Remembering Guro Bud Balani – Rest In Peace – Fundraiser


DONATE:   Remembering Guro Bud Balani My name is Johnathan Balani, and it's with great sadness that I'm announcing the passing of my father, Hospecio "Bud" Balani Jr. who unexpectedly and tragically passed away on May 11, 2023 at the age of 60 years old. To those who knew him he was a great man, teacher, loyal friend, and coworker. To our family he was a great son, brother, uncle, godfather and most of all a great father. He left behind his three brothers (Phil, John, and Dale), his mother Helly, and above all his Son, Johnathan. He was dealing with a great amount of medical issues these past few years following a near fatal motorcycle accident in 2019. One year ago Bud moved to Las Vegas with Johnathan to go be with Buds mother. Beforehand, he worked as a Local 80 Motion Pictures Studio Grip for 20+ years and was a martial arts instructor of Lameco Escrima & Kali lustrisimo. Bud leaves behind a community that has been forever touched by his kindness, passion, and unmatchable hardheadedness and love for his family, friends, and colleagues. His impact on the lives will continue to be with us for years to come. Bud will be deeply missed, his spirit will live on through the memories and countless lives he has touched throughout his journey. This fundraiser is to help our family with covering the funeral costs, memorial services, and transportation to get him back to Los Angeles from Las Vegas to be laid to rest with his late wife and Johnathans mother, Cindy Balani. Our family and friends really want to make it possible to give Bud the service that he deserves. For anyone in the position and/or willing to donate to our cause, any amount of money helps and it will be appreciated tremendously by me and my family. Thank you greatly. More About Guro Bud Balani: … [Read more...]

Rest In Peace Grandmaster Conrad Aquino Manaois

Grandmaster Conrad Aquina Manaois

          GM Manaois Fund for burial expenses:   Rest In Peace Grandmaster Conrad Aquino Manaois It is with my deepest sympathy to Tess, Kim and the Manaois family that we have lost such a great man, Grand Master Conrad Aquino Manaois. Manaois Eskrima International (MSI) which was established in 1979 will never be the same without him. GM Manaois has been in and out of the hospital this year due to diabetes and has been receiving dialysis treatment for his kidney complications. He passed early this morning (June 9th)  at 0255 at Glendale Memorial. I will have more information regarding services which will be held Wednesday June 19th, 2019. Our prayers and thoughts go out to all who new and loved him. I will miss you dearly my Grand Master with all of my heart. You are in Gods Hands, Ariel Flores Mosses.     -----   Rest In Peace Grandmaster Conrad Manaois. A teacher to several members of  in Cinco Teros Arnis and Manois Eskrima from the late 1980s to early 1990s. Many of the Lameco Backyard Group first met at his school in Hollywood where the doors were always open to us. You will be missed Grandmaster. GM Manaois has been in and out of the hospital this year due to diabetes and has been receiving dialysis treatment for his kidney complications. He passed the morning of June 9th - 0255 A.M. at Glendale Memorial Hospital. Services will be held Wednesday June 19th, 2019. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... About Grandmaster Conrad Manaois: Grandmaster Conrad Manaois began his training at the young age of seven under his father Marcelino “Ninoy” Manaois. Ninoy, as he was known was a Combat Judo and Jujitsu Expert and a Master of Cinco Teros Arnis who was undefeated in several of the so called “Death Matches” of the Philippines. After a formidable education under his fathers guidance, GM Manaois desired to further explore the Martial Arts world. Over a 46 year period he has studied many Martial Arts under some of the finest teachers of our time, such as Master Richard Nunez of Lima Lama and Master Leon Wang – Chinese Kung Fu and Martial Arts Fight Choregrapher. Grand Master Conrad began teaching Martial Arts to a dedicated few individuals in 1977 at the Filipino Cultural Center in Los Angeles, California. In 1979, along with 3 other Masters, he created a unique form of empty hand fighting called Kali JuKune Do. Around this same time he began to look at his family system of Kali known as Ninoy Arnis System “Cinco Teros Arnis” and to improve on it. He called his new system Manaois Eskrima. In 1984 GM Conrad opened his first private school on Temple Street in Los Angeles. While continuing to teach in Los Angeles, his certified instructors have traveled and opened schools throughout the world.       … [Read more...]

