Guro Dino Flores Seminar: Madrid, Spain. A finales de Junio 2011 Workshop con armas blancas con Guro Dino Flores – conocido como uno de los peleadores más técnicos y avanzados del grupo SOG de LAMECO y KALIS ILUSTRISIMO

A finales de Junio 2011 Workshop con armas blancas con Guro Dino Flores - conocido como uno de los peleadores más técnicos y avanzados del grupo SOG de LAMECO y KALIS ILUSTRISIMO (Sulite Original Backyard Group) Interested contact with Sifu Tim Fredianelli 615308348 Space must be reserved in advance for these courses, places are limited to ensure quality. Special rates and privileges for members only at our school … [Read more...]

Los Angeles – Historic Filipinotown Chapter of Lameco SOG

lameco eskrima

Los Angeles – Historic Filipinotown Chapter of Lameco SOG By Lameco SOG members including: Joel Adriatico, Roger Agbulos, Jason Ancheta, Hospecio "Bud" Balani Jr., Ron Balicki, Rem V. Cruz, Marc F. Denny, Mar Elepaño, Bryant Emerson, Choy Flores, Dino Flores, Dave Gould, Steven Grody, Elmer R. Hebia, Sung Han Kim, Eric Dupois Koh, Arnold A. Noche, Lowell Pueblos, Gary Quan, Phillip Rapagna, Pantaleon "Mang Leo" Revilles, Jr. (RIP), Hans Anton Tan, Steve Tarani, Pelix Velenciar and Rodney Wilson. The group occasionally gets together to train or collaborate. Many are busy with heading their own organizations. A good number of the Lameco SOG members have continued to train together regularly since their teacher's death in 1997. Besides continued training in the Lameco Backyard Method, the group also continued study in the Lameco primary root fighting systems of Ilustrisimo and De Campo Uno-Dos-Tres Orihinal. This group is sometimes reffered to as The Los Angeles – Historic Filipinotown Chapter of Lameco SOG. This includes Guros Joel Adriatico, Hospecio "Bud" Balani Jr., Mar Elepaño, Choy Flores, Dino Flores, Arnold Noche, Gary Quan, Hans Anton Tan and Pantaleon “Mang Leo” Revilles, Jr. (RIP). It is also this group that came up with the term “SOG” or Sulite Orehenal Group with the guidance and approval of the two highest-ranking Lameco Eskrima International members, Master Christopher N. Ricketts and Master Reynaldo S. Galang. A few of these members to teach the public, however most prefer to keep their knowledge a private matter. When Christopher N. Ricketts moved to California backyard members Hospecio "Bud" Balani Jr., Mar Elepaño,  Bryant Emerson, Ron Baliki, Choy Flores, Dino Flores and Arnold Noche trained under Master Rickets in Ilustrisimo and recognized him as the highest ranking Lameco Eskrima Member. With the tragic passing of Master Ricketts, the highest ranking Lameco Eskrima Member is currently Master Rey Galang Above is the largest Filipino-American mural in the U.S.A.  located in Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles. Painted by Eliseo Art Silva. The mural measures 145 feet x 25 feet. The mural was created in commemoration of the Centennial of the Philippine Revolution against Spain … [Read more...]

