Seminar: Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour August 2018 with Guro Dino Flores

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Seminar: Lameco S.O.G. & Kali Ilustrisimo European Tour August 2018 with Guro Dino Flores   More information about Guro Dino:  About Guro Dino: Guro Dino trained for many years with Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois in Ninoy Cinco Teros Arnis and Master Henry Bio in Sikaran Arnis in the 1980′s along with his cousins Ariel Flores Mosses and Choy Flores. In the early 1990′s he was accepted as an initial member of Punong Guro Edgar Sulites’ newly forming Backyard Group AKA the Sulite Oriehenal Group At the recommendation of Punong Guro Sulite, Guro Dino first visited Master Christopher Ricketts in the Philippines in 1995 and was introduced to his perspective on the Warrior Arts.  Since the passing of Punong Guro Sulite,  he has continuously train in Kali Ilustrisimo Under Master Christopher Ricketts, who gave Guro Dino permission to teach his method before his passing. Guro Dino was the Lameco representative for Master Ricketts and a member of Bakbakan Philippines sponsored by Master Ricketts. Guro Dino continues his training in Master Ricketts method of training with his two sons, the young Masters Bruce and Guro Brandon Ricketts. Masters Bruce Ricketts and Guro Brandon Ricketts are now officially the head of the late Grandmaster Christopher Ricketts “Ilustrisimo” organization which strives to preserve the purity of the art. Guro Dino additionally had good fortune to experience training in Kali Ilustrisimo with Dodong Sta. Iglesia, Grandmaster Rey Galang, Grandmaster Yuli Romo and Grandmaster Tony Diego. He also trained in Kali Ilustrisimo with one of his training partners and fellow Lameco Backyard member Guro Hans Tan, who was certified to teach Kali Ilustrsimo under Master Tony Diego.Additionally Guro Dino trained privately for several years in California and the Philippines with Professor Ireneo L. Olavides in Eskrima De Campo JDC-IO. Guro Dino also cites the importance of his training partners in Lameco SOG and Kapisanang Mandirigma in his growth. After the passing of Punong Guro Edgar Sulite, certain members of the Lameco Backyard group reformed also became know as Kapisanang Mandirigma. The group regularly continued  training, sparring, experimenting and seeking the deeper roots of their chosen arts. This group includes Guros Joel Adriatico, Hospecio “Bud” Balani Jr., Mar Elepaño, Choy Flores, Arnold Noche, Gary Quan, Hans Anton Tan and Pantaleon “Mang Leo” Revilles, Jr. (RIP). With frequent visits by Guro Lowell Pueblos, Guro Bong Hebia and honorary member Guro Ariel Flores Mosses.   For more information – Contact Guro Dino’s LAMECO S.O.G and Kali Ilustrisimo Representative in Spain, Tim Fredianelli:       … [Read more...]

Seminar: With Grandmaster Nene Gaabucayan of NNG Balintawak Arnis Seminar, Sydney 2018


  Grandmaster Nene Gaabucayan of NNG Balintawak Arnis Seminar, Sydney 2018 Grandmaster Nene Gaabucayan of NNG Balintawak International is flying in from Los Angeles, California to conduct a one day seminar. Learn an aspect of Balintawak that shows accuracy, speed, and power. Training is intense, in a sense that the new learner has to control the stick. --- About Grandmaster Nonato “Nene” Gaabucayan “Standing at 5 feet, 2 inches tall and weighting no more that 120 pounds, Venancio “Anciong” Bacon was a very unassuming man. He was a veteran of a great many “death” matches in Cebu. Described by many of his students as lightning fast, Venancio Bacon maneuvered through a fight smoothly while exploiting his opponents’ balance and coordination. He was known to be very surgical with a stick, able to employ varying force to his exact targets throughout his adversary’s body. But, his greatest virtue and asset was his constant desire to innovate and improve his art, diligently discovering techniques through the years, never ceasing in this path. He taught his art to those who desired to learn it.” At age 16, Nonato “Nene” Gaabucayan was introduced to Venancio “Anciong” Bacon’s BALINTAWAK. In early 1976, “Nene” Gaabucayan moved to Cebu City from Cagayan de Oro to attend college. He lived in a boarding house owned by “Ben” Marapao in Urgello area. Upon learning that Nene was interested in continuing his Karate training, Dr. Marapao suggested he take up Eskrima. Nene attended one training session, in which he was given a demonstration by Teofilo Velez. He’d never seen anything like it, since then he had always been a loyal student and teacher of BALINTAWAK. Along with Teofilo Velez, Nene trained with Bobby Taboada, Chito Velez, Monnie Velez, Eddie Velez, Romeo de la Rosa, and Hector Rizzari. Training was hard, and he made a point to be there every day. Like a sponge, everybody poured whatever Balintawak knowledge they had to this very eager 16 year old. In return, he learned from them. At 18, Nene began teaching his own crop of students in Lapu-Lapu City. He divided his time between his studies at the Philippine Air Force College of Aeronautics and the YMCA in Lapu-Lapu. After completing his studies in Cebu, Nene returned to Cagayan de Oro. As one of Teofilo Velez’ master instructors, he carried the Gold Chapter of Teovel Balintawak. He continued to teach Balintawak. In 1987, Nene traveled to Germany and later to Switzerland to teach BALINTAWAK. He stayed in Europe for 3 years, then returned to Cagayan de Oro. Nene has been teaching BALINTAWAK for 35 years.   For more information: … [Read more...]

