

Seminar: Seminar: Guro Brandon Ricketts to teach Kali Ilustrisimo in San Diego, California. October 2015.


 Guro Brandon Ricketts to teach Kali Ilustrisimo in San Diego, California. October 2015.   … [Read more...]

Budo Magazine Publishes the final Interview of Grandmaster Tony Diego of Kalis Ilustrisimo. Interview by Tim Fredianell. September 2015.

GM Tony Diego

  Budo Magazine Publishes the final Interview of Grandmaster Tony Diego of Kalis Ilustrisimo. Interview by  Tim Fredianell.   Read interview in English here: Read interview in Spanish here:       … [Read more...]

Heart Bypass Fundraiser for Grandmaster Alexander Co

MAster Alex Co

Heart Bypass Fundraiser for Grandmaster Alexander Co Donate Here: Alex Co is synonymous with martial arts in the Philippines. He is grandmaster of Ngo Cho and Tang Lang, owner of the beloved Squadron Shop, publisher of books and magazines, and supporter of all teachers and styles. Master Co has done so much for so many, never asking for anything in return. His life has been filled with friends and masters and robust health and financial stability. He has been my mentor for over 20 years. Now, he is sick, he is poor, he is weak, and his life is touch and go each month. Master Co suffers from multiple morbidities: Heart Disease, Diabetes, Low Blood Pressure, and Kidney Failure. He can no longer urinate. He has had several surgeries in the past few years. Stents in his heart, stents in his legs, and he is in dialysis 5 hours a day, 4 days per week. He recently almost had his legs amputated. The thing is, Master Co could have a kidney transplant, except his heart it too weak. It is only at 25% function. But he cannot afford the heart bypass to make him strong enough for the kidney transplant. He has spent all his retirement on temporary procedures to keep him alive. But now the doctors told him he has a 50% chance of suffering heart attack each time he is connected to the dialiysis machine. And they have recommended another heart stent. He cannot afford it. So now, the most generous and knowledgeable teacher in Manila, who has been mentor to many and financial supporter of many passed masters, like Tatang Ilustrisimo, Edgar Sulite and more... is at the threshold of life and death. One day feels ok and the next he is flattened and swollen and unable to breath and in need of more temporary surgeries. Those who know and love Master Co, who is only in his mid-60s, do not want this legend to pass from this earth, We ask for your help. He needs your support. A few dollars, a hundred dollars... whatever donation you can manage.  If we can raise enough for the heart bypass, the docs say he will be strong enough for the kidney transplant, and perhaps live another 15 years. If we can't do it in time, there may be no more time. Please help, as you can. Please. Donate Here:   A word from Grandmaster Alex Co is a longtime practitioner of the Philippine Warrior Arts. He is also a member of Bakbakan International and has published several book on the subject, most notably the books on Lameco Eskrima by Punong Guro Edgar Sulite. Grandmaster Alex is a living Martial Arts treasure of the Philippines. … [Read more...]

Seminar: Guro Ariel Flores Mosses to teach Lameco Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo in Washington State. September 2015.

combat fma

Seminar: Guro Ariel Flores Mosses to teach Lameco Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo in Washington State. September 2015.     … [Read more...]

Seminar: Ten Tigers Martial Arts Las Vegas presents Guro Dino Flores and Guro Ariel Flores Mosses Seminar in Ilustrisimo & Lameco Eskrima. Las Vegas, Nevada, August 6th, 2015

Lameco Ilustrisimo

Ten Tigers Martial Arts Las Vegas presents Guro Dino Flores and Guro Ariel Flores Mosses Seminar in Ilustrisimo & Lameco Eskrima. Las Vegas, Nevada, August 6th, 2015   … [Read more...]


Mexico Lameco Ilusrisimo


Seminar: Don’t Bring a Gun to a Knife Fight! with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses. Green Valley Range indoor shooting range in Las Vegas, Nevada. July 18th, 2015.

