Philippine-American War Computer Game - Bolos and Krags: The Philippine American War 1899-1902 Description Type Wargames Category Post-NapoleonicWargame Mechanisms Area MovementCampaign / Battle Card DrivenCard Drafting Family Country: Philippines From the designer: On June 12, 1898. Filipino revolutionary forces under Emilio Aguinaldo declared proclaimed independence of the Philippine islands from the colonial rule of Spain. The declaration of independence however was not recognized by the United States of America and Spain since the Spanish government ceded the Philipines to the USA in the aftermath of the 1898 Treaty of Paris which formally ended the Spanish American war (April 25 to August 12, 1898). Tensions already existed between both sides due to conflicting movements of independence and colonization further aggravated by misunderstandings on both sides and feelings of betrayal on the Filipino side. The tensions escalated between the former allies on February 4, 1899 when a Filipino soldier was shot by an American soldier (William W. Grayson) in Manila. Fighting soon erupted in Manila and culminated in an official Filipino declaration of war by the Malolos congress on June 2, 1899. The war would last 3 bloody years and would see a short conventional war followed by a long guerilla war which would be a prelude of things to come in Vietnam 60 years later. More information at this link: … [Read more...]
Philippine-American War Computer Game – Bolos and Krags: The Philippine American War 1899-1902
Budo International Publishing Co. is one of the world’s leading publishers in the field of martial arts, with more than 35 years in the industry.
Budo International Publishing Co. is one of the world's leading publishers in the field of martial arts, with more than 35 years in the industry. Budo International Has been a big supporter of and associated projects. It has additionally been an early promoter of Lameco Eskrima, Kali Ilustrisimo and the Warrior Arts of the Philippines in general. It is among the favorite Martial Arts publishing companies of Budo International Publishing Co. is one of the world's leading publishers in the field of martial arts, with more than 35 years in the industry. Our product catalog: Instructional Martial Arts, Combat Sports & Self Defense DVDs (PAL and NTSC, more than 600 titles in 5 languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian), Videos on Download Books, and Free online monthly Magazine Budo International in 8 language editions (English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese). The late Punong Guro Edgar Sulite on the cover. The first magazine ever to publish an article about him. First to put him on the cover. Many publications would follow years later, but Budo Publishing was the first. … [Read more...]
FMA Informative 6th Year Anniversary Issue
FMA Informative 6th Year Anniversary Issue Download the 6th Anniversary Issue here: The FMAdigest was established in 2004. The mission of the FMAdigest was for the promotion of the Filipino martial arts and the Philippine Culture. The FMAdigest had various issues throughout 2004 through 2010. It published 43 Special Issues (which were for information that would continuously happen), 75 Special Editions (which were a one-time issue on a particular subject), 22 Mini Issues (which were events that had enough material to become an issue or too large for the FMAdigest quarterly issue), 7 Recognition Issues (which came out at the end of the year recognizing individuals, organizations for their dedication and promulgation of the Filipino martial arts), and finally 5 Christmas Issues (which came out just before Christmas – This was done the last 5 years of the FMAdigest). The FMA Informative started on December 1, 2010 with its first issue “Will Total Unity in the Filipino Martial Arts Ever Be A Reality?” and on January 1, 2011 the first FMA Informative newspaper came out. Well this is the 6th Anniversary of the FMA Informative yes six years in trying to promulgate and promote the Filipino Martial Arts and the Philippines Culture. Six years of FMA Informative issues which came out when material was available, so in six years there where 312 weeks, and the FMA Informative was able to publish 261 issues. The FMA Informative issue which is an online magazine, the issues are designed to speak about one subject, whether a basic concept of a style, philosophy, techniques, a cultural aspect of the Philippines etc. The submitted material must be at least 10 page minimum, but can be as long as desired. It is hoped all have enjoyed the FMA Informative Issues. Please pass the word so more practitioners, and non-practitioners can join in on sharing their knowledge, aspects, and experience. The FMA Informative is a non-profit online magazine; we do not solicit, expect or want donations, just material to share with others. The FMA Informative Staff is dedicated to the Propagating of the Filipino martial arts and the Culture of the Philippines. It must be remembered that the FMA Informative is what you make it, if nothing received, and then nothing can be given. Be one that shares. … [Read more...]