Macario Sakay: Tulisán or Patriot? by Paul Flores

eskrima kali arnis

Macario Sakay: Tulisán or Patriot? by Paul Flores © 1996 by Paul Flores and PHGLA All rights reserved Contrary to popular belief, Philippine resistance to American rule did not end with the capture of Emilio Aguinaldo in 1901. There were numerous resistance forces fighting for Philippine independence until the year 1910. One of these forces was led by Macario Sakay who established the Tagalog Republic. Born in 1870 in Tondo, Macario Sakay had a working-class background. He started out as an apprentice in a calesa manufacturing shop. He was also a tailor, a barber, and an actor in comedias and moro-moros. His participation in Tagalog dramas exposed him to the world of love, courage, and discipline. In 1894, Sakay joined the Dapitan, Manila branch of the Katipunan. Due to his exemplary work, he became head of the branch. His nightly activities as an actor in comedias camouflaged his involvement with the Katipunan. Sakay assisted in the operation of the Katipunan press. During the early days of the Katipunan, Sakay worked with Andres Bonifacio and Emilio Jacinto. He fought side by side with Bonifacio in the hills of Morong (now Rizal) Province. During the initial stages of the Filipino-American war, Sakay was jailed for his seditious activities. He had been caught forming several Katipunan chapters and preaching its ideals from town to town. Republika ng Katagalugan Released in 1902 as the result of an amnesty, Sakay established with a group of other Katipuneros the Republika ng Katagalugan in the mountains of Southern Luzon. Sakay held the presidency and was also called "Generalisimo." Francisco Carreon was the vice-president and handled Sakay's correspondence. Julian Montalan was the overall supervisor for military operations. Cornelio Felizardo took charge of the northern part of Cavite (Pasay-Bacoor) while Lucio de Vega controlled the rest of the province. Aniceto Oruga operated in the lake towns of Batangas. Leon Villafuerte headed Bulacan while Benito Natividad patrolled Tanauan, Batangas. In April 1904, Sakay issued a manifesto stating that the Filipinos had a fundamental right to fight for Philippine independence. The American occupiers had already made support for independence, even through words, a crime. Sakay also declared that they were true revolutionaries and had their own constitution and an established government. They also had a flag. There were several other revolutionary manifestos written by the Tagalog Republic that would tend to disprove the U.S. government's claim that they were bandits. The Tagalog Republic's constitution was largely based on the early Katipunan creed of Bonifacio. For Sakay, the new Katipunan was simply a continuation of Bonifacio's revolutionary struggle for independence. Guerilla tactics In late 1904, Sakay and his men took military offensive against the enemy. They were successful in seizing ammunition and firearms in their raids in Cavite and Batangas. Disguised in Philippine Constabulary uniforms, they captured the U.S. military garrison in Parañaque and ran away with a large amount of revolvers, carbines, and ammunition. Sakay's men often employed these uniforms to confuse the enemy. Using guerrilla warfare, Sakay would look for a chance to use a large number of his men against a small band of the enemy. They usually attacked at night when most of the enemy was looking for relaxation. Sakay severely punished and often liquidated suspected collaborators. The Tagalog Republic enjoyed the support of the Filipino masses in the areas of Morong, Laguna, Batangas, and Cavite. Lower class people and those living in barrios contributed food, money, and other supplies to the movement. The people also helped Sakay's men evade military checkpoints. They collected information on the whereabouts of the American troops and passed them on. Muchachos working for the Americans stole ammunition and guns for the use of Sakay's men. Unable to suppress the growth of the Tagalog Republic, the Philippine Constabulary and the U.S. Army started to employ "hamletting" or reconcentration in areas where Sakay received strong assistance. The towns of Taal, Tanauan, Santo Tomas, and Nasugbu in the province of Batangas were reconcentrated. This cruel but effective counter-insurgency technique proved disastrous for the Filipino masses. The forced movement and reconcentration of a large number of people caused the outbreak of diseases such as cholera and dysentery. Food was scarce in the camps, resulting in numerous deaths. Meanwhile, search and destroy missions operated relentlessly in an attempt to suppress Sakay's forces. Muslims from Jolo were brought in to fight the guerrillas. Bloodhounds from California were imported to pursue them. The writ of habeas corpus was suspended in Cavite and Batangas to strengthen counter-insurgency efforts. With support cut off, the continuous American military offensive caused the Tagalog Republic to weaken. Fall of … [Read more...]

Lameco Sulite Orihinal Group Guro Dino Flores Lameco Ilustrisimo

Lameco Sulite Orihinal Group Sulite Orihinal Group is comprised of dedicated Lameco Eskrima International practitioners who were handpicked by Punong Guro himself to be a part of his regular "backyard" training sessions. Many loyal Lameco practitioners have trained in the "backyard", yet there was and always will be a distinction between "Invitation Only" and "Open Invitation" students. The open invitation students were the selected few individuals who attended the rigorous, 3 days a week, 4-hour sessions and were frequently shown numerous techniques not shared with the general public. An important factor among the core members was that they held no administrative ties to other Filipino Martial Arts styles and systems. One of the primary reasons Punong Guro created the elite group was to create a first generation of practitioners that owed allegiance, first and foremost, to Lameco Eskrima. Because the sessions were conducted at his personal residence, Punong Guro was extremely selective about whom he allowed to participate. Punong Guro often mentioned that although many individuals were eager to train, very few actually allowed themselves to be trained. It is not a system, for it already exists, but a fraternity of dedicated practitioners with a common bond. One factor that is prevalent among the original core members is that they initially joined Lameco Eskrima International for reasons of pride, culture and heritage. The primary aim of the group is to keep the art of Lameco Eskrima alive through continued training in a combat realistic, non-commercial and non-political environment. Passion for the art was, and always will be, the prime motivator. As a sign of respect so that Punong Guro’s name shall always be remembered for many generations to come, the core members named themselves “Sulite Orihinal Group.” Sulite Orihinal Group considers their inherited knowledge more precious beyond any material compensation, just as much as the blood, sweat and tears that were spilled by our forefathers in order to obtain it, so we strive to be worthy of the generations of warriors before us. The desire of the brotherhood is to continue traveling upon the same path, which Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite had started them on. They wish to keep his legacy, and the heritage, alive and pure and pursue it with a mind, body and sprit that is nothing short of being honorable. Sulite Orihinal Group will continue to uphold this tradition in order to maintain the spirit of brotherhood and unity amongst its members. Lameco Sulite Orihinal Group circa 1992 -1997 Lameco Sulite Orihinal Group circa 1992 -1997