Ariel Seminar

    Coming this Summer...   Seminar: Don't Bring a Gun to a Knife Fight! with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses.  Green Valley Range indoor shooting range in Las Vegas, Nevada. July 18th, 2015. Sometimes you don't have the option to draw and fire on an attacker, so you have to put on your Jason Bourne goggles. Start to see common household items as lethal weapons. Learn to defend yourself with a magazines, pens, Swiffers®, a wooden leg...whatever happens to be within your grasp when danger strikes! Don't Bring a Gun to a Knife Fight! is a 2-hour close-quarters defense class that will have you honing your instincts, boosting your confidence and upping your hand even without drawing your gun. With Master Ariel F. Mosses of CombatFMA as your guide, you will apply the old adage "Necessity is the Mother of jamming a rolled up Newsweek into an No-Goodnik's eye," and discover some new truths of your own by wielding objects both blunt and pointy. Yes, this Saturday, July 18th, you can learn to fight like Jason Bourne. Go check out his pen fight and his magazine fight scenes on Youtube [too graphic for a link here], and then get over and Register Now . Spaces are limited! See you still standing when the smoke clears! Copyright © 2015 Green Valley Range, All rights reserved. Green Valley Range indoor shooting range in Las Vegas, Nevada Our mailing address is: Green Valley Range 175 Cassia Way, Henderson, NV Henderson, NV 89014   More info @   More about Guro Ariel at: … [Read more...]

Seminar: Guro Brandon Ricketts at Glendale FMA / Aranda – Ricketts Memorial Gym. July 12, 2015.

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Guro Brandon Ricketts Seminar at Glendale FMA / Aranda - Ricketts Memorial Gym. On July 12 2015 Guro Brandon Ricketts conducted a seminar at Glendale FMA / Aranda - Ricketts Memorial Gym. The Event was hosted by Guro Bud Balani and Guro Dino Flores of the Los Angeles chapters of Lameco SOG, Kali Ilustrisimo and Kapisanang Mandirigma. Attendees came from all over California from places such as San Diego, Santa Barbara, Stockton and San Francisco. Guro Brandon was also supported by some of his students from the USA Headquarters of Kali Ilustrisimo. Guro Brandon Ricketts focused of the fundemental core techniques and how they relate to real time sparring. A concept his father the late Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts drilled into his dedicated students. The seminar concluded with the participant doing some light sparring to test some of the techniques they had just learned in real time. All the participants had a great time with this truly hands on approach to the art. Guro Brandon is leaving for the Philippines at the end of the year. One of his objectives is to take partial administrative charge of his fathers Bakbakan Legacy and bring it into the next generation. The Los Angeles chapters of Lameco SOG, Kali Ilustrisimo and Kapisanang Mandirigma will try to host Guro Brandon Ricketts again for another seminar before he leaves. Check the website for updates. About Guro Brandon Ricketts In 2011 Guro Bruce Ricketts was formally selected as the new Chief Instructor of Master Christopher Ricketts Ilustrisimo Organization and Bakbakan Philippines. The official ceremony was held  in Manila, Philippines. During the same ceremony Guro Brandon Ricketts was promoted to the the position as Second in Command to Guro Bruce Ricketts. Also selected was the Administrative Board which includes Guro Ronnie Ricketts, Guro Alex Ricketts and Guro Jason Ricketts. The organization is dedicated to maintaining the legacy of Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts. The Advisory Board was also selected. Guro Bruce Ricketts and Guro Brandon Ricketts trained under their Father, Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts since they could walk. The training room in their Philippine home was located in front of their bedroom. Daily exposure to the arts was the norm. Besides daily training with their Father and other students, many masters spent time training in their home. To name a few, legends such as Master Roland Dantes, Master Rey Galang, Master Yuli Romo, Punong Guro Edgar Sulite, Master Tony Diego and none other than Grandmaster Ilustrisimo himself would train there. The technical and fighting skill of these young Guro’s clearly reflect their esteemed lineage. Guro Bruce and Guro Brandon are also accomplished practitioners of Bakbakan Sagasa Kickboxing, Ngo Cho Kun, Jiu-Jitsu and Boxing.   Event Flyer Aranda - Ricketts / Glendale FMA Gym Banner         Lameco SOG Members with Guro Brandon. Guro Bud Balani, Guro Dino and Guro Bryan Emerson with his son.   Events Hosts with Guro Brandon. Guro Dino, GM Joe Tan, Guro Johnathan Balani, Guro Bud Balani.   Guro Brandon giving pointers.   Sparring! Sparring!     Sparring! Group photo with some of the participants.   Sparring!   Guro Brandon giving pointers   Participants in action.   Participants in action.   Guro Brandon giving pointers.   Guro Johnathan giving pointers.   Contact drilling. Contact drilling. … [Read more...]