1st National Arnis Congress a Success!


1st National Arnis Congress a Success! by Tambuli Media Original article at: by Bambit Dulay Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri called for unity among arnis organizations and practitioners during the opening of the 1st Arnis Congress at the Philippine Red Cross Multi-Purpose Hall in Mandaluyong City on Thursday. Zubiri, an arnis practitioner himself, is the author of Republic Act 9850 or Arnis Law declaring arnis as the national martial art and sport of the Philippines. Over 250 practitioners from more than 100 organizations attended the event, which is said to be the largest historical gathering of arnisador (arnis practitioner) to date. “This gathering is the biggest gathering in our history and in my experience as an arnisador since 1986. Grandmasters of major styles of arnis all over the country from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao are here and screaming in one voice that we would be united,” said Zubiri in an interview. Zubiri lamented the fact that arnis is more respected and appreciated in the United States and Europe. “Many of our international organizations present here have their respective international headquarters in America and Germany. Why is it that arnis is more popular there unlike in our own country?” “Now we are taking a hands-on approach with the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) and I am so happy with the support of PSC Chairman William Ramirez,” he said. According to Zubiri, PSC is the lead agency mandated by law to assist in the creation of a national unified organization for arnis. “Under the law, it is he (Ramirez) who will lead us to this direction,” he said. Zubiri said that the new unified organization will be called Alliance of Filipino Martial Arts or AFMA but the name is yet to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Ramirez has pledged to fund the organization to boost arnis’ popularity in its homeland. “We are committed to support them financially so that Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) will really grow,” said Ramirez. “We don’t ask any budget from PSC. As a matter of fact, we have sponsors for this but we welcome the move of the Chairman to help financially but I promised and told him earlier that we will make sure that every centavo will be liquidated if ever we will be needing their help,” Zubiri added. Zubiri stressed that AFMA will be inclusive, democratic and consultative. “We will not scrap or discriminate any organizations. As a matter of fact, we are extending our hands of support and welcome the group of Raymond Velayo so that they may join us in this organization.” Velayo is the president of Arnis Philippines, the national sports association of arnis, under the Philippine Olympic Committee. “Let us work together because this is an alliance of FMA. This is not just one organization but an alliance of all FMA,” said Zubiri. … [Read more...]

Sen. Miguel Zubiri, Author and Sponsor of the National Arnis Law (Rep. Act 9850) gave this message during the First National Arnis Congress held at the Red Cross Headquarters Multipurpose Hall, Mandaluyong City, Philippines, on January 12, 2017.