Guro Dino Flores in Budo Magazine, Japanese, Chinese and French Language Edition. November 2017.
Guro Dino Flores in Budo Magazine, Japanese and Chinese Language Edition. November 2017. --------- Budo International Has been a big supporter of and associated projects. It has additionally been an early promoter of Lameco Eskrima, Kali Ilustrisimo and the Warrior Arts of the Philippines in general. It is among the favorite Martial Arts publishing companies of Budo International Publishing Co. is one of the world's leading publishers in the field of martial arts, with more than 35 years in the industry. Our product catalog: Instructional Martial Arts, Combat Sports & Self Defense DVDs (PAL and NTSC, more than 600 titles in 5 languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian), Videos on Download Books, and Free online monthly Magazine Budo International in 8 language editions (English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese). The late Punong Guro Edgar Sulite on the cover. The first magazine ever to publish an article about him. First to put him on the cover. Many publications would follow years later, but Budo Publishing was the first. … [Read more...]
Punong Guro Edgar Sulite interview by Guro Steve Tarani. February 1997.
Following is a very interesting Interview from 20 years ago of Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite, conducted by our Lameco Eskrima "backyard" brother, Steve Tarani in February of 1997. This was probably the last interview that PG Sulite would give before he passed away soon after on April 10, 1997. This interview was published in Guro Dan Inosanto`s; Inosanto Academy of Martial Art`s (IAMA) "Free Voice" Magazine which was made available quarterly to those of us who trained at the Inosanto Academy. This Interview was in the Spring Issue of 1997 just after PG Sulite pased away. In the Interview PG Sulite speaks about his years of practicing the Chinese Internal Arts of Tai-Chi and Hsing-I, both of which he had trained for quite a while back in the Philippines while he was younger. There he would get up early every morning and train his Kali, Arnis and Eskrima for hours, which was always a very intensive hard energy driven labor. He would then follow that up and finish with a Tai-Chi or Hsing-I session and then meditate to balance the "warrior inside" as he would call it, that being his spiritual being which had to be in harmonious balance with his physical being to complete both opposing sides of "yin and yang" representing both hard and soft when combining Lameco Eskrima with Tai-Chi and Hsing-I. PG Sulite used to demonstrate to us often his push hands of Hsing-I. I remember him literally lifting our Lameco Eskrima "backyard" brother, Hans Anton Tan off of his feet and throwing him into the side of a wall to demonstrate the power of his Chi. He practiced a lot of this with our "backyard" brother Bong Hebia as well. PG Sulite would often tell us that we had to master both external and internal in order to have the best and most effective versions of our combative selves to come forward. In addition to training Tai-Chi and Hsing-I, PG also trained Ng Cho Kung Fu from his friend and publisher, Master Alexander L. Co in addition to that PG Sulite would further condition his palms, hands and forearms with a type of Iron Palm training. All of this in addition to his Indigenous Pilipino Warrior Arts of Kali, Arnis and Eskrima. Click on each of the two images below to read the full context of the interview below. … [Read more...]