Lowell Pueblos, Eric Koh, Ron Balicki Mar Elepano, Hospecio "Bud" Balani, jr., Rem V. Cruz, Dino Flores, Arnold Noche, Hans Anton Tan, Pelix Balencia, Dave Gould, Steve Grody 
Elmer "Bong" Hebia, Roger Agbulos, Jason Ancheta
Marc F. Denny, Steve Tarani, Phil Rapagna
, Choy Flores, Gary Quan Joel '"Jay" Adriatico,
Bryant Emerson, Sung Han Kim, Rodney Wilson, Pantaleon " Mang Leo" Revilles, jr. ( R.I.P. ) … [Read more...]

Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite and Lameco Eskrima

Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite and Lameco Eskrima Lameco Eskrima is a highly combative form of martial arts originating from the Philippines.  The ancient warrior arts of the Philippines are generally known as Arnis, Kali or Eskrima.  The founder of Lameco Eskrima, the late Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite, learned these techniques from several prominent grandmasters in the Philippines.  The quest for knowledge led him on an adventure that took him throughout the Philippine islands.  The result of his journey resulted in Lameco Eskrima.  The word “LAMECO” 
reflects the three ranges of combat.  “LA” for largo or long range of combat, “ME” for medio or medium range of combat and “CO” for corto or close range of combat. The Lameco insignia represents the following:
The Triangle represents the integration of the mind, body and spirit and the unity of these three elements.
The Kris sword, the Balisong and the Bastons represent the Warriors of the Philippines.
The Kris sword represents the island of Mindanao (Southern Philippines) where it is still used by the Muslims.
The Balisong knife (butterfly knife) represents the island of Luzon (Northern Philippines) where it originated.
The Baston (rattan stick) represents the islands of the Visayas (Central Philippines).
The Arrows represent the flow of nature and the concept of going with the force, blending, not contradicting the laws of nature. Lameco Eskrima teaches the following Filipino weapons: Solo baston (Single stick), Doble baston (Double Stick), Espada y daga (Sword and Dagger), Solo daga (Single dagger), Doble daga (Double Dagger), Centro baston (Center stick Grip), Susi (Stick with Key Grip), Itak (Sword), Doble Itak (Double Sword), Panyo (Hankerchief), Mano y Mano and Dumog (Empty Hands). Punong Guro Sulite was also an innovator and inventor. He invented the sparring arm guard and hand guard with the assistance of master Yuli Romo. With the input of the Five Pillars of Ilustrisimo they introduced the world to hand sparring to develop accuracy, range and timing. This method has now become standard practice in numerous Eskrima Systems. Punong Guro and his fellow Pillars of Ilustrisimo initially only sparred with live rattan sticks only. Unfortunately this led to many injuries that took them out of the training that they lived for. They sought a safer alternative  to spar without losing respect for the weapon by wearing too much protection. This led to the development of real rattan sticks with light padding or the padded stick used in conjunction with minimal protective gear. Thus the Backyard Curriculum consisted of Light Sparring or Hand Sparring, mid level intensity with padded sticks and minimal gear and finally Live Stick with minimal gear. It was Master Christopher Rickets that  implementing  sparring into the regular LAMECO curricul um. Punong Guro is the author of three books, including “Secrets of Arnis”, “Advanced Balisong” and “Masters of Arnis, Kali and Eskrima”.  Punong Guro has been featured in numerous magazines such as “Inside Kung-Fu” and  “Cinturon Negro” in Europe.  Punong Guro is the featured instructor in several videos including “Lameco Eskrima at the Vortex”, “Laban Laro 1 & 2” and a whole series by Unique Publications.  His book, “Masters of Arnis, Kali and Eskrima” was a landmark publication as it was the first 
time a researcher traveled and trained throughout the Philippine islands and compiled the findings in a book. This book opened up numerous Masters and Systems to the rest of the world outside of their province of origin and influenced the majority of books that came after it. Many of the photographs that Punong Guro Sulite took for his book also appear in the the books of Master Rey Galang and Mark Wiley. Guro Dino Flores can be contacted for Classes or Seminars at … [Read more...]