Eskrima Documentary Series Teaser Trailer: Ang Dangal ng Lahi (Pride)

Eskrima Documentary

Eskrima Documentary Series - Teaser Trailer: Ang Dangal Ng Lahi (Pride) Ang Dangal ng Lahi (Pride) is a series of short documentaries about the Warrior Arts of the Philippines commonly known as Eskrima, Arnis and Kali. The focus will be arts and organizations of Bakbakan Philippines, Ilustrisimo and Lameco Eskrima. Director: Tim Fredianelli General Consultant: Dino Flores Distribution: Kapisanang Mandirigma Productions Release Date: 2015 For more information go to: © 2015 Kapisanang Mandirigma Productions, All Rights Reserved.   … [Read more...]

Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar with Guro Brandon Ricketts, July 12, 2015. Glendale FMA, California.

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Kali Ilustrisimo Seminar with Guro Brandon Ricketts, July 12, 2015. Glendale FMA, California.       A rare opportunity to train with Guro Brandon Ricketts. Guro Brandon grew up with the art and will give you insight into the transition from being a theory based drill practitioner to a real time functional based Eskrimador. Guro Brandon will only be in the USA till the end of 2015 - so don't miss your chance to train with one of the heirs of Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts Ilustrisimo lineage. 10Am to 2PM $50.00 prepaid by friday, July 10th. Spectators $40.00 prepaid. $70.00 at the door.  Spectators $60 at the door. Contact: More info at: This seminar is open to the general public. No Video Please. No Photography without permission. Brought to you by The Warrior Arts of the Philippines Alliance - Kali Ilustrisimo, Bakbakan Philippines, Lameco SOG, Eskrima, Kapisanang Mandirigma, Combat FMA Las Vegas.   -------------------------   In 2011 Guro Bruce Ricketts was formally selected as the new Chief Instructor of Master Christopher Ricketts Ilustrisimo Organization and Bakbakan Philippines. The official ceremony was held  in Manila, Philippines. During the same ceremony Guro Brandon Ricketts was promoted to the the position as Second in Command to Guro Bruce Ricketts. Also selected was the Administrative Board which includes Guro Ronnie Ricketts, Guro Alex Ricketts and Guro Jason Ricketts. The organization is dedicated to maintaining the legacy of Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts. The Advisory Board was also selected. Guro Bruce Ricketts and Guro Brandon Ricketts trained under their Father, Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts since they could walk. The training room in their Philippine home was located in front of their bedroom. Daily exposure to the arts was the norm. Besides daily training with their Father and other students, many masters spent time training in their home. To name a few, legends such as Master Roland Dantes, Master Rey Galang, Master Yuli Romo, Punong Guro Edgar Sulite, Master Tony Diego and none other than Grandmaster Ilustrisimo himself would train there. The technical and fighting skill of these young Guro’s clearly reflect their esteemed lineage. Guro Bruce and Guro Brandon are also accomplished practitioners of Bakbakan Sagasa Kickboxing, Ngo Cho Kun, Jiu-Jitsu and Boxing. … [Read more...]

Seminar: Viñas Arnis at Glendale FMA, California.