Media: El Guro Dino Flores impartirá seminario de Lameco Eskrima El Guro Dino Flores impartirá seminario de Lameco Eskrima jul 31, 2015 - 3:04 am Deportes Comentarios desactivados La Academia EFA que dirige el profesor Adán Castillejos se prepara para recibir una visita de lujo, pues el Guro Dino Flores estará impartiendo sus conocimientos en un seminario de Lameco Eskrima –Kali Ilusitrisimo-, el cual se desarrollará este próximo 14 y 15 de agosto. Lo anterior fue confirmado por el profesor Adán Castillejos Gallegos quién destacó que este seminario busca la preparación de sus alumnos, por lo que es de suma importancia continuar trabajando en las artes marciales. Indicó que el Guro Dino Flores nació en Hawai. Ha vivido en varios lugares, incluyendo Fiji, Papua Nueva Guinea, Australia, así como Manila y Laguna – Filipinas. Guro Dino se introdujo primero en el concepto de historia “Arnis” y Filipinas Guerrero por su padre el Dr. AS Flores a mediados de 1970. Esto se hizo a través de la tradición oral, Pilipino Komiks y difícil de encontrar publicaciones durante la Ley Marcial. Su primer contacto con el entrenamiento físico fue en la década de 1980 en la provincia de Laguna, Filipinas. Familiares mayores y vecinos de la familia tierras ancestrales de muchas generaciones, lo presentaron en las sesiones de traspatio a aplicaciones básicas de la calle y la estrategia de la hoja balisong durante las estancias en las Filipinas. Muchos de estos primeros instructores habían experimentado situaciones de hoja real con las cicatrices para probarlo. Las primeras lecciones fueron evitación, la conciencia ambiental y el comportamiento adecuado para evitar el conflicto. Dino entrenó durante varios años con el Gran Maestro Conrado A. Manaois en Ninoy Cinco Teros Arnis y Master Henry Bio en Sikaran Arnis en la década de 1980, junto con sus primos Ariel Flores Musgos y Choy Flores. A principios de 1990 fue aceptado como miembro inicial de Punong Guro Edgar Sulites ‘nueva formación Backyard Grupo AKA el Oriehenal Grupo Sulite. Durante el entrenamiento constante en el patio trasero que pasó de ser un boxeador agresivo a uno que ahora más tranquilo y preciso. Su estilo de lucha en los primeros días del Grupo de los Backyard le valió el apodo de “Aso’ng Gulo” de sus compañeros de los compañeros y era considerado combatiente patio trasero favorito Punong Guro Sulites ‘debido a la clara el uso del plan de estudios durante los combates. Además, tuvo la buena fortuna de experimentar el entrenamiento en Kali Ilustrísimo con Dodong Sta. Iglesia, Guro Arnold Narzo, Guro Peachie Baron, Maestro Rey Galang, Maestro Yuli Romo y Master de Tony Diego. También entrenó en Kali Ilustrísimo con uno de sus compañeros de entrenamiento y miembro Lameco Backyard Guro Hans Tan, que fue certificado para enseñar Kali Ilustrsimo con el Maestro, Tony Diego en 1999. Además Guro Dino entrenado en privado durante varios años en California y las Filipinas con el profesor Ireneo L. Olavides en Eskrima De Campo JDC-IO. Guro Dino también cita la importancia de sus compañeros de entrenamiento en Lameco SOG y Kapisanang Mandirigma en su crecimiento. Dino ha impartido numerosos seminarios y clases en los últimos años. Ha aparecido en la televisión, videos instructivos, Cine Independiente y programas de radio promoción de las artes. Ha contribuido al artículo de la revista para publicaciones como “Budo International”, “Maestros”, “Blitz” “FMA informativo” y “FMA Digest. Guro Dino es un miembro fundador de Kapisanang Mandirigma de: Organización de Investigación Mandirigma /, Kali Klub sa Filipinotown histórico de Los Ángeles y la Organización Backyard Eskrima ™. El Kali Klub es una colaboración voluntaria con varias agencias sin fines de lucro en Los Ángeles. El proyecto incluye la creación de un programa premiado desviar positivamente la juventud en riesgo de las drogas y las pandillas que usan los filipinos Guerrero Artes como una metáfora para la adaptación y el aprendizaje. Cientos de estudiantes experimentaron el programa a lo largo de diez años. Para algunos estudiantes de la educación salvó literalmente su vida en varias situaciones callejeras armadas. Algunos de los premios y reconocimientos de para el programa provienen de organizaciones como en Buscar para Involucrar Pilipino estadounidenses, la Asamblea Estatal de California y el Ayuntamiento de Los Ángeles. … [Read more...]