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Sen. Miguel Zubiri, Author and Sponsor of the National Arnis Law (Rep. Act 9850) gave this message during the First National Arnis Congress held at the Red Cross Headquarters Multipurpose Hall, Mandaluyong City, Philippines, on January 12, 2017.   By: Joy @ Sen. Miguel Zubiri, Author and Sponsor of the National Arnis Law (Rep. Act 9850) gave this message during the First National Arnis Congress held at the Red Cross Headquarters Multipurpose Hall, Mandaluyong City, Philippines, on January 12, 2017. He asked his staff to email this to me and I’m printing it as is. “My love affair with Arnis started many years ago, when I was a young teenager training in martial arts, fascinated by traditional Chinese and Japanese weaponry. As young boys, we all wanted to be just like Ezekiel Thompson of the movie, “Force Five” played by weapons expert Richard Norton for his expertise in different weapons systems. Inspired by these icons, I started training with these weapons systems under 9th Dan, Sensie Robert Campbell of the Uechi-Ryu Okinawan Karate while doing my open hands training and kick boxing skills with Master Topher Ricketts of Bakbakan and Sagasa Karate System. When Master Topher saw that I was interested in weapons, he asked me to try Arnis. My first reaction was “Why?”. All 16 year olds at that time wanted to be like Sho Kusugi from all the Ninja films. But then he told me to trust him about the effectiveness of the Filipino Martial Art. I guess at that time, hindi uso maging Arnisador as it wasn’t as famous as those weapons systems seen in the movies. Unlike today, where we see Tom Cruise or Matt Damon doing FMA on screen, to the delight of all FMA practitioners. So one afternoon, in 1986, Master Topher introduced me to a short and stocky man in his mid-twenties who had the biggest forearms I had ever seen. I clearly recall telling him that he had “Popeye arms”, which broke the ice and started a wonderful friendship between student and master. His name was Master Edgar Sulite. My first lesson from him was a realization of how deadly and effective our Arnis system was in the real world. He would ask me to throw sticks, and even tennis balls at him, while doing the sinawali and to my amazement; it was impossible for me to penetrate his defense. He would then show Knife fighting techniques and empty hand techniques including takedowns, which were truly effective for real life situations and not just for fancy movie props and entertainment. I was in love… in love with this martial art and there was no turning back. I discovered for myself that we had a hidden gem, a secret treasure. A martial art that was so unassuming yet so effective, so complex and yet so simple, so graceful and yet so deadly. But most of all, it was our very own Filipino Martial Art. From then on, I met and trained with other legends like Grand Master Antonio Illustrissimo and GM Tony Diego, under the watchful eye of my adopted father figure Master Rickettes. It was at this time that I saw how the art and sport grew. I had the opportunity to compete in several national competitions and the honor to represent the Philippins at the First World Arnis Tournament held at the Ninoy Aquino Stadium in 1989, under the invitation of the Cañete Family of Doce Pares and WEKAF. I will forever be greatful to them for allowing me to compete in their tournament. Unfortunately, as the sport grew, so did the intrigues. I have seen for myself how little by little, we have been tearing each other apart rather than staying united. On how groups were starting to feel unwelcome because of certain personalities. Or being deemed “disloyal” for joining certain activities not “sanctioned” by governing bodies. This should never be the case. I, myself was a victim as well, of this brand of destructive politics in sports. In 1991, I was not allowed to participate in the SEA Games Arnis competition even if I was the reigning National Champion because of the simple reason that I had joined tournaments sponsored by other organizations. Again, this should never happen. I believe that every one of you, your students and your followers, should have the support and encouragement from the government and our national organization to enhance your skills and strengthen your art and style. No jealousy, no discrimination; only support and guidance. Moving forward, through the efforts of Grand Master Roland Dantes and several Arnisador, I filed SB #3288 and in 2009, we finally passed it as RA 9850. Unfortunately, GM Roland was never able to see it made into law as he passed away before it was approved. Let us recognize his efforts. Let us give GM Roland Dantes a rousing round of applause for all his efforts to unify our Martial Art and Spots through legislation, and this is what we are recognizing today. Not just the efforts of GM Roland, but of all … [Read more...]