Kali arnis eskrima vinas1

Warrior Arts of the Philippines Alliance Presents for the first time ever in California   Viñas Arnis Seminar     " GM Nonong has been actively Instructing , propagating and spreading this Legacy FMA art founded by his late father GM Jose Vinas. He is here for a short visit and practitioners irregardless of styles are encouraged to attend this rare workshop and experience the different approach with regards to bolo and knifefighting." Master Joe Valencia Tan Certified Master Instructor Lapu Lapu Vinas Arnis Afficionado Certified Master Instructor Modified Tapado   Viñas Arnis is a complete and original, bladed weapon and empty hand, Filipino Martial Arts system founded in Bacolod City, Philippines in 1932. Lapu Lapu Viñas Arnis Affecionados Assoc. is the oldest documented Filipino Martial Arts system in Negros Occidental, Philippines It was founded in 1932 by the late Grandmaster Jose L. Viñas. The first inheritor of the system is none other than Grandmaster Jose L. Viñas son, Professor Wilson E. "Nonong" Viñas. This system appeared in Punong Guro Sulite’s landmark book “Masters of Kali, Arnis and Eskrima”.   Seminar presented by Master Joe Tan, Kapisanang Mandirigma and the Warrior Arts of the Philipines Alliance. This is an extremely rare opportunity as this was originally going to be invitation only. Don’t miss out!   Date: July 19, 2015 (Sunday) Time: 10AM to 2:00PM. Location: Glendale FMA, California / Aranda - Ricketts Memorial Gym. Donation: $35 Prepaid. $50 at the door. Spectators - $25. Please bring your own training gear. No video. No photos without permission.   Contact: Master Joe Tan - Guro Bud Balani - Guro Dino Flores - For further details go to:   The late Grandmaster Jose L. Viñas.   The late Grandmaster Jose L. Viñas.   Copyright © 2015 Kapisanang Mandirigma. All images, content and layout except those of those by owner. … [Read more...]

Master Christopher Ricketts and Bakbakan Philippines doing Ilustrisimo on TV Show – 2005.

Master Christopher Ricketts on TV

Master Christopher Ricketts and Bakbakan Philippines doing Ilustrisimo on TV Show. Master Ricketts is assisted by Bruce Ricketts, Dodong Sta. Iglesia, Miguel Zubiri, Doran Sordo, Brandon Ricketts, Monsour del Rosario and other members of Bakbakan Philippines. Shot at Olympians Taekwondo Training Center (OTTC) in Fort Bonifacio, Manila, Philippines. 2005.   … [Read more...]

Los Angeles City Hall Celebrate 117th Philippine Independence Day/Araw ng Kalayaan.


Los Angeles City Hall Celebrate 117th Philippine Independence Day/Araw ng Kalayaan with Kapisanang Mandirigma/ June 12th, 2015. Los Angeles, California. Los Angeles City Hall to celebrated the 117th Philippine Independence Day or Araw ng Kalayaan. The event was organizes by the Los Angeles Association of City Employees. Kapisanang Mandirigma/ demonstrated a sample of the Warrior Arts of the Philippines at the event. In particular the Arts of Lameco Eskrima and Kali Ilustrisimo. This is the second time Kapisanang Mandirigma has appeared at L.A. City Hall. The last time was for the official dedication of L.A. Historic Filipinotown in 2002. The first official Filipinotown in the country. Guro Bud Balani and Guro Dino Flores was assisted by Guro Johnathan Balani, Mark Ramos and Daniel Parker. Their performance was after the flag ceremony in the main building forecourt. The Flag c Ceremony consisted of Filipino-American law enforcement officers parading with various flags of the Philippine Revolution. Los Angeles has the largest population of Filipinos outside of the Philippines. Mabuhay Ang Pilipinas!   City of Los Angeles official dedication to the celebration. The demo team with Master Joe Tan of Modified Tapados/Vinias Eskrima Systems. Guro Bud Balani, Dr. A.S. Flores, Guro Dino Flores Demo Team in action headed by Guro Johnathan Balani.   Event program. Guro Dino and Guro Johnathan demonstrating single sword techniques as Guro Bud narrates.   Filipino-American Law Enforcement Officers parading various flags of the Philippine Revolution.   The Eskrima Demo team.   Guro Bud Balani and Guro Dino Flores.   Filipino-American Law Enforcement Officers parading various flags of the Philippine Revolution.   Los Angeles City Hall and L.A. Sister Cities.     Photos property of Photographer Dr. A.S. Flores. … [Read more...]

Rest in Peace Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite on this the 18th year anniversary of your passing, your memory will always be with us.

Punong Guro

Rest in Peace Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite on this the 18th year anniversary of your passing, your memory will always be with us.       Post courtesy of Guro Dave Gould. … [Read more...]