TV: Guro Ariel Flores Mosses of Mandirigma with Sensei Hamm of Ten Tigers on Las Vegas TV
Guro Ariel Flores Mosses of Mandirigma with Sensei Hamm of Ten Tigers on Las Vegas TV promoting Self-Defense Seminar including Filipino Martial Arts. A self-defense seminar for women is being offered this weekend for a donation to AFAN of $20. Read more: … [Read more...]
Budo Magazine Publishes the final Interview of Grandmaster Tony Diego of Kalis Ilustrisimo. Interview by Tim Fredianell. September 2015.
Budo Magazine Publishes the final Interview of Grandmaster Tony Diego of Kalis Ilustrisimo. Interview by Tim Fredianell. Read interview in English here: Read interview in Spanish here: … [Read more...]
Eskrima Documentary Series Teaser Trailer: Ang Dangal ng Lahi (Pride)
Eskrima Documentary Series - Teaser Trailer: Ang Dangal Ng Lahi (Pride) Ang Dangal ng Lahi (Pride) is a series of short documentaries about the Warrior Arts of the Philippines commonly known as Eskrima, Arnis and Kali. The focus will be arts and organizations of Bakbakan Philippines, Ilustrisimo and Lameco Eskrima. Director: Tim Fredianelli General Consultant: Dino Flores Distribution: Kapisanang Mandirigma Productions Release Date: 2015 For more information go to: © 2015 Kapisanang Mandirigma Productions, All Rights Reserved. … [Read more...]
Master Christopher Ricketts and Bakbakan Philippines doing Ilustrisimo on TV Show – 2005.
Master Christopher Ricketts and Bakbakan Philippines doing Ilustrisimo on TV Show. Master Ricketts is assisted by Bruce Ricketts, Dodong Sta. Iglesia, Miguel Zubiri, Doran Sordo, Brandon Ricketts, Monsour del Rosario and other members of Bakbakan Philippines. Shot at Olympians Taekwondo Training Center (OTTC) in Fort Bonifacio, Manila, Philippines. 2005. … [Read more...]
Filipino Martial Arts Reported in a New York Newspaper, 1900
Filipino Martial Arts Reported in a New York Newspaper, 1900 Article From: On October 28, 1900, a lengthy article appeared in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, describing the many weapons used by the native inhabitants of the Philippines, as well as details pertaining to the method of their use, and rituals in the duel. The article, complete with illustrations, is probably one of the first in America to detail the martial culture of the Philippines, and is almost certainly the first such article to appear in New York State. Although Filipino martial arts such as Kali and Arnis had likely not yet made their appearances in New York, this article offers a fascinating glimpse at how such fighting arts were viewed by visiting Americans at the turn of the century. After an initial examination of the social importance of the Bolo and its method of manufacture, the article proceeds to describe other indigenous weapons and their manner of use. The first is the Sundang, or northern (Luzon) version of the Bolo: “The weapon is curiously shaped and cunningly balanced so as to throw the weight toward the striking end. Even a light blow is terribly effective. The average Filipino is as dextrous in handling the sundang as a fencing master is with the rapier.” Next, the Campilan is described: “It is carried over the shoulder and is never unsheathed for the first stroke. When necessity for its use arises it is brought down on the head with the scabbard on it. The blade cuts through the thread, thus unsheathing itself…There is a regular drill the Moros go through with this weapon, cutting and chopping with extraordinary swiftness while continually leaping hither and thither to avoid the return of the enemy. An individual encounter between two natives armed with the campilan presents a curious and startling spectacle. One sees the sudden stroke, hears the clap and rattle of the wooden scabbard as it lands and watches it fall to the ground in halves…It seems hideously incongruous that the recipient of the stroke should go down with his skull split at the same moment. But the sheathed steel does its work swiftly and such duels are over with the first swing that reaches the mark.” Next, the article describes the method of using the Kris, the staff officer’s favorite weapon: “The approved kris stroke is for the body with a peculiar weaving motion of the wrist, supposed to send the blade home and spread the wound…it is brandished above the head of the charging leader, a beacon of victory.” Also described is the smaller punal de kris, a “diminutive but deadly weapon,” as well as the quinabasi, or knife of the private soldier: “He carries it very much as the American private does his bayonet…Generally speaking it is a utensil rather than a weapon, though by no means to be despised at close quarters.” The author describes other weapons as well such as the terciada, borong, andtalibong. If you’d like to read more, the entire article can be loaded and read by clicking on the image below. Also, if you enjoyed this article, see: Filipino versus Spanish Knife Fighters and a Duel in New York City, 1931 … [Read more...]