What Makes A Grandmaster? By Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite

What Makes A Grandmaster? By Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite To be recognized as a Grandmaster or Master of combat arts in the Philippines, you must have made your reputation and show mental maturity and physical age.  Grandmasters question the rankings of other grandmasters. Masters and grandmasters are criticized and questioned regarding their skills and abilities.  Who bestowed their title?  Do they have enough skills for the titles they carry? How many years have they been practicing the art?  How old is he?  How many followers and students does this man have? In other martial arts, the attainment of a certain level automatically designates the title Master or Grandmaster.  In the Philippines, there are certain norms to be satisfied before one can be called and accepted as a Master or Grandmaster. A master of the art must be a master of himself.  He must be in control. His daily life epitomizes a man in control of his life, his destiny.  A master of the art must know his art, its origins, its history, its  philosophy.  He must know the techniques, the interplay of techniques, and the reversals of techniques. A master must know the basics, the intermediate forms and techniques, and the advance levels of the art.  Mastery of the art does not only mean so many years in the art, but the amount of experience using the art, one's personal evolution within the art and personal dedication and contribution to the art. A master of the art must know how to teach and impart knowledge from the art.  He must be able to communicate, elaborate and present the art in such a way that each student learns on a personal basis.  Each instruction is adapted to the learning process and ability of the student.  A master must be a real maestro, a real teacher. A master of the art must be of good character.  He should epitomize the qualities of a leader, the majesty of a noble, and the courage and strength of a warrior. A master of the art is called and acknowledged a Master by other masters, never by himself. … [Read more...]

Grandmaster Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo (1904 – 1997)


Grandmaster Antonio Ilustrisimo,                                                                                    Courtesy of Bakbakan International  and  GM Tony Diego Grandmaster Antonio Ilustrisimo (1902 - 1997) originally came from Santa Fe in Bantayan Island.   He came from a family that has a very long history of martials and mystical tradition.   His cousin, Floro Villabrialle, was the most famous Arnis master of Hawaii.  His youngest uncle, Regino Ellustrisimo, was an Arnis master in Stockton, USA.  Both men were mentioned in Dan Inosanto's book on Filipino martial arts.  However, the most famous of his 4 direct paternal uncles, and the most powerful fighter of the 5 brothers (some say he has more than 7 uncles) was Melecio Ilustrisimo, one of the most famous Kali masters of the Philippines of the early 20th Century, being influential in northern Cebu - Bantayan and Bohol islands.  All his forbears were expert warriors and were known to posses strange mystical powers. Grandmaster Ilustrisimo's students, fondly call him "Tatang" which  means "grandfather".  Tatang learnt Arnis under the tutelage of his father (Isidro Illustrisimo) and uncles (especially the famous Melecio Ilustrisimo) in the old way.  There were 3 famous Eskrima families in Cebu at that time:-  the Ilustrisimos,  the Saavedras,  and the Romos. Footwork was one of the first things he had to master.  As a tiny boy, he was put on a small table and his teachers would use sticks to beat his legs.  He had to learn how to avoid the blows.  He was also put on 3 half coconut shells in a triangular pattern and given the same harsh treatment.  This footwork is known as Tatlong Bao in the Ilustrisimo family. As a result he has mastered evasion and dodging at an early age.  This is a training that Melecio Ilustrisimo himself thoroughly mastered as he was said to have nailed one foot to the ground and challenge all and sundry to defeat him.  No one could,  and that footwork is called "Walong Apak" (Nail Footwork) in Kalis Ilustrisimo.  These skills of evasive footwork have all been mastered by Grandmaster Antonio Illustrisimo. He learnt the solo and double baston, espada daga, daga, bolo (sword), dos manos (a long stick/sword - roughly equivalent to the Samurai's sword) and various "weapons of convenience".   In particular, as a speciality, Grandmaster Ilustrisimo is noted for is his expertise in bladed weapons - something which many modern Grandmasters of Arnis can not lay proper claim to since their real practical experience concentrated on the rattan sticks. (Claims by most systems that they can use swords are disputable and only partially true).  This expertise as a swordman is not merely from personal experience and practice, but is the legacy of his family art of Ilustrisimo Kali which is a bladed art that stretches so far back in the family line that nobody could remember when it started. As a boy, the young Ilustrisimo had a very tough, stubborn, determined and indominatable spirit. When he heard of a far country called 'America', he decided to go there - at the age of 9 years old!   When his parents would not  listen to his panderings, he 'took' some family money and a machete, and again, 'took' a small rowing boat and paddled out to the sea to what he thought would be America, not realising how far America really is.  He fortunately chance across a ship.  The sailors aboard were  surprised to see a young boy rowing out in the sea.  Out of curiousity, perhaps concern as well, there approached him and asked him where he was going.  "I am going to America in this boat!" was the confident answer.  The sailors rocked in laughter.  They somehow persuaded him to come with them.   Of course, he did not get to America.  But he did sail to a few ports, still not quite realising that America is still very, very far away.......... At a port, he chance on a family friend who recognised him, but not wishing to betray the high ideals of this young boy, he took him to the south as that friend was a Muslim.  There the young boy grew up - strong, determined, proud and skillful in combat as ever.  He was adopted into a the royal court as an adopted son of the Sultan of Sulu.  (This was Hadji Butu who ascended to become HH Hadji Mohammad Jamalul Kiram II, the Sultan of Sulu) While in the South, he was priviledged to train in the the best of teachers that the royal court could have.  He also trained with Pedro Cortes, another very famous master in the Mindanao region, who was used by the government to control the 'Rebelious South'.   Pedro Cortes was a close friend a sparring partner of his father Isidro Ilustrisimo. Then one day, he was drinking at a beer house, he got into dispute with another man.  The man drew his sword to kill Tatang, but the defty young boy beat him to the draw and, with one stroke of his own barong (Tatang's favourite type of sword), he cut  off the enemy's head.  The victim was left a headless man running … [Read more...]