Weapons World Wide IV 2015 – Filipino Martial Arts Weekend Germany

Weapons World Wide   Weapons World Wide IV 2015 - Filipino Martial Arts Weekend Mit Special Guest Master Arnold Narzo (Manila Phillippines) / Kalis Ilustrisimo Repecticion Original der zum WWW IV eigens aus Manila anreist. Er wird das Seminar am Samstag mit einem 2-stündigen Rahmenprogramm eröffnen und danach die Einheiten von Christof Fröhlich leiten. Die Referenten an beiden Tagen: Timm Blaschke - Filipino Fighting Arts Frank Büchner / Bahala Na Giron Arnis Escrima Christof Fröhlich Kapisanang Mandirigma Tobias Ricker - Cacoy Doce Pares Eskrima Benjamin Rittiner - Dog Brothers Martial Arts Thomas Holdtmann Ralf Kussler www. Ralf - Kussler. Com René Marc Zeller - Filipino Combat Systems Auch 2015 steht das Wochenende wieder im Zeichen von Stock und Klinge. Präsentiert werden acht verschiedene Stile/Systeme der philippinischen Kampfkünste. Das Seminar steht jedem offen und es ist sicher für jeden etwas dabei, ob Anfänger oder ehemaliger Anfänger. Neun der besten Referenten der philippinischen Kampfkünste werden sicher für viel Spaß und nachhaltige Eindrücke sorgen. Achtung: Übernachten in der Sporthalle möglich. Samstag Abendessen ab 20.00 Uhr Buffet mit allen Schikanen im TV Schaafheim -Sportheim Essen bis die Lähmung eintritt Preis 15.- € unbedingt vorher bestellen Frühstücksbuffet am Sonntagmorgen in der Halle 5.-€ Essen und Trinken bis zum Abwinken Der Erlös wird einem caritativen Zweck zugeführt Wenn gewünscht bitte bei der Anmeldung mitbestellen. Hotels: in und um Schaafheim Hotel Garni Gästehaus Irene Daimler Str. 10 64850 Schaafheim Tel.: 06073-87850 Fax: 06073-88644 E-mail-Anschrift:] Hotel Deutscher Hof Bismarckplatz 4 64832 Babenhausen Tel. (06073) 6046-0 Appartments und Hotel Ziegelruh Ziegelruh 1 64832 Babenhausen Tel. (06073) 7267-0 Gaststätte Zur Eisenbahn Grabenstraße 69 63762 Großostheim 06026/8485 Landgasthof Hock An der Kuhpforte 1 63762 Großostheim/Pflaumheim 06026/97160 Gaststätte Zur Post Großostheimer Str. 8 63762 Großostheim/Pflaumheim 06026/1422 Pension Ringheimer Hof Hasselstraße 9 63762 Großostheim-Ringheim internet: e-mail: FON/FAX: 0 60 26 - 99 35 39 Mobil: 01 51 / 25 27 75 80 Hotel Cafe Kern Familie Kern Breite Str. 77 63762 Großostheim eMail: Tel:06026/978740 Fax:06026/2656 Hotel Rosengarten Dellweg 8 63762 Großostheim internet:] e-mail: Tel:06026/1887 Fax:06026/2989 Landhaushotel Familie Zimmermann Ostring 8a 63762 Großostheim/Ringheim Tel:06026/6081 Fax:06026/2212 Benötigt werden 2 Rattanstöcke 70 cm, 1 Traingsmesser und persönliche Schutzausrüstung wie gewünscht, wie Handschuhe, Schutzbrille, etc. 1 Langstock von 160 cm aufwärts wer hat mitbringen für die Einheit bei Gong Fu Thomas Holdtmann JuWe-Sticks und Panabas y Puntadas werden an beiden Tagen wieder mit einem Verkaufsstand und SICHER guten Lehrgangspreisen dabei sein :o))] Samstag, 11. April, 11:00 – 19:00 Uhr Sonntag, 10. April, 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr Seminargebühren: beide Tage 120,- € ein Tag 70,- € Anmeldung: Werner Nebauer 0160 / 96926125 ====================================================================================== IF YOU NEED FURTHER ASSISTANCE DON'T HESITATE TO CONTACT US!!! ENGLISH: Weapons World Wide IV 2015 - Filipino Martial Arts Weekend Special Guest: Master Arnold Narzo (Manila Phillippines) / Kalis Ilustrisimo Repecticion Original who will be travelling from the phillipines for this seminar. He will open the seminar Saturday Morning with a 2 hour presentation of his art and will then teach the lessons of Christof Froehlich The instructors on both days are the following: Timm Blaschke - Filipino Fighting Arts Frank Buechner / Bahala Na Giron Arnis Escrima Christof Froehlich Kapisanang Mandirigma Tobias Ricker - Cacoy Doce Pares Eskrima Benjamin Rittiner - Dog Brothers Martial Arts Thomas Holtmann Ralf Kussler www. Ralf - Kussler. Com René Marc Zeller - Filipino Combat Systems In 2015 the weekend will be determined by the blade and the stick again. 8 different styles of filipino martial arts will be presented that weekend! The seminar is open for everybody, no matter if you’re a … [Read more...]