FMA Informative – Issue 138 – featuring Fanged Blade with Guro Ariel Flores Mosses and Lance Parvin.
FMA Informative - Issue 138 - Fanged Blade What is the Fanged Blade Program? -Technique Examples --Fanged Blade --Manaois System --Lameco Footwork Within Filipino Martial Arts A Tactical Professionals’ View Fanged Blade in Action - A Students’ Perspective The Cultural Arts Training Foundation The FMA Informative in talking with Lance Parvin found out that the Fanged Blade was created by Ariel Mosses and Lance Parvin to address worst-case scenarios. The program incorporates several arts and systems, mainly comprised of Filipino martial arts including: Lameco S.O.G, Kali Ilustrisimo, and Manaois Eskrima, Ninoy Cinco Teros Arnis. Based on violent, destructive, and killing strikes, Filipino ground fighting (Buno), and “uninterrupted biting and eye gouging” (Kagatin at Mangamot ng Mata) techniques are emphasized. Fanged Blade comes under the main organization, “The Cultural Arts Training Foundation” which uses movement arts to empower those dealing with traumatic injury, PTSD, and bullying. The programs are developed by qualified professionals with dynamic backgrounds in movement including: kinesiology, gymnastics, martial arts, dance, and yoga. Lance Parvin, Founder and Executive Director, created the organization after his own traumatic injury from a near fatal car accident left him with spine damage. Visit and download a copy. Link - … [Read more...]
Documentary: World War II: Manila Clean-Up (1945) A month after the 1st Cavalry Division arrived in the Philippines, the battle for Manila’s liberation finally met its conclusion. The wrath of war resulted to the deaths of 100,000 Filipino civilians and the destruction of stunning landmarks that once made Manila the Pearl of the Orient. In 1995, a monument called the “Memorare-Manila 1945” was placed at Plazuela de Sta. Isabel in Intramuros to remember this dark chapter in country’s history. The inscription, which was penned by National Artist Nick Joaquin, says that “This memorial is dedicated to all those innocent victims of war, many of whom went nameless and unknown to a common grave, or never even knew a grave at all, their bodies having been consumed by fire or crushed to dust beneath the rubble of ruins.” From: … [Read more...]