A French Documentary about Arnis in the 1950′s.

french eskrima documentary

A rare look at the Warrior Arts of the Philippines in the Nineteen Fifties. Filmed in black and white in French with English subtitles. View it on the Mandirigma Research Organization Youtube Channel.     … [Read more...]

Lameco Eskrima


Lameco Eskrima is the system of Filipino martial arts founded by the late Punong Guro Edgar Sulite based on his training and experience with various Philippine Martial Arts masters, with heavy influence from Jose Caballero and Antonio Ilustrisimo. The word Lameco is actually a combination of words which are the three basic ranges of combat involved in the study and practice of Lameco Eskrima - Largo, Medio and Corto (Long, Middle, close). Contents One of the characteristics of Filipino martial arts is the use of weapons from the very beginning of training. Lameco uses Double and single Stick, Double and single Dagger, Stick and Dagger, Sword, Staff, Handkerchief, and Empty Hands. Lameco Eskrima is a synthesis of five major and six minor systems of Eskrima. Lameco training includes  drills called Laban Laro (Play Fighting). Laban Laro allows the escrimador to come as close to real combat as possible without injury. It is also designed to get an uncountable number of repetitions in a short period of time. Through his constant efforts for developing new training innovations, Edgar invented unique armor for the hands and forearms that allowed practitioners to safely train more realistically. History At a young age Edgar Sulite's father exposed him to the Filipino Martial Arts, himself being a boxer and Arnisador. Growing up in the Barrios of the Philippines, Edgar witnessed many skirmishes settled blade against blade. Edgar trained with martial arts masters who included Leo Gaje of Pekiti-Tirsia, Jose Cabellero of De Campo Uno-Dos-Tres Orehenal, Jesus Abella of Modern Largos, Antonio Illustrisimo of Kali Illustrisimo and many others. In 1981, he moved to Manila to train under Grandmaster Antonio Ilustrisimo. After relocating to the United States on June 30, 1989.   More on Punong Guro Edgart Sulite the founder of Lameco Eskrima at: … [Read more...]

Grandmaster Christopher ’Topher’ Ricketts Interview by David Foggie and Dino Flores