Heart Bypass Fundraiser for Grandmaster Alexander Co

MAster Alex Co

Heart Bypass Fundraiser for Grandmaster Alexander Co Donate Here: Alex Co is synonymous with martial arts in the Philippines. He is grandmaster of Ngo Cho and Tang Lang, owner of the beloved Squadron Shop, publisher of books and magazines, and supporter of all teachers and styles. Master Co has done so much for so many, never asking for anything in return. His life has been filled with friends and masters and robust health and financial stability. He has been my mentor for over 20 years. Now, he is sick, he is poor, he is weak, and his life is touch and go each month. Master Co suffers from multiple morbidities: Heart Disease, Diabetes, Low Blood Pressure, and Kidney Failure. He can no longer urinate. He has had several surgeries in the past few years. Stents in his heart, stents in his legs, and he is in dialysis 5 hours a day, 4 days per week. He recently almost had his legs amputated. The thing is, Master Co could have a kidney transplant, except his heart it too weak. It is only at 25% function. But he cannot afford the heart bypass to make him strong enough for the kidney transplant. He has spent all his retirement on temporary procedures to keep him alive. But now the doctors told him he has a 50% chance of suffering heart attack each time he is connected to the dialiysis machine. And they have recommended another heart stent. He cannot afford it. So now, the most generous and knowledgeable teacher in Manila, who has been mentor to many and financial supporter of many passed masters, like Tatang Ilustrisimo, Edgar Sulite and more... is at the threshold of life and death. One day feels ok and the next he is flattened and swollen and unable to breath and in need of more temporary surgeries. Those who know and love Master Co, who is only in his mid-60s, do not want this legend to pass from this earth, We ask for your help. He needs your support. A few dollars, a hundred dollars... whatever donation you can manage.  If we can raise enough for the heart bypass, the docs say he will be strong enough for the kidney transplant, and perhaps live another 15 years. If we can't do it in time, there may be no more time. Please help, as you can. Please. Donate Here:   A word from Grandmaster Alex Co is a longtime practitioner of the Philippine Warrior Arts. He is also a member of Bakbakan International and has published several book on the subject, most notably the books on Lameco Eskrima by Punong Guro Edgar Sulite. Grandmaster Alex is a living Martial Arts treasure of the Philippines. … [Read more...]

Guro Dino from Kapisanang Mandirigma reflects on teaching Eskrima at the Non-Profit organizations in Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles.

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Guro Dino from Kapisanang Mandirigma reflects on teaching Eskrima at the Non-Profit organizations in Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles. When our teacher Punong Guro Edgar Sulite passed away, the group wanted to honor his work but in the least commercial way possible. We weren't sure how we could do it...and looking back I am not sure why we wanted to do it that way. One day after one of our countless demos around the city, Aki from PWC approached me to do a history workshop at Glendale City College. Afterwards she asked if I would like to use the art to help at risk to kids to gangs violence and drug use. My first reaction was "are you sure?" I was thinking we are kind of a rough bunch and we are wielding sticks, knives and swords and were more like a gang ourselves. I didn't think it was exactly appropriate at the time. I was reminded that the Rampart district (where the movie "Training Day" was set) had the highest murder rate in the city at the time and was kind of rough itself with numerous hyper violent gangs such as MS13 and 18th St. claiming the area as their turf. Thus I half heartedly accepted. Anyway, to cut a long story short - our recruiter was right. We had a surprisingly high success rate with the youth. Just a few minor glitches like gunshot wounds, knife fights, comas and molotov cocktails on roofs...but thats another story.From what I can gather, most of the rougher kids changed their ways....after maybe a little backyard method persuasion techniques. Two things were very effective. 1.Military style drilling, rules and lots of push ups for the whole class if someone was out of line - Guro Bud was an expert at this method. 2. Lots and lots of sparring. Be it Eskrima, Grappling, Kickboxing etc. If they were very bad they would have to spar everyone in class ending with me. It was truly a transformative and effective method...but probably illegal in several Some parents told us their kids grades had gone up. Another parent told us that a school teacher said to her that her son was "The most moral student in the school" (since joining the program)...still makes me laugh. We had an amazing experience doing volunteer work with those great Non-Profit Community organization like SIPA, PWC and FilAm ARTS. The at risk youth positive diversion program from gangs and drugs we taught from 1997 to 2004 was a big learning experience for us all. I am proud that when government funding was low or disappeared, we didn't let it stop us. Instead myself, Guro Arnold A. Noche and Guro Bud Balani Jr. offered adult classes at the centers at an affordable rate and used the proceeds to assist in funding the youth programs. One of the adult students even got Asics to sponsor us for a semester and we got some cases of their wrestling shoes. It was a grand adventure that took us far and wide. What more could you ask for, help a few kids out, teach a few adults some culture and still train in the art you love. All that was missing was a small paycheck for the Eskrima It's funny to think that all those non-martial artist participants who went through the program where forced to learn our Eskrima lineage and history. They were exposed to Lameco and the teacher in our lineage such as GM Ilustrisimo and his 5 Pillars (GM Tony Diego, GM Yuli Romo, GM Rey Galang, GM Christopher Ricketts and PG Edgar Sulite), GM Caballero and various other arts over the years. Our first guest instructor at the program was none other than the legendary Grandmaster Doc Lengson - which was an incredible honor for me. Not only was GM Dr. Guillermo B. “Doc” Lengson one of Master Ricketts teachers. He was also the one who advised GM Presas to add "Modern" to Arnis. GM Lenson also advised PG Sulite to use the title" Punong Guro". Punong Guro was the first to use this term in the Martial Arts, all others since were somehow inspired by his usage. GM Lengson was the first to feature FMA on Philippine TV. One of the TV shows had a 14 year old Master Ricketts representing Sagasa Kickboxing fighting a seasoned professional boxer. With another legend GM Roland Dantes as a judge. Other guest instructors at our program included GM Taboada, GM Gaabucayan, GM Manaois, GM Olavides, Guro Ariel Mosses, Guro Hans Tan and half of Lameco SOG. What a journey. Maybe this is why the kids responded.     Some items of recognition for our volunteer work back in the days of seemingly limitless energy. … [Read more...]