Evidence of pre-colonial FILIPINO MARTIAL ARTS by Perry Gil S. Mallari FIGHT Times Editor
Evidence of pre-colonial FILIPINO MARTIAL ARTS May 25, 2014 12:30 am by Perry Gil S. Mallari FIGHT Times Editor While there is scant mention of the specific names of the martial arts that pre-colonial Filipinos practiced, I believe that various prototypes of Filipino martial arts (FMA) were already in existence long before the arrival of Spain. To me, three things serve as indicators of the existence of indigenous FMA: organized method of warfare, metallurgical technology and sophisticated blade culture. All three aforementioned were chronicled by the Spaniards when they arrived in the Philippines. Organized method of warfareAsdang is the prehispanic Filipino term for hand-to-hand combat as mentioned by William Henry Scott in his excellent book Barangay: Sixteenth-Century Philippine Culture and Society (1994), “Asdang was hand-to-hand combat. Bulu was a duel. Hulaw was a man known to be on the lookout for an enemy,” he wrote. While it may be true that sheer number is the prime factor why the native army of Lapulapu defeated the forces of Magellan in Mactan, I am firm in my stand that the pre-colonial Filipinos were already schooled in their own methods of warfare. Scott in his book wrote that the Visayan general term for warfare was gubat. He distinguished combat engagements into two—gahat (by land) and mangayaw (by sea). Salakay is the word used for attacking.” On land attacks, he comments, “The preferred tactic on land was ambush—habon, saghid, hoom or pool—either by lying in wait or by such strategies as exposing a few agile warriors to enemy view to lure them into a trap. Sayang was to pass by hidden enemies unawares.” Scott even referred to an individual tactic used while being pursued by the enemy as well as how the concept of death could affect a warrior’s psyche, “Pinaorihiyan was for a fleeing warrior to turn and spear his pursuer; naga kamatayan was to fight to the death; and mangin matay was a desperate man determined to die on the field of battle.” Terminologies pertaining to military affairs also abound as the following lines from Scott’s book indicate, “Special roles connected with the conduct of war included away, enemy; bantay, sentinel; bila, allies; kagon, mediator; and laway, spy.” Continue reading article here: … [Read more...]
The PBS Film: Crucible of Empire – The Spanish American War
The PBS Film: Crucible of Empire - The Spanish American War One hundred years ago, United States celebrated victory in the Spanish-American War. Popular songs and headlines popularized Commodore Dewey's victories at sea and Theodore Roosevelt's ride up Kettle Hill. Although the Spanish-American War sparked unprecedented levels of patriotism and confidence, the defeat of the Spanish also raised new questions about the nation's role as a world power. CRUCIBLE OF EMPIRE: THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR, narrated by award-winning actor Edward James Olmos, examines the colorful characters and historic events surrounding this 100-year-old war and its relevance to the twentieth century. When a declining Spain, beset by rebellion abroad, fell to American expansionism, the United States inherited her colonies and suddenly emerged as a world power. The experience and questions that the Spanish-American War raised about foreign intervention echo throughout the 20th century—as recent events in Kosovo show. Even in its own time, the war with Spain was understood as a turning point in American history. As the twentieth century ends, it is instructive to note the complexities and significance of this very brief war that began this century. In the words of noted historian Walter LaFeber, "The 1898 war literally as well as chronologically ushered in the United States as a major shaper, soon the major shaper, of twentieth-century world politics and commerce." In the process, it also unified a nation still embittered by Civil War divisions; debuted the media in its role as catalyst of U.S. intervention; built up the navy and inspired a re-evaluation of the army; and vastly broadened the powers of the president in wartime and foreign affairs. Clearly, the Spanish-American War was more than the war that ended the nineteenth century; it was also the war that launched the American century. Using original footage and period photographs, newspaper headlines, more than a dozen popular songs from the 1890s, and interviews with some of America's most prominent historians, CRUCIBLE OF EMPIRE tells how issues of race, economy, technology, yellow journalism, and public opinion propelled America into this war. Four 1990s Senators bring to life the 1899 Senate debate on imperialism: Patrick Leahy (VT), Frank Lautenberg (NJ), Paul Simon (IL), and Alan Simpson (WY). The film also features Larry Linville (Major Frank "Ferret Face" Burns of "M*A*S*H") as the voice of Rough Rider Theodore Roosevelt, Laurence Luckinbill as President William McKinley, and Lou Diamond Phillips as Philippine revolutionary Emilio Aguinaldo. Continue reading at: … [Read more...]