Grandmaster Christopher ’Topher’ Ricketts Interview Research & questions by David Foggie Interviewed by Dino Flores. Answers by Master Ricketts given in Tagalog, Translation by Dino Flores.  Interview commenced 12 th February 2006 and conducted over a span of three months by Dino Flores in Los Angeles, California U.S.A. Grandmaster Christopher N. Ricketts or 'Master Topher 'is Chief Instructor of Bakbakan International whose motto is "Matira Matibay" (The Best of the Best). Concerned with training and passing on his knowledge to students rather than collecting accolades and titles, Master Topher's skills and credentials are impeccable and second to none; he is one of the best of the best. A senior disciple of the revered Grandmaster Antonio Ilustrisimo and one of the 5 Pillars of Kali Ilustrisimo, he is the highest ranking living instructor in Lameco Eskrima, having trained personally with Grandmaster Edgar Sulite. With teaching credentials in several martial arts systems including Ngo Cho Kuen (5 Ancestor Fist), Sagasa Filipino Kickboxing as well as being a professional boxing trainer, he has dedicated his life to the martial arts and other fighting systems. With his brother Ronnie Ricketts being a well known and respected action star in Philippine movies, Master Topher has provided his vast experience in the fighting arts to choreograph fight scenes. Through an introduction from my teacher Grandmaster Roland Dantes in 1998, I have been fortunate to benefit from Master Topher's extensive knowledge and experience. Knowing the high regard my instructor, Roland Dantes and many other respected elders of FMA hold Master Topher and having witnessed his immense skills, it was an opportunity not to be missed. When I first observed Master Topher demonstrate Kali Ilustrisimo at his home, I knew that I was in the presence of a genuine master of Kali Ilustrisimo. During our training sessions, the true scope of Master Topher's knowledge became apparent as did his effective use of body mechanics. Under Master Topher's instruction, I was introduced to the principles and techniques which form the foundation and in fact, the nucleus or core of Kali Ilustrisimo. With a sharp eye for perfect form and understanding, Master Topher meticulously dissected each technique and corrected even the minutest nuances until he was satisfied. My time spent training under Master Topher has afforded me the opportunity to see the various aspects of this remarkable martial artist. A remarkable man, he is a fighter, teacher and friend to his students. Martial arts are meant to be about honor, respect, integrity, loyalty and dedication. Master Topher embodies these traits and as such, it is easy to see why Grandmaster Roland Dantes and many other highly respected masters are his friends and respect him. It was with the approval of my teacher, Grandmaster Roland Dantes, I began studying Kali lIustrisimo under Master Topher and as such, I consider him also to be my teacher. More importantly, I consider him to be a respected, loyal and much valued friend. It is my pleasure and honor to present, Grandmaster Christopher 'Topher' Ricketts. (Q) Firstly what is the history and aim of Bakbakan? Bakbakan means something along the lines of a free for all brawl. Bakbakan was founded in 1967 by a group of instructors from various styles of martial arts in the Philippines. Prior to the organization becoming a bastion of martial arts in the Philippines, the main objective of the original members was to elevate their fighting skills through constant full contact sparring. Originally there were only six of us: Ding Binay, Rolly Maximo, Christian Gloria, Eddie Ben Alicante, Rey Vizer and myself. We would meet at my house in San Miguel Village in Makati, where my bedroom was our original gym. (Q) Prior to studying under Grandmaster Antonio Tatang' Ilustrisimo did you have much exposure to FMA? Prior to Kali Ilustrisimo my training included the Rapillon style of Mang Sciano Cleope in 1967. He was a well-known eskrimador from Quezon province of the Philippines and I was a training partner of his son, Edgar Cleope. For a little while I trained with Jimmy Gales in his arnis style which he called Sphinx. He used the centro baston (central grip) and susi (inverted grip) styles of wielding a stick. I also trained with Doc Lengson in the Arnis Federation of the Philippines style from 1973-1978. (Q) Grandmaster Ilustrsimo is celebrated as one of the greatest masters of FMA. How did you come to know of Tatang and how did you come to be accepted as his student? I was introduced to Tatang by my good friend Alex Co, a driving force in the Philippine martial arts world. It was the same time that I met Edgar Sulite, Yuli Romo and Tony Diego. When we met for some reason the old man took a liking to me and thus I was accepted as one of his students. (Q) You were exposed to and had seen other systems of arnis. Why did you decide … [Read more...]

Lameco SOG – Kapisanang Mandirigma

Lameco Eskrima - SOG, Kapisanang Mandirigma

Lameco SOG - Kapisanang Mandirigma The Los Angeles – Historic Filipinotown Chapter of Lameco SOG - Kapisanang Mandirigma includes Guros Joel Adriatico, Hospecio "Bud" Balani Jr., Mar Elepaño, Choy Flores, Dino Flores, Arnold A. Noche, Gary Quan and Hans Anton Tan . It is also this core group that came up with the term “SOG” with the guidance and approval of the two highest-ranking Lameco Eskrima International members, Master Christopher N. Ricketts (RIP) and Master Reynaldo S. Galang. We are still in touch with the other Lameco SOG members (who are also very busy heading their own organizations) with whom we occasionally get together with to collaborate or socialize. The majority of us who banded together after our teacher's death continue to do so since 1997. When Punong Guro passed away, the members unified to keep his teachings and vision alive in ways besides the commercial route. Hence, we began volunteering / teaching a youth program in the Los Angeles Historic Filipinotown area. The program, which started in 1999, teaches Lameco Eskrima, Filipino Martial Arts, Philippine Culture and History as a diversion for ‘at risk youths’ from the temptations of gangs and drugs. Historic Filipinotown , located in Los Angeles' Rampart District, is notorious for being among the highest in gang, murder and drug activity in the country since the 1960's. In as much so, that Hollywood has portrayed it in television shows such as “Adam-12” and most recently in “The Shield” , as well as in feature films like “Training Day". Even the video game, "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas", contains a story-line reminiscent of the Rampart Police Scandal of the 1990's. It's notoriety is also mentioned in the acclaimed literary works such as Charles Bukowskis' “Ham on Rye” and Carlos Bulosan’s “America is in the Heart”. The initial youth program has expanded into several other nonprofit agencies to include children, adults and seniors.* We even picked up a few awards along the way. Since then we have been involved in many aspects of the Filipino volunteer / cultural community that included being one of only two cultural groups to usher in the First Official "Filipinotown" in America– televised inside the iconic Los Angeles City Hall. Other activities include lecturing at the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) Conferences and a number of prestigious universities as well and doing various newspaper, radio and television interviews in the U.S. and Philippines. To avoid typical martial arts politics, Lameco SOG members teach these Lameco Eskrima-based programs under different organizations. This has allowed us to focus on one of Punong Guro’s visions – to promote the Arts with honor and integrity. Punong Guro was passionate about his culture as a whole. Since Punong Guro Sulite's passing the group has continued to train together and have trained a second generation of students in the Lameco SOG method. Given the nature of our neighborhood, a number of these students have used their lessons for self-preservation with actual knife, stick and even gun situations. We have been teaching these students since they were teens. They are now adults and are now assisting us in teaching the next generation. … [Read more...]

