The FMA Informative publishes Master Tony Diego & Kalis Ilustrisimo Special Issue, March 2013
Informative Issue No #67
Kalis Ilustrisimo
The FMA Informative publishes Master Tony Diego & Kalis Ilustrisimo Special Issue, March 2013
Master Antonio “Tony” Diego
When Master Tony moved to Manila, he trained in the Balintawak style of Arnis with the Eskrimadors
from Cebu while he was working at the docks and at the same time training with Berting Presas (Modern Arnis) in Quiapo, a district of Manila. Soon after, he met Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo in 1974. Tatang’s simple but ferocious style greatly impressed him. He then requested Tatang to teach him. At first Tatang would not teach Master Tony, explaining that it was only for his use alone! He said he remained undefeated because others do not know his style. Master Tony, far from being deterred, relentlessly pestered Tatang with attention and gifts until the old man finally agreed to teach him the ways of the blade.
As a teacher of Eskrima, Master Tony has earned the highest reputation as a person and as an instructor. He fully believes that a student who learns the Ilustrisimo system should give credit where credit is due, and not to learn and then claim it or its derivatives as a personal innovation or declare it as coming from an imagined family tradition.
Compared with Tatang, Tony teaches almost the same way with the exception that he has structured his
instruction procedures into sets of techniques which make learning easier. This comes from having seen it from the student’s point of view.
Tony has insisted on maintaining the purity of the system as Tatang taught it. The only change is the way the Ilustrisimo system is now taught in a structured sense, which Tatang did not.
Any Questions Contact: Ms. Peachie Baron-Saguin at:
Kalis Ilustrisimo in its Pure Form
Kalis Ilustrisimo in its pure form
tries to maintain the life and death
combative perspective and ex-
presses this point of view in its
techniques and their applications.
There has been also a need to enter
the Filipino martial arts world,
which has a greater emphasis on
the sports aspect. For this, Ilus-
trisimo methods and techniques
have perforce been modified in
order to keep within the structure
of the necessary constricting rules
of sports. These rules are meant
for the safety of participants and
life and death combat movements
are illegal. This is true for other
ing, etc.
Because of the greater
emphasis on sports in the present
Filipino martial arts community,
students are more – keen on learn-
ing techniques believing these
will enhance their skill and their
chances of winning competitions.
In contrast, instruction in Ilustri-
simo is based on the foundational
combat philosophy of Antonio
“Tatang” Ilustrisimo when teach-
ing the techniques and their appli-
cation. This point of view delin-
eates objectives which give rise
to the movements or techniques
necessary to achieve such objec-
The original main objective
of Tatang’s fighting system is win-
ning in battle and coming out of it
alive and unhurt. For this, a flexi-
ble fighting capability is necessary.
Thus the Ilustrisimo system has a
varied set of techniques which are
effective at various distances and
with various weapons all the way
to empty hands.
In using Kalis Ilustrisimo they use what one would call fraction (Master strikes at the student
according to numbers). The Master strikes the student first countering the strikes one through twelve
strikes, Abierta: Compared with Tatang, Master Tony teaches almost the same way with the exception that he has structured his instruction procedures into sets of techniques which make learning easier. This comes from having seen it from the student’s point of view. Master Tony has insisted on maintaining the purity of the system as Tatang taught it.