Kalis Ilustrisimo Book by Guro Peachie Baron on Punta y Daga to be released early 2014
Kalis Ilustrisimo Book by Guro Peachie Baron Saguin on Punta y Daga to be released early 2014 What Is It Like to Train with the Master of Kalis Ilustrisimo? By: Peachie Baron-Saguin Submitted by: Steven Dowd I first met Master Tony Diego when I joined Bakbakan International in 1989. He was a friend of the Master of Bakbakan Christopher Ricketts, and was invited frequently in our practice sessions, to share with the students of Bakbakan his style in sword and knife fighting. Master Tony Diego When Master Christopher Ricketts left for the States, I started training with Master Diego on a regular basis with his Binondo group, the Kalis Ilustrisimo. My training then took on a leap. I was showed the proper way to hold the blade, not to grip the handle too tight, to prevent it from being disarmed when struck heavily with another sword. I was then taught the different kinds and forms of striking and blocking, and the footwork and stances that goes for each attack and counter attack. I was asked to repeatedly execute a particular strike before moving on to the next. Master Diego has always reiterated the importance of a repetitive exercise for one to gain mastery of the form. Peachie Baron-Saguin training with Master Tony Diego Soon enough Master Diego taught me how to use the stick and knife at the same time. This style is called Puntai y Daga. From this style, my interest grew more and more and I always look forward to a sword play with Master Diego, where my speed and accuracy to block and strike are put to test, my distance and movements, checked and corrected. There are moments when Master Diego would attack me when my guard is down to find out how I would react. If I stopped, he would tell me not to think but just to react, otherwise I get hit. The word “sorry” is never use in the gym. If you get hit, it’s your fault. After considerable drills with a wooden sword, Master Diego gave me as a gift, a real sword to practice on. Again my strikes and counter strikes were checked. Using the real sword, Master Diego would ask me to execute the different strikes and counter strikes. The purpose of this exercise, he said, is to gain better control of the blade and to prevent improper techniques from developing, and thus trains the student to hit at the right angle. My first swordplay using a real sword with Master Diego was really scary, but then I passed with flying colors. Suffice it to say, I was taught not only to defend and attack on a standing position, but on a sitting and lying down position as well. The exercise of ascending and descending the stairs during a duel is so difficult and tiring. Disarming is also part of the drills. Training with Master Diego is not easy. I often find myself catching my breath during the swordplay, while Master Diego is laughing and comfortably attacking and parrying my strikes. At the end of each session, I am totally exhausted. My shoulders ache and I could hardly lift my arms. At home before going to bed, I would take a muscle relaxant to relieve the pain so I could train again in the next session. Master Tony Diego and Tommy Dy Tang (Tom) in action using a bladed bolo or sword in an exhib- ition of Kalis Ilustrisimo. Tom is an instructor of Kalis Ilustrisimo, owner of the gym in Binondo where the group practices. As I continue my training with Master Diego, I am learning not only the art of bladed weapons but also, the essence of a good swordsman, the discipline and the commitment that one must have to the art. … [Read more...]
Way Of The Balisong – An independent documentary film project that examines the history and culture of the Balisong Knife.
Way Of The Balisong An independent documentary film project that examines the history and culture of the Balisong Knife. BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR OUR KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN STARTING SOON!!! Synopsis> From the Batangas region of the Philippines, to the cutlery factories of Oregon-USA, to the practitioners and aficionados connected by the World Wide Web, this film examines the origins, history and culture of the notorious Balisong Knife. Well-known from its appearance in films and popularity among blade enthusiasts, often overlooked is the small town which made the knife famous, now struggling to maintain its identity in a modernizing world. Help Make This Film> The Film is one-third through it's principle completion. Finishing the film will require your help. If you would like to support this project and be a part of history please join our mailing list and follow us on facebook / twitter to stay tuned to announcement for our Kickstarter funding campaign, starting on October 7th. Help Make This Film 'Way of the Balisong' is a passion project that started from a visit to the heritage town of Taal, in the Batangas region of the Philippines by filmmaker Paul Factora in 2012. After hearing about the plight of the people in Barangay Balisong and speaking with prominent blade merchant Diosdado Ona about the disappearing industry within the Town it was named after, a decision was made to return and document their story. After 2 subsequent trips to the Philippines, the story expanded. Originally intended as a short 10 minute piece, it became apparent that the tale of the Balisong knife was not relegated to just the Philippines and in order to tell the full story the project must also grow. It wasn't just about a knife, it became about the people who pioneered a craft that spread throughout the world and how that craft is now dwindling away. Along with a couple of friends & cameras one-third of the principle photography was shot in the Philippines completely self funded. Completing the film in it's envisioned entirety, will require another trip to the Philippines and several interviews shot throughout the U.S. 'Way Of The Balisong' will need YOUR help to be completed. Please join our mailing list to recieve updates on our Kickstarter Campaign beginning October 7, 2013 and stay tuned to learn what you can do to help make 'Way Of The Balisong' a reality. … [Read more...]