Kali Klub Sa Historic Filipinotown Los Angeles

historic filipinotown

Kali Klub Kali Klub, an award-winning project of Kapisanang Mandirigma, initially started as a positive diversion against drugs and gangs for youths in the Temple-Beverly corridor, now known as Historic Filipinotown. It is; a collaboration with several non- profit agencies in the area such as FilAm Arts, SIPA and PWC. Now entering their 9th year, they have expanded to teaching Children (ages 5-12), Youths (ages 13-17), Adults (ages 18 & over) and Elders (ages 40 & Over) the Warrior Arts of the Philippines in a non-commercial, non-political environment where art, culture and heritage are integrated into their curriculum. Presentations include the dedication of Historic Filipinotown at the Los Angeles City Hall and a lecture/demo at the Filipino Historical Society Conference at Loyola University. Kali Klub sa FilAm ARTS - The Association for the Advancement of Filipino American Arts & Culture ("FilAm ARTS") was founded in 1999 but has consistently delivered the annual presentation of the Festival of Philippine Arts & Culture (FPAC) since their early beginnings in 1992 and has now added two other programs: the California-statewide Pilipino Artists Network (PAN) and the Eskuwela Kultura Neighborhood Cultural School. Kali Klub sa FilAm ARTS, established in 2004, is a joint project between Kapisanang Mandirigma and the Association for the Advancement of Filipino American Arts & Culture (FilAm ARTS) under their community-based nonprofit 501(c)(3) status. Kali Klub sa SIPA - Founded in 1972, Search to Involve Pilipino Americans ("SIPA") has long established itself as a key service provider among the low-income and underserved multi- ethnic youth and families in the Temple Beverly corridor and the Pilipino American community of Los Angeles County. Their mission is to enhance the quality of life of the Pilipino American community by: Supporting youth development and leadership; Providing family programs, health and human services and affordable housing; Facilitation of collaborative actions within multi-ethnic communities. Kali Klub sa SIPA, established in 1999, is a joint project between Kapisanang Mandirigma and Search to Involve Pilipino Americans (SIPA) under their community- based nonprofit 501(c)(3) status. Kali Klub sa PWC - The Pilipino Workers' Center ("PWC") was founded in 1997 on the idea that all workers have a right to safe working conditions, living wages, a decent standard of living and quality of life. Their mission is to organize Filipino Workers to collectively address our needs and issues both in the work place and in the community. Kali Klub sa PWC, established in 2003, is a joint project between Kapisanang Mandirigma and Pilipino Workers' Center (PWC) under their community-based nonprofit 501(c)(3) status.   … [Read more...]

Mandirigma Research Organization/

mandirigma research organization

Mandirigma Research Organization/, a project of Kapisanang Mandirigma, is a research organization dedicated to cultural research. Their focus includes preserving and promoting the Warrior Arts of the Philippines commonly known as Kali, Eskrima and Arnis. The Warrior Arts is one of the most important aspects of any society because its very nature is to defend and preserve the culture it originated from. Thus, is also involved in researching  culture in issues from ancient to current. The primary objective of is to do its part in keeping alive ancient knowledge and give honor to the sacrifices made by previous generations. Using both traditional and modern methods in its work, has organized, collaborated with and participated in classes, conferences, demonstrations, festivals, lectures, seminars and workshops with prominent college and community organizations. Aside from their hands-on approach, utilizes multimedia technologies such as audio, desktop, video and web to reach people across the globe. Researching since the 1970's, believes in being actively involved in giving back to the community. They have collaborated with and volunteered in various non-profit agencies. They have also arranged fundraisers in order to assist causes for indigenous tribal groups and organizations dedicated to cultural preservation in the Philippines. believes that this expansive pursuit is at its best a collaborative effort. This has allowed to meet and work with many fine individuals and organizations throughout the Philippines, the United States and the world. welcomes all with an open and positive mind to participate and join them on this never-ending cultural adventure. This humble site is dedicated to honoring the sacrifices of Filipino Warriors throughout the many generations that have come before us. Maraming Salamat! … [Read more...]