Over the course of the last month, the Philippines has been rocked by a series of natural disasters. First was the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that destroyed homes, many historical churches, and buildings on the islands of Cebu and Bohol. And the most recent, super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), cut a path of destruction through our island nation and other parts of Southeast Asia. Yolanda (Haiyan) has been declared the most powerful typhoon to make landfall in recorded history. The US Navy Joint Typhoon Warning Center stated that at its height, the storm produced sustained winds around 319kph (198mph) with gusts topping out at 379kph (235mph). The final details of fatalities, injuries, and property damage are yet unknown as many areas were left without power and are out of communication with emergency management services. This is a public event open to anyone wishing to learn the foundational concepts and principles of the Filipino Martial Arts. Guro David Gould of Lameco Eskrima, Guro Viko Perrine, and Guro Jerome Teague will be taking participants through some of the fundamentals of their respective systems including: sword, stick, knife, empty, hands, and weapon disarming. This will be an amazing gathering and will benefit a worthy cause. To register, please contact Guro Jerome Teague at (615) 319-3992. Cost is $40 with ALL proceeds going to the Philippine Red Cross. We will also be taking donations of clothing and other essential items. More Info at: … [Read more...]

MANONUDA For The Philippines Typhoon Victims – “Hubud Session”, Brussels, Belgium


    Join our semianr in aid to the Philippines. All the profit will be donated here: … [Read more...]

Filipino Martial Arts Fund Raising Event in favour of the Philippines Typhoon Victims, Brussels, Belgium. December 15th, 2013.

Fund Raising Event Banner

South East Asian Martial Arts Martial Arts Research Systems Belgium - Fund Raising Event in favour of the Philippines Typhoon Victims, Brussels, Belgium. December 15th, 2013.       We are all doing Filipino Martial Arts and thus are directly connected to the Filippins. I am setting up an event to support the victime of the Hayian Typhon that causes huge damage in the Filipins recently. I would ask all of my Martial Arts friends to relay the information of the event. The goal of the event is to raise a maximum of funds, During the event your will have the opportunity to train Filipino Martial arts technique and see some demontration. The event is open to all, practicioner as non martial arts practicioner. To be able to join this event, it will be requested that the particpants to give a donation of 15€ minimum directly to the NGO "Action Against Hunger" & "Philippine Red Cross" or any other NGO actively involved in helping the Filipinos victimes. The reason we have choosen "Action Against Hunger" & "Philippine Red Cross" as main NGO, we know from friends who are currently linving in the Philipines that those NGO's are active all the year long doing concret actions. All donations given to any other NGO's are of course welcome. Minimum participation is fixed at 15€ To register send your details and a copy of the proove of payment at The proof of payement will be the ticket entrance. Minimum participation is fixed at 15€ for a 3hours event. Web Site : Philippine Red Cross: Action Against Hunger: Many thanks for your involvment … [Read more...]