Rest In Peace Guro Victor Gendrano Jr.


  Help Guro Victor’s family with the funeral and medical costs. The Story On March 14th 2018, we unexpectedly lost a son, brother, uncle, teacher, and friend in Victor Gendrano Jr. Victor, who many of us called “Guro,” the Filipino term for teacher, was a positive influence in so many lives and a man who had great passion for teaching and sharing his culture from the Philippines through martial arts. Guro Victor was always one of the first to help new students at the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts. Guro Vic was recently diagnosed with colon cancer and passed shortly after. We would like to reach out to our extended martial arts family and friends to help Guro Victor’s family with the funeral and medical costs.   Guro Victor will be greatly missed and will remain in our hearts and memories for the rest of our lives.   Padayon sa emung paglakaw.   Sumalangit nawa ang Iyong kaluluwa.   May your soul Rest In Peace Guro Vic!   Rest In Peace  Guro Victor Gendrano Jr Guro Victor Gendrano Jr started training in 1980 at Guro Dan Inosanto's first school, Kali Academy. Guro Richard Bustillo was the instructor of the class & the curriculum covered FMA, JKD, boxing & kickboxing. At some point, Victor decided to concentrate on FMA & started training in Guro Dan's class. In 1994, he became an instructor under Guro Dan & started teaching at the Inosanto Academy. He still teaches & trains at the school to this day. Victor is the founder & chief instructor of his organization, Filipino Martial Heritage. The purpose of this organization is to promote Filipino culture through the propagation of the Filipino Martial Arts. He holds an annual FMA training camp in Cebu which is taught by him & local grandmasters. For the past few years, he has been co-organizing a stick & blade tournament in Los Angeles. He handles the blade section which uses padded swords & shields. Steve del Castillo handles the stick section which has featured live stick & padded sticks.   Guro Victor Gendrano Jr. with members. … [Read more...]

Photo of soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army’s 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment. 1942 – 1946


Photo of soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army's 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment. 1942 - 1946 Photo courtesy of: Pelagio Valdez‎ 1st Filipino Regiment, U.S. Army, 1942-1946 Photo of soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army's 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment. Training with "Bolo" knives in this drill, they went "head to head" against each squad. These machetes dated as far back as the Philippine Revolution and the Philippine-American War. Through history, even Philippine Scouts used these weapons. They were later used by these inductees who entered the Filipino Regiments. When the 1st Filipino Battalion was first formed in April 1942 at Camp San Luis Obispo, California many of the inductees who were farmhands in civilian life brought their own field machetes to the training camps. Lt. Col. Robert H. Offley, the battalion commander was soon promoted and assumed command of the newly formed 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment. Activated in July 1942 at the Salinas Rodeo Grounds, the unit moved to Fort Ord where the 2nd Regiment was born in October. By the winter of 1943, Camp Beale became the next temporary home. And during the summer, infantry training was conducted at Camp Roberts and the adjacent Hunter Liggett Military Reservation. Somewhere in the process, ColNoel Offley decided to authorize and incorporate "Bolo" knives into the combat inventory of his soldiers. Proficiency became mandatory as practice made perfect. This weapon was also excellent for clearing jungle debris as an entrenching tool as well as for offensive and defensive purposes. Intensive infantry training also continued at Camp Cooke, California with the 2nd Filipino Infantry Regiment. Sometime in 1943, prominent Los Angeles businessmen arrived at this post of the "Sulung" soldiers. On this eventful day, "Bolo" knives were presented to the officers and NCO's of the unit. This was done as a publicity stunt to show the American people of the existence of the Filipino Regiments. The 2nd Regiment now became the only official unit in U.S. Army history to be presented "Bolo" knives for use in combat. The enlisted men had previously trained with these field machetes. Both regiments were now armed with these deadly Filipino weapons. And testing would be conducted in the upcoming battles of the Southwest Pacific Area of Operations. "LAGING UNA" - "ALWAYS FIRST" "SULUNG" - "FORWARD" "BAHALA NA!" - "COME WHAT MAY!" "IN HONOR OF OUR FATHERS!" "76TH ANNIVERSARY (1942-2018)” — at Camp Roberts/Hunter Liggett Military Reservation, CA   … [Read more...]

Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo: Legendary Swordsman from Cebu. By Melanie -March 22, 2017


    Original Article at Queen City Cebu   Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo: Legendary Swordsman from Cebu By Melanie  - March 22, 2017 We have been super fans of martial artists like Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, of wrestlers Hulk Hogan and The Rock, of MMA fighters Anderson Silva and Ronda Rousey, and of boxing champ Manny Pacquiao. But how much do we know of one Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo – a legendary swordsman, a master of Filipino Martial Arts, born in Cebu? Eskrima Ancestry Antonio Ilustrisimo’s combat skills and unusual courage was perhaps partly innate. He was born to a family with a long history of martial and mystical arts. In fact, the Ilustrisimos were recognized as one of the three eskrima clans in Cebu during the time, along with the Saavedras and the Romos. Pablo Ilustrisimo was known to be the first in the family to practice eskrima. Pablo then passed the skill to Juan de Dios Ilustrisimo, who passed it to Isidro, Melecio and Regino Ilustrisimo. Antonio’s paternal uncles, Regino and Melecio Ilustrisimo, were martial arts masters. Regino became an arnis master in Stockton, USA while Melecio became a famous Kali master in the Philippines and especially popular in Central Visayas (Cebu and Bohol) at the turn of the 20th century. Much of Antonio’s early eskrima training he got from his father, Isidro Illustrisimo, and from his uncles. Whatever the young Antonio learned from his father and uncles, he passed on to younger family members including his cousin, Floro Villabrialle, who became a renowned Filipino arnis master in Hawaii, and his grandnephew, Samuel Ilustrisimo. Sultanate Adoption A master in the making, Antonio was truly fit in the courts of kings (or in this case, of sultans). Although only nine, he was already very ambitious and adventurous. He dreamed of setting foot on American soil and making a name for himself there. Deprived of his family’s permission and blessing, the young Antonio took a boat out to sea with nothing but some of his family’s money and a machete. Little did he know that the land of milk and honey was thousands of miles away and cannot be reached by a lowly paddle boat rowed by a boy of nine. While paddling in the open sea, Antonio chanced upon a ship and agreed to sail with its crew, visiting various local ports. In one of the ports, the young Antonio met a family friend, a Muslim, who brought him to Jolo, Sulu in Mindanao where Antonio’s transitioned from boyhood to manhood. As his physical body developed, his combat and eskrima skills did too. According to accounts, he was later adopted by Hadji Butu, a Sultan of Sulu and the first Muslim senator of the Philippines. There, Antonio took the Muslim name, Montesali. While at the Sultan’s courts, Antonio further honed his combat skills alongside Moro warriors and Pedro Cortes, a famous martial arts master of Mindanao and a former sparring partner of Antonio’s father. First Kill Antonio’s first actual fight and kill took place in Jolo, Sulu. At 17, he had already mastered kali using the “barong”, the Tausug national sword – a leaf-shaped blade esteemed for its ability to sever an arm, leg or neck with a single blow. Unmindful of the Islamic restriction against drinking, Antonio had some beer but was reprimanded by another Muslim. The two had a couple of heated exchanges and ended up drawing each of their Tausug swords. The opponent was skillful, but teenaged Antonio was nimble and clever. Using the “tumbada” technique of parrying and cutting simultaneously, Antonio instantly beheaded his opponent. Although it was a gentleman’s fight, Antonio was intoxicated – a big no-no in Muslim law. To prevent inter-clan war, his adoptive Sultan father paid blood money and sent Antonio on exile to Cebu. Antonio was back to his home province and was reunited with his family. But this reunion was rather brief. Antonio seemed to grow restless when on safe harbor, in the confines of his hometown. He returned to sailing and traveled extensively. Tournament vs Real Combat Grandmaster Antonio Ilustrisimo never stopped training and perfecting his combat skills. He would join arnis matches in barrio fiestas, and even fought grand masters in other countries such as Singapore, India, America, Europe and Australia. Albeit his undefeated position in the martial arts arena, Antonio would rather fight naturally, without restrictions, without combat pads or armor, and fight according to specific terms of defeat, which may mean a fight to the death. According to Tatang, during an interview with Australasian Fighting Arts Magazine (AFAM), “the fancy stuff in arnis, all the flowery movements, is only for stage shows and demonstrations, not for real fighting.” He would go on to explain … [Read more...]

Budo International Publishing Co. is one of the world’s leading publishers in the field of martial arts, with more than 35 years in the industry.

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                Budo International Publishing Co. is one of the world's leading publishers in the field of martial arts, with more than 35 years in the industry. Budo International Has been a big supporter of and associated projects. It has additionally been an early promoter of Lameco Eskrima, Kali Ilustrisimo and the Warrior Arts of the Philippines in general. It is among the favorite Martial Arts publishing companies of Budo International Publishing Co. is one of the world's leading publishers in the field of martial arts, with more than 35 years in the industry. Our product catalog: Instructional Martial Arts, Combat Sports & Self Defense DVDs (PAL and NTSC, more than 600 titles in 5 languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian), Videos on Download Books, and Free online monthly Magazine Budo International in 8 language editions (English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese).     The late Punong Guro Edgar Sulite on the cover. The first magazine ever to publish an article about him. First to put him on the cover. Many publications would follow years later, but Budo Publishing  was the first. … [Read more...]