Kapisanang Mandirigma

kapisanang mandirigma

Kapisanang Mandirigma - A federation of warriors from different disciplines of the Warrior Arts of the Philippines. It is not a style, nor a representation of any singular style, but rather a federation of practitioners with similar goals to provide a vehicle for growth and personal discovery through continued training. Founded in 1998 by Guros Joel Adriatico, Hospecio "Bud" Balani Jr., Mar Elepaño, Choy Flores, Dino Flores, Arnold Noche, Gary Quan, Hans Anton Tan and Pantaleon “Mang Leo” Revilles, Jr. (RIP) from Lameco SOG (Sulite Orihinal Group), this unique federation has an ever-growing but extremely selective membership representing numerous progressive fighting styles. The ideas that interchange between the diverse styles and dedicated members create a dynamic foundation for continuously keeping the Warrior Arts of the Philippines alive with integrity for future generations. … [Read more...]

LAMECO: Legacy of Steel By Steve Tarani

dino flores eskrima

This article was reprinted with the author's permission from the Souvenir Edition of Arnisador Magazine published by Goodwill Publications Limited. More information about the magazine can be obtained by calling Peter Morgan in London at +44 (0) 171-895 0800. Saturday, June 1st, 1996 LAMECO: Legacy of Steel By Steve Tarani Swollen knuckles, bleeding forearms and battered shins - two warriors face off in a clearing. Sharp strikes of clashing rattan mix with the drawl of heavy breathing and shuffling feet. Intensely focused and alert, both combatants melt into the sweltering humidity. Glistening beads of sweat roll down to fingers wrought with open blisters. Ignoring the searing pain, each man continues fighting. Skillfully, cautiously - each life hinges upon immediate reaction to a deadly salvo of crushing blows. Such is the way of life of an Arnisador - a path chosen by Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite. Since and before the days of Magellan, the Filipino martial arts have proven themselves highly effective standing in defiance of determined warring tribes, rabid Conquistadors and greedy foreign hordes. The LAMECO system, systematically structured and easily assimilatable according to modern training methods, is the stainless steel link in an unbroken chain of training succession. Great-grandfather to grandfather to father to son, a continual succession of knowledge and commitment breathes life into the ancient art from those very early days of foreign aggression to the current days of domestic violence. The heritage of combat-ready warriors runs deeply through the bloodline of the Sulite family tree. Born on September 25, 1957 in a rural province on the Visayan Island of Leyte, Tacloban City, Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite was raised by a family of martial arts devotees in a rugged barrio neighborhood where deadly brawls and Bolo knife skirmishes were commonplace. In other martial arts, the attainment of a certain level automatically designates the title Master or Grandmaster. In the Philippines, there are certain norms to be satisfied before one can be called and accepted as a Master or Grandmaster. After expressing great interest in the Filipino fighting arts at a very early age, young Edgar was introduced to the rigorous training by his own father - Grandmaster Helacrio Sulite Sr. Grandmaster Helacrio first studied with his father Grandmaster Timoteo Sulite in the 1930s. Grandmaster Helacrio went on to further enhance his skills under the tutelage of several other Arnis masters of varied styles (such as the late Grandmaster Melicio Ilustrisimo and Master Almario of Cebu among others.) Grandmaster Timoteo Sulite's instructors were active in the mid-19th century and their grandfathers recalled stories of their grandfathers which included the defeat of several infamous Spanish conquistadors using the very same styles of Arnis that have been meticulously passed down to Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite who, in turn, continues the solemn tradition to this very day. While simultaneously training under his father and coming to master the family system known as Sulite Rapelon, Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite continually expanded his skills and combat technology by training intently with several other masters and Grandmasters all across the Philippine Islands. Punong Guro devoted his entire life to the study of the ancient systems and masters who transformed him from young eager aspirant to the refined physical embodiment of technical perfection that he has become today. Among the long list of such distinguished curators of the ancient ways is Grandmaster Antonio Ilustrisimo of Bag-on Bantayan - founder of Kali Ilustrisimo, Grandmaster Jose D. Caballero of Ozamis City, Western Mindanao - founder of De Campo 1-2-3 Orihenal and Grandmaster Leo T. Gaje Jr. of Negros Occidental - founder of Pekiti Tirsia (a close quarters combat system that specializes in knife and Espada y Daga.) Punong Guro sheds further light on the methods of his masters in a series of educational books and video tapes available to the general public. Especially in his third book, MASTERS OF ARNIS, KALI & ESKRIMA, Punong Guro provides a rare glimpse into the arcane and mystical world of the traditional Filipino warrior class. Punong Guro is also the author of ADVANCED BALISONG: FILIPINO BUTTERFLY KNIFE and THE SECRETS OF ARNIS and has produced a total of ten instructional video tapes. Punong Guro Sulite believes that the ancient tradition of keeping the sacred art only in the family is a double-edged sword. On the one hand the art is kept pure and in accordance with tradition. On the other hand, as modern times erode the interests of today's youth, (who would much rather play video games rather than listen to grandpa tell old war stories,) the passing of the torch becomes more and more limited to only a select few. Unfortunately, when such masters pass away, so goes with them, forever, the art which they … [Read more...]