Filipino Martial Artists Join with other Martial Arts Groups for a Typhoon Haiyan Relief Seminar.

Filipino Martial Artists Join with other Martial Arts Groups for a Typhoon Haiyan Relief Seminar.

  A "Foundations" Seminar -a multi disciplinary day of learning martial arts such as BJJ, Balintawak, Modern Arnis, Aikido, and other arts by some of the most talented instructors in the Carolinas. All proceeds will be donated to UNICEF to aid the families in need during this crisis. … [Read more...]

Filipino Martial Arts – Knife Defense Seminar – Fundraiser for Typhoon Relief Assistance in the Philippines, Hollywood, Florida, USA. Nov 30th, 2013

Filipino Martial Arts - Special Knife Defense Seminar Fundraiser for the Philippines, Hollywood, Florida USA. Nov 30th, 2013

Please join us for this full day seminar where you will get a chance to explore the topic of KNIFE DEFENSE from 3 different perspectives: GARIMOT ARNIS, CSSD/SC and Russian Martial Art SYSTEMA. Presenters: Gat Puno Abundio Baet (Chief Instructor "GAT" Garimot Arnis Training), GM Bram Frank (Chief Instructor Common Sense Self Defense Street Combat) and Joe Gehr (Chief Instructor of Systema Miami and Technon Tactical). All proceeds for this event will go to benefit the people of the Philippines via direct contact of Gat Puno Abon on the field. Min. suggested donation for this event $100. All donations are welcome. Give what you can but join us and show your support. More information will be posted here soon. SAVE THE DATE and SPREAD THE WORD. … [Read more...]

Arnis Philippines Inc. (ARPI) organized “Operation Tulong” for ARPI members who had been victims of super typhoon “Yolanda”

Arnis Philippines

Arnis Philippines OPERATION TULONG FOR ARNISADORS Arnis Philippines Inc. (ARPI) organized “Operation Tulong” for ARPI members who had been victims of super typhoon “Yolanda”. Directors Med Quiambao and Rene Pronstroller were tasked to monitor the donations. President Raymond Velayo said that all donations nationwide shall go directly to the victims. Their names, contact numbers and area are as follows: 1. Arnis GM Carlito Ondillo 0921-5226327 Capiz Province 2. Glerio Urmeneta 0949-6958970 Tacloban City * Others to follow Please give us your full name and the victims name and donation given for posting and arnisphilippines. Thank you for whatever assistance that you will give. Please continue to pray for all the victims of the typhoon and may God always bless you! … [Read more...]

Way Of The Balisong – An independent documentary film project that examines the history and culture of the Balisong Knife.

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Way Of The Balisong An independent documentary film project that examines the history and culture of the Balisong Knife. BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR OUR KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN STARTING SOON!!! Synopsis> From the Batangas region of the Philippines, to the cutlery factories of Oregon-USA, to the practitioners and aficionados connected by the World Wide Web, this film examines the origins, history and culture of the notorious Balisong Knife. Well-known from its appearance in films and popularity among blade enthusiasts,  often overlooked is the small town which made the knife famous, now struggling to maintain its identity in a modernizing world. Help Make This Film> The Film is one-third through it's principle completion.  Finishing the film will require your help.  If you would like to support this project and be a part of history please join our mailing list and follow us on facebook / twitter to stay tuned to announcement for our Kickstarter funding campaign, starting on October 7th.   Help Make This Film   'Way of the Balisong' is a passion project that started from a visit to the heritage town of Taal, in the Batangas region of the Philippines by filmmaker Paul Factora in 2012. After hearing about the plight of the people in Barangay Balisong and speaking with prominent blade merchant Diosdado Ona about the disappearing industry within the Town it was named after,  a decision was made to return and document their story. After 2 subsequent trips to the Philippines, the story expanded. Originally intended as a short 10 minute piece, it became apparent that the tale of the Balisong knife was not relegated to just the Philippines and in order to tell the full story the project must also grow. It wasn't just about a knife, it became about the people who pioneered a craft that spread throughout the world and how that craft is now dwindling away. Along with a couple of friends & cameras one-third of the principle photography was shot in the Philippines completely self funded. Completing the film in it's envisioned entirety, will require another trip to the Philippines and several interviews shot throughout the U.S. 'Way Of The Balisong' will need YOUR help to be completed. Please join our mailing list to recieve updates on our Kickstarter Campaign beginning October 7, 2013 and stay tuned to learn what you can do to help make 'Way Of The Balisong' a reality. … [Read more...]