Kamagong (1986 Filipino Arnis film) – with English subtitles

Kamagong kali arnis eskrima lameco bakbakan ilustrisimo

Kamagong (1986 Filipino Arnis film) - with English subtitles     Studio Viva Films Description It started as a weekly comic series in Super Action Pocketkomiks written by the legendary Filipino writer Carlo J. Caparas. It was later adapted into in a movie that stars Lito Lapid as Manuel andJC Bonnin as Ariel in 1986. Plot Outline The plot is about a sacred pair of arnis sticks " Kamagong". Lorenzo (the villian) steals the Kamagong and kills Ariel's brother in a duel. Ariel vows revenge and to get Kamagong back from Lorenzo. Manuel and his Grandmaster trained the Ariel for his his match against Lorenzo. The movie ended with a climatic double stick battle witness by the whole town. There was even a cameo appearance by Angel Cabales. Starring Lito Lapid, J.C. Bonnin, Ruel Vernal, Mia Prats, Bong Dimayacyac, Dencio Padilla, Eddie Garcia, Jaime Fabregas, Beth Bautista Directed By Carlo J. Caparas Written By Carlo J. Caparas Screenplay By Carlo J. Caparas and Rene O. Villanueva Produced By Vic Del Rosario, Jr., Tony Gloria, and Ramon Salvador     KAMAGONG KOMIK Illustrated by Rudy V. Villanueva Super Action Pocketkomiks, 1986-1987 … [Read more...]

Bakbakan Philippines Classes in Alabang, 2015.

bakbakan philippines

Bakbakan Philippines Classes in Alabang, 2015.   … [Read more...]

New Lameco Eskrima Book by Guro David Gould released 2014. Published by Mark Wiley’s – Tambuli Media.


New Lameco Eskrima Book by Guro David Gould released 2014. Published by Mark Wiley's - Tambuli Media.     In the art of Eskrima, few names stand out like the late Edgar Salute’s. He dedicated his life to mastering the art of Eskrima and put his reputation on the line, taking challenges for money and honor. He earned the confidence of a collection of legendary grandmasters of the day, and earned the mutual respect of his era’s newest masters. When Sulite came to the United States he took the country—and then the world—by storm. In this unique book, Guro David E. Gould recounts the life, the art and the legacy of Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite and his Lameco Eskrima system. Broken down into 10 distinct chapters, Lameco Eskrima: The Legacy of Edgar Sulite, presents the evolution of a fighter and his art, from his early days in Tacloban City and Ozamis City, through his middle period in Manila, and finally his later years in the United States. … [Read more...]

Lameco/Ilustrisimo/Bakbakan Workshop with Guro Doran Sordo and Guro Dino Flores in FMA Informative Newspaper Vol3 No12 – 2014


Lameco/Ilustrisimo/Bakbakan Workshop with Guro Doran Sordo and Guro Dino Flores in FMA Informative Newspaper Vol3 No12 – 2014     … [Read more...]

Lameco Eskrima Mexico Camp 2014 in FMA Informative Newspaper – Vol3 No11 – 2014


Lameco Eskrima Mexico Camp 2014 in FMA Informative Newspaper - Vol3 No11 - 2014   … [Read more...]