Sino pumatay kay Antonio Luna? – Philippine TV Show Crime Klasik – Episode #301 – June 8, 2012
Sino pumatay kay Antonio Luna? - Philippine TV Show Crime Klasik - Episode #301 - June 8, 2012 Isa sa pinakamatapang at pinakamatalinong Heneral na lumaban sa mananakop si General Antonio Luna. Pero hindi tulad ng ibang bayani, sa kamay raw ng kapwa Pilipino natapos ang kaniyang buhay. Paano nabago nito ang ating kasaysayan? Was it Aguinaldo who had Antonio Luna killed? Go back in time and know the history of Antonio Luna here in Crime Klasik. More on Crime Klasik: … [Read more...]
Guro Dino Flores DVD Release and Magazine article for Budo International, November 2011
Guro Dino Flores DVD Release and Magazine article for Budo International, November 2011 February 1, 2012 By dinof2 Leave a Comment (Edit) Guro Dino Flores DVD Release and Magazine article for Budo International, November 2011 Excerpt from the DVD backcover: Punong Guro Edgar Sulite was one of the great revolutionaries in Philippine Martial Arts history. There were two types of students that learnt under him, those who took classes under him periodically and those whom he selected and prepared personally for becoming fighters in private training sessions in the backyard of his home, these students belonged to the Sulite Orihinal Group. Dino Flores belongs to this second elite group of specially trained fighters in Lameco and shines with his own light as one of the top selected fighters of the Lameco Eskrima backyard group. In this work he introduces and shows us a series of exercises which Punong Guro Sulite emphasized greatly upon and that develop correct distancing in a real combat situation. This dvd will help you refine the combative motions, enable you to increase the intensity within a drill, as well as show you how to use equipment correctly and help you overcome a well protected opponent. You will learn how to avoid being hit and grabbed. These exercises practiced under real contact and tension will allow you to react against the most common attacks in real time and in an effective way. The most important thing is to hit well, to have good footwork and mainly to have a great foundation. About Budo International Magazine Budo International is the only martial arts magazine published in seven different languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, and Croatian) and sold worldwide. Budo Magazine is undisputedly the largest specialized magazine in over 60 countries. They are the foremost martial arts publication in Europe, South America, Central America and Australia, as well as having editions in Greece and Czechoslovakia.Their monthly publication brings exciting and exotic masters and material that is truly universal. Budo also covers all types of events, from tournaments to movies and the magazine brings a gust of fresh air mixed with European quality to the American culture. Click on the magazine image below to read English issues of Budo. Backyard Lameco DVD clip produced by Budo International … [Read more...]
Documentary WWII: Battle of Corregidor – The Fight for Manila – Philippines 1942 The Battle of Manila - Starts with discussion from 2 Vets memories of the WW2 Japanese invasion and internment of civilians to the military incursion to rescue the civilian prisoners at Santo Tomas and Battle of Corregidor. Battle scenes in Philippines, views of rescued US civilians, street fighting in Manila at Intramuros, bridges destroyed. Destruction of buildings from cannon fire. Japanese were told 'hold Manila or burn it' so it burned. They won by taking Intramuros. The surviving Filipinos from Intramuros did a mass exodus across the river. MacArthur then returned to Manila. … [Read more...]