Fundraiser for Master Tony Diego of Kalis Ilustrisimo, July 2013

Master Tony Diego, Ilustrisimo, Kali Ilustrisimo, Kalis Ilustrisimo, Antonio Ilustrisimo, Arnis, Escrima, www., www.

  Greetings friends, We are seeking assistance for Master Tony Diego of Kalis Ilustrisimo. Master Diego's wife has breast cancer and has just had surgery for the second time. Sadly, even with surgery it has spread and costly chemotherapy is required. Master Diego is retired from work and has no medical or retirement benefits, so any amount donated will be very much appreciated and put to good use. If you would like to donate you can contact Dino at: or you can contact Peachie Baron at: … [Read more...]

2nd FMA Charity Festival in Trebur, Germany for Grandmaster Tony Diego of Kalis Ilustrisimo

Master Tony Dieg Ilustrisimo Kalis

2nd FMA Charity Festival in Trebur, Germany for Grandmaster Tony Diego of  Kalis Ilustrisimo "Master Tony's wife has breast cancer and had her second surgery last week. Even with the surgery though, it has spread and chemo therapy is needed. Master Tony is very much affected. Master Diego is retired from work and has no medical or retirement benefits. They had been saving money to operate on Master Diego's knees as they have deteriorated considerably in recent years. Master Diego is constantly in pain because of it. When the cancer was discovered, all the saved knee operation funds went to his wife's first cancer operation costs."   Instructors: GM Datu Dieter Knuettel (National Coach Modern Arnis) Master Philipp Wolf (NickelStick Balintawak Eskrima) Guro Flavio Ruiz Van Hoof (M.A.R.S.) Guro Tobias Ricker (Cacoy Doce Pares) Guro Jojo Balinado (Balinado Arnis Krusada) Guro Lars Helms (Pekiti Tirsia Kali) Hanjo Bergmann (Giron Arnis Eskrima) Andreas Hofmann (Filipino Fighting Arts) Joe Brandt (Lightning Scientific Arnis) Christof Froehlich (Lameco Eskrima) Minimum Donation: 25€ you are more than welcome to donate more;-) ALL DONATIONS GO DIRECTLY TOWARDS GM TONY DIEGO WITHOUT ANY COMMISIONS!! MORE INFORMATIONS FOLLOW Organized by Christof Froehlich of Kapisanang Mandirigma Germany and Lameco Eskrima Germany … [Read more...]

FMA Fundraising Seminar Friday, 16 August 2013, Idar-Oberstein, Germany

Fundraiser kali arnis eskrima escrima kalis fma Fundraiser kali arnis eskrima escrima kalis fma Fundraiser kali arnis eskrima escrima kalis fma 2013

FMA Fundraising Seminar Friday, 16 August 2013, Idar-Oberstein, Germany   FMA Fundraising Seminar schedule of training: August 16. Freiday, 10 am - 12 noon, 14 pm - 18 pm August 17. Saturday 10 am - 12 noon, 14 pm - 18 pm August 18. Sonnday 10 am - 14 pm … [Read more...]