Close Quarter Gun vs Knife Tactics – 8 week course with live fire in Las Vegas, Nevada. With Guro Ariel Mosses of Combat FMA

Combat fma2

 Quarter Gun vs Knife Tactics - 8 week course with live fire in Las Vegas, Nevada. Close Quarter Gun vs Knife Tactics - 8 week course with live fire in Las Vegas, Nevada. With Guro Ariel Mosses of Combat FMA     … [Read more...]

Workshop: Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois, Sunday Dec. 7, 2014. Las Vegas Lohan School of Shaolin


Grand Master Conrad A. Manaois Workshop Grand Master Conrad A. Manaois will be conducting a workshop this Sunday Dec. 7 at Las Vegas Lohan School of Shaolin showcasing his combat proven, close quarter fighting techniques!   … [Read more...]

The first written account of “KALI” as the pre-Hispanic name of the Filipino Martial Arts by FMA History Redux

Mga Karunungan

The first written account of "KALI" as the pre-Hispanic name of the Filipino Martial Arts Source: “Mga Karunungan sa Larong Arnis” by Placido Yambao and Buenaventura Mirafuente, University of the Philippines Press, 1957... the first book on the Filipino Martial Arts that we know now... its section on the history of the Filipino Martial Arts stated that when the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines, Filipino Martial Arts was not yet called "ARNIS" but "KALI" (“Ang KALI na dinatnan ng mga Kastila ay hindi pa ARNIS ang tawag noong 1610")... The book also mentioned that a KALI demonstration was once performed in honor of the newly-arrived Conquistador Miguel Lopez de Legazpi on the order of a tribal leader in the Island of Leyte...     Philippine Hero Rev. Fr. Gregorio Aglipay, the source of Yambao & Mirafuente's "KALI"...   REV. FR. GREGORIO AGLIPAY, 1860-1940 (center), the first Supreme Bishop of the Philippine Independent Church (Wikipedia photo)...Rev. Fr. Aglipay was the source of the information that the original name of the Filipino Martial Arts is KALI in the book “Mga Karunungan sa Larong Arnis” authored by Placido Yambao and Buenaventura Mirafuente (University of the Philippines Press, 1957):'Ang KALI na Dinatnan ng mga Kastila ay Hindi pa Arnis ang Tawag nuong 1610.... Noong unang panahon ang larong ito'y kilala sa tawag na "KALI" ng ating mga ninuno, nguni't sa hindi maiwasang pagbabago ng panahon at pangyayari (underscoring mine) ay pinamagatan nila ng "Panandata" sa Tagalog, "Pagkalikali" sa kapatagan ng Kagayan ng mga Ibanag, "Kalirongan" sa Pangasinan, "Kaliradman" sa Bisaya at "Pagaradman" sa Ilongo nuong 1860, at "Didya" sa Ilokos at muling naging "Kabaroan," ayon kay Rev. Fr. Gregorio Aglipay na bantog din sa arnis nuong 1872.'TRANSLATION: 'The indigenous martial art that the Spanish encountered in 1610 was not yet called Arnis at that time. During those times, this martial art was known as "KALI" to our ancestors.  Due to theunavoidable changing of the times and circumstances (underscoring mine), this martial art became known as "Panandata" to the Tagalogs, "Pagkalikali" to the Ibanags of the plains of Cagayan, "Kalirongan" to the people of Pangasinan, "Kaliradman" to the Visayans, "Pagaradman" to the Ilonggos in 1860, and "Didya" to the Ilocanos (but later on changed to "Kabaroan").  This is according to Rev. Fr. Gregorio Aglipay, who himself was a famous Arnis practitioner in 1872.' … [Read more...]

Eskrima Workshop: with Guro Doran Sordo and Guro Dino Flores. Boracay Island, Philippines. Oct 30th to Nov 5th, 2014.

Bakbakan Lameco Ilustrisimo

Bakbakan Combat Arts International Senior Instructor -Doran Sordo. Guro Doran Sordo has had the privilege to begin training in his teens under the legendary Punong Guro Edgar Sulite, Master Yuli Romo, Master Tony Diego, Master Christopher Ricketts and Grandmaster Antonio Ilustrisimo himself. Guro Dino is a long time practitioner who has had the privilege to train with under legendary Masters -  Punong Guro Edgar Sulite, Master Yuli Romo, Master Tony Diego and Master Christopher Ricketts. … [Read more...]