New Lameco Eskrima Book by Guro David Gould released 2014. Published by Mark Wiley's - Tambuli Media. In the art of Eskrima, few names stand out like the late Edgar Salute’s. He dedicated his life to mastering the art of Eskrima and put his reputation on the line, taking challenges for money and honor. He earned the confidence of a collection of legendary grandmasters of the day, and earned the mutual respect of his era’s newest masters. When Sulite came to the United States he took the country—and then the world—by storm. In this unique book, Guro David E. Gould recounts the life, the art and the legacy of Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite and his Lameco Eskrima system. Broken down into 10 distinct chapters, Lameco Eskrima: The Legacy of Edgar Sulite, presents the evolution of a fighter and his art, from his early days in Tacloban City and Ozamis City, through his middle period in Manila, and finally his later years in the United States. … [Read more...]
New Lameco Eskrima Book by Guro David Gould released 2014. Published by Mark Wiley’s – Tambuli Media.
Lameco/Ilustrisimo/Bakbakan Workshop with Guro Doran Sordo and Guro Dino Flores in FMA Informative Newspaper Vol3 No12 – 2014
Lameco/Ilustrisimo/Bakbakan Workshop with Guro Doran Sordo and Guro Dino Flores in FMA Informative Newspaper Vol3 No12 – 2014 … [Read more...]
Lameco Eskrima Mexico Camp 2014 in FMA Informative Newspaper – Vol3 No11 – 2014
Lameco Eskrima Mexico Camp 2014 in FMA Informative Newspaper - Vol3 No11 - 2014 … [Read more...]
Close Quarter Gun vs Knife Tactics – 8 week course with live fire in Las Vegas, Nevada. With Guro Ariel Mosses of Combat FMA
Quarter Gun vs Knife Tactics - 8 week course with live fire in Las Vegas, Nevada. Close Quarter Gun vs Knife Tactics - 8 week course with live fire in Las Vegas, Nevada. With Guro Ariel Mosses of Combat FMA … [Read more...]
Workshop: Grandmaster Conrad A. Manaois, Sunday Dec. 7, 2014. Las Vegas Lohan School of Shaolin
Grand Master Conrad A. Manaois Workshop Grand Master Conrad A. Manaois will be conducting a workshop this Sunday Dec. 7 at Las Vegas Lohan School of Shaolin showcasing his combat proven, close quarter fighting techniques! … [